


GERMANY: - LIGHT PRICE GAINS - Light price gains are emerging on Thursday after the renewed interest rate hike in the U.S. on the German stock market. The broker IG indexed the Dax in the morning about two hours before Xetra trading about 0.3 percent higher at 16 186 points. This continues the recent ups and downs of the Dax between 16 000 and 16 200 points. The U.S. Federal Reserve resorted to a further interest rate hike in the fight against inflation. It raised the key interest rate the previous evening by a further 0.25 percentage points. It is now in the range of 5.25 to 5.5 percent. It is the highest level in 22 years. The U.S. leading index Dow Jones Industrial had taken this well in late trading, on balance it ended the session with a moderate plus. The Dax initially followed this lead.

USA: - LIGHT PRICE GAINS - On the renewed key interest rate hike in the U.S., the New York Borsen have ultimately reacted only slightly on Wednesday. Intermediate somewhat clearer price gains following the central bank decision, the indices then largely revised again. At the end of the day, the leading index Dow Jones Industrial stood 0.23 percent higher at 35 520.12 points. The Fed reaches in the fight against inflation to a further interest rate hike. It raised the prime rate by a further 0.25 percentage points. This puts it in the range of 5.25 to 5.5 percent. It is the highest level in 22 years. The eleventh increase in 16 months had been widely expected.

ASIA: - PRICE GAINS - Major stock markets in Asia gained on Thursday. The eleventh interest rate hike in the U.S. in 16 months did not really provide a headwind. This had been widely expected. In Japan, the benchmark Nikkei 225 index rose 0.7 percent in late trading. The CSI 300, which tracks the share prices of the largest companies on the Shanghai and Shenzen bourses, gained 0.5 percent in late trading and the Hang Seng index of China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region rose 1.4 percent.


DAX 16131.46 -0.49

XDAX 16137.71 -0.58

EuroSTOXX 50 4346.15 -1.03

Stoxx50 3973.55 -0.90

DJIA 35520.12 0.23

S&P 500 4566.75 -0.02

NASDAQ 100 15499.27 -0.40






Bund future 133.29 0.06%°



Euro/USD 1.1096 0.09

USD/Yen 140.0090 -0.17

Euro/Yen 155.3510 -0.08°



Brent 83.71 0.79 USD

WTI 79.64 0.86 USD°
