Alstom SA has won a contract from Dubai Aluminium Company Limited, or DUBAL to upgrade two GT13E2 gas turbines with its MXL2 package. The upgrade will increase flexibility and competitive advantage of DUBAL's combined-cycle power plant (CCPP). This new contract - in conjunction with an extension to the long term service agreement (LTSA) with DUBAL - will be the first MXL2 upgrade deployed in the Middle East region.

Its implementation is expected to be completed in early 2015. Progressively evolved from proven Alstom technology, the multi-mode MXL2 retrofit product gives DUBAL the ability to achieve a 1% increase in combined cycle mode efficiency as already proven with a previous implementation of the product in the UK (South Humber Bank). It will also produce an additional 12MW of gross power output, reduce CO2 emissions and increase service intervals by one-third, contributing to significantly lower operating costs.