Alstom's Board of Directors, at its meeting on 30 January 2017, decided to co-opt to the Board, Mrs. Sylvie Kandé de Beaupuy, Executive Vice President - Group Ethics & Compliance Officer at Airbus Group. On a proposal by the Nominations and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors decided to co-opt Mrs. Sylvie Kandé de Beaupuy as a director and a member of the Ethics, Compliance and Sustainability Committee. The nomination of Mrs. Sylvie Kandé de Beaupuy will bring additional legal and compliance expertise within Alstom's board. Mrs. Sylvie Kandé de Beaupuy started her career as a French law avocate and was part of the corporate/mergers and acquisitions team at Clifford Chance Paris, position she has held for 20 years.