Alstom is committed to ensuring that it conducts business in a responsible way and strives to achieve the highest ethical standards. Strong processes, associated with increased resources for compliance and control including training sessions, have been part of the Alstom compliance culture since 2000. These processes have been regularly reviewed, extended and reinforced. Alstom's current compliance program is certified by an independent agency and rated as achieving the highest of international standards.

Over the last decades, Alstom has been using external Sales Consultants to support its own commercial teams in a number of countries. Such Sales Consultants were compensated on a "success fee" based on the specific project they were selected for.

Over the recent years, the use of such Sales Consultants has been very substantially reduced as the strong development of the Group's international operations has led to a sharp increase of its internal commercial resources. In an effort to further reduce compliance risks to the Group and in line with Alstom achieving the highest ethical business standards, the company has decided to discontinue the hiring of such Sales Consultants.

Press contacts 

Virginie Hourdin / Claire Biau - Tel. +33 1 41 49 21 36 / 39 95 ;

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