Frankfurt (Reuters) - According to calculations by banks and brokerage houses, the DAX will start lower on Tuesday.

The focus on Tuesday will be on the economy. Following the figures on inflation and gross domestic product (GDP) in Germany, the data for the eurozone as a whole is now due. Experts polled by Reuters expect the inflation rate to fall to 3.1 percent in October from 4.3 percent in December and economic growth to slow in the third quarter. The sharp rise in interest rates and the sluggish global economy are acting as a brake.

At the same time, the corporate balance sheets continue to suffer. Lower prices and a significant drop in demand have weighed on BASF. Following a slump in the third quarter, the chemical company now expects sales and earnings at the lower end of the previous forecast range. Investors are also focusing on the US chip manufacturer AMD. Following a surprisingly optimistic outlook from Intel, stock market participants are also hoping for encouraging forecasts from its arch-rival.

               Closing prices of European indices level on previous trading day Dax 14,716.54 Dax future 14,773.00 EuroStoxx50 4,028.32 EuroStoxx50 future 4,033.00 Closing prices of US indices level change on previous trading day Dow Jones 32,928.96 +1.6 percent Nasdaq 12,789.48 +1.2 percent S&P 500 4,166.82 +1.2 percent Asian indices on Tuesday level change Nikkei 30,882.61 + 

(Report by Zuzanna Szymanska, edited by Christian Rüttger. If you have any questions, please contact our editorial team at (for politics and the economy) or (for companies and markets).)