ERKELENZ (dpa-AFX) - Climate activists continued actions Wednesday evening to prevent the evacuation of the lignite site of Lützerath. Police officers with lifting platforms took a good ten activists from a height of about ten meters from the roof of a former agricultural hall, as a dpa reporter observed. Other emergency forces were in the process of untying an activist stuck in a wrecked car. A police spokeswoman said this work was still being completed. Beyond that, nothing else was planned by the police side Thursday night, she said.

Activists set off fireworks at the site in the evening. At least two rockets flew horizontally in the direction of police cars. Otherwise, the protest remained peaceful. The police are of course still on site, said a spokeswoman. However, they do not plan to take action against the houses during the night. Activists continue to stay in these houses and in self-built tree houses.

Individual buildings were brightly lit with spotlights, and a construction machine cleared barricades in the evening. Fridays for Future activist Luisa Neubauer called the police action "absolutely incomprehensible." "Evictions at night in the dark. This is dangerous, provocative, escalating. What is this, what are they so afraid of?" she asked on Twitter./gba/DP/zb