FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Shares in the renewable energy sector were sold off by investors on Monday. This was relatively clear in the wind power sector. Nordex shares fell by more than five percent at their peak after the turbine manufacturer received fewer orders in the second quarter than a year earlier. In July, however, the shares had gained a good 19 percent at their peak.

From April to the end of June, orders with a total output of just under 1.3 gigawatts were recorded, Nordex announced. This is a drop of over a fifth compared to the same period last year. However, Citigroup analyst Vivek Midha assessed the order figures as better than feared. The drop in the share price was recently reduced to 2.2 percent. The expert emphasized that Nordex had already hinted at a sluggish second quarter. He expects an improvement in the second half of the year.

In general, stocks in the renewable energy sector also suffered on Monday from increasing uncertainty surrounding climate and energy policy in the USA. Following the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the ex-president's chances of winning another election are considered to have increased. In order to challenge the US economy, Trump wants to focus more on fossil fuels than on clean energy sources.

This clouded sentiment across the entire sector. Shares in many other European companies that make their money from renewable energies also fell accordingly. In the DAX, the Gamesa parent company Siemens Energy and the energy group RWE both fell by around 1.8 percent. In Copenhagen, the share price of Nordex competitor Vestas fell by 4.2 percent./tih/ag/jha/