Fannie Mae announced Enhanced Resident Services™, a new product enhancement aimed at encouraging multifamily borrowers to provide resident services that improve the health and wellbeing of tenants in affordable housing. This incentive, in the form of a lower borrowing rate, aims to foster services that address the needs of renters and support health and wellness programs, day care, food access, youth and education programming, and job training. Enhanced Resident Services is the next stage of Fannie Mae'sHealthy Housing Rewards™ initiative, which aims to advance the development of sustainable communities and the availability of affordable housing by encouraging affordable multifamily borrowers to implement healthy design features and resident services that improve the health and stability of residents. Fannie Mae will implement Enhanced Resident Services with Stewards for Affordable Housing for the Future (SAHF), a nonprofit multi-state group of affordable housing providers that offers initial and ongoing compliance certifications for both the borrower and the multifamily affordable housing property providing the special services. To qualify, at least 60% of the units in multifamily properties seeking the pricing incentive must serve residents earning at 60% of average median income or less. The program is available to borrowers as of January 15, 2018.