Airbus has announced the launch of two defense R&D projects it is coordinating under the European Defense Fund (EDF) 2021.

Airbus Defence and Space is coordinating the European Defence Operational Collaborative Cloud (EDOCC) project, while Airbus Helicopters is coordinating the EU Next Generation Rotorcraft Technologies Project (ENGRT).

Airbus explains that the EDOCC project will create a virtual platform to increase the interoperability, efficiency and resilience of military operations, thereby strengthening collaborative services on the battlefield.

ENGRT will focus on analyzing and understanding the needs of European armed forces for helicopter operations beyond 2030. This project should pave the way for the next generation of military helicopters in Europe.

Airbus is also a partner in six other multinational European Defense Fund projects around collaborative air combat standardization; enhanced flight deck; European protected waveform for SatCom; cyber threat intelligence; advanced radar technologies; and advanced radio frequency components.

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