1606 Corp. announced the launch of a new feature that will greatly boost how businesses engage with their customers. The Company's latest added bot feature, the Email Capture feature, allows businesses to capture email addresses during customer interactions, further enhancing their marketing capabilities and customer relationship management.

With the Email Capture feature, businesses can now leverage 1606's advanced AI chatbots to not only provide education to customers but also gather valuable contact information from their customers. This new functionality is designed to streamline the lead generation process and empower businesses to build stronger connections with their audience. Key features of the Email Capture feature include: Seamless Integration: The Email Capture feature seamlessly integrates into existing AI chatbot workflows, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience for both businesses and customers.

Customizable Forms: Businesses can customize the email capture messaging to align with their branding and messaging, creating a cohesive and engaging interaction with customers. Data Privacy and Compliance: 1606 prioritizes data privacy and compliance, ensuring that all email capture processes adhere to industry standards and regulations. The launch of the Email Capture feature underscores 1606's dedication to empowering businesses with innovative AI solutions that drive growth and success.

By combining the power of AI chatbots with email capture capabilities, businesses can unlock new opportunities for customer engagement and conversion.