1606 Corp. announced what it believes is a monumental milestone in the realm of investor relations as it unveils its groundbreaking IR Chat solution tailored specifically for public companies and investors. The debut of this cutting-edge platform at the Planet Microcap show in Las Vegas (from April 30th to May 2nd) signifies a quantum leap forward in enhancing communication and engagement within the financial landscape.

The IR Chat platform by 1606 is meticulously crafted to revolutionize the dynamics between public companies and their stakeholders. Leveraging advanced AI chat technology, this solution offers real-time, personalized, and seamless communication channels that transcend traditional boundaries. 1606 built this proprietary AI bot using Microsoft's Azure and Copilot, as well as integrating Chat GPT.

The technology behind this IR Chatbot is fully owned by 1606 Corp. 1606's unique sales strategy: focus is not just on expanding technology but also on securing strategic partnerships across industries. The aim to integrate conversational AI solutions with major independent sales organizations (ISOs), enhancing market reach and operational efficiency.

This strategy positions CBDW as a crucial player in a market poised for significant growth, reflecting commitment to investors and partners alike. The Company has fielded significant interest already from independent sales organizations in the public sector as well public companies. Key Features Redefining Investor Communications: 1. Instant Access to Vital Documents: Shareholders and investors gain immediate access to crucial documents such as 8K filings, press releases, annual reports, investor presentations, quarterly reports, and comprehensive company information through an intuitive chat interface.

2. Effortless Onboarding: Utilizing a company's website and publicly available stock data, 1606 Corp. crafts a bespoke Chatbot tailored to each company, ensuring a smooth and efficient onboarding process. 3. Email Capture Capabilities: The chatbot seamlessly captures emails through the bot, fostering stronger connections with interested investors and existing shareholders, thereby amplifying engagement.

4. Real-Time Engagement: Facilitating real-time interactions, the AI bot fosters controlled instant communication, transparency, and unparalleled responsiveness. 5. Personalized Interaction: Tailored conversations based on investor interests ensure meaningful engagement, bolstering investor understanding and trust. 6. Efficient Information Dissemination: Companies can efficiently share important updates, financial reports, and announcements through chat channels, ensuring timely and accurate information flow to stakeholders.

7. Robust Analytics and Insights: Powerful analytical tools offer invaluable insights into investor sentiment, preferences, and engagement metrics, empowering data-driven decision-making.