FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Shares in Rheinmetall and Hensoldt are once again in demand among investors after recent setbacks. In the weak Dax, the arms group and automotive supplier Rheinmetall took the lead on Friday with a gain of 1.4 percent to 261.80 euros. In the two weeks since the attack on Israel by the radical Islamic Hamas, the shares had risen by up to almost 18 percent to 275.40 euros. With the weak market, however, they had recently fallen back into a chart support zone slightly above 250 euros.

On Friday, a moderate price recovery to 27.54 euros was enough for the defense electronics group Hensoldt to take one of the top places in the small cap index MDax. The shares had previously risen by 20 percent to 30 euros at their peak. After yesterday's slide, they are now struggling with the 21-day line, which is important for the short-term trend.

With a price increase of 41 percent, Rheinmetall is also at the top of the Dax over the year. Hensoldt have risen in price by almost a quarter in the same period, which means one of the top places in the MDax. Since the Russian attack on Ukraine at the end of February 2022, the value of both stocks has at times almost tripled./gl/jha/