LEIPZIG (dpa-AFX) - Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG (MFAG) and Deutsche Post subsidiary DHL are currently negotiating a new contract for the cargo center at Leipzig/Halle Airport. "We can confirm that Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG, represented by the Management Board, is in talks with DHL," said MFAG spokesman Uwe Schuhart in response to a request for comment. The public limited company did not wish to comment on the exact subject matter of the contract or negotiations.

LVZ: Contract extended until 2053

According to a report in the "Leipziger Volkszeitung" (LVZ), the existing cooperation will be extended until 2053. According to the report, the finance ministers of Saxony, Hartmut Vorjohann, and Saxony-Anhalt, Michael Richter (both CDU), were already informed on Monday that an agreement had been reached on the fundamental issues. Final contract details are to be clarified in the next two weeks.

According to the information provided, MFAG was able to achieve improved contractual conditions for itself in the talks. The revised contract means that the airport operator will receive significantly more money than before. Among other things, the flight fees for the logistics company are to increase significantly. "There is talk of an amount in the double-digit million range per year that the airport company will receive as a result," it continued. According to the LVZ, the current contract runs until 2038.

According to the report, the airport expansion that has been planned for years is also being driven forward in order to meet DHL's needs. According to the information, almost 100 parking spaces for cargo planes are planned instead of the current 60.

Better noise protection urged

Marco Bohme, mobility policy spokesman for the left-wing parliamentary group, criticized the procedure as "highly intransparent". "It is unacceptable for such far-reaching contracts to be concluded without parliament." The state government must explain itself to parliament, he said.

Bohme had much more positive words to say about the allegedly better contractual conditions for the airport. "It would be a step in the right direction if the flight fees for logistics companies such as DHL were actually increased significantly." In addition to the fight against mismanagement, this could significantly improve the financial situation of the state-owned MFAG. However, Bohme fears a "deceptive package". "The key question is whether there will be drastic increases in charges and a ban on night flights for ultra-noisy aircraft."

The Greens' transport policy spokesman, Gerhard Liebscher, expressed similar concerns. "The new contract between Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG and DHL should definitely also be used to agree on an improvement in noise and health protection." This would increase acceptance and contribute to the sustainable development of the airport.

There is currently a controversial night flight permit for cargo aircraft at the airport /djj/DP/mis