COLOGNE (dpa-AFX) - Bavaria's Minister President Markus Soder (CSU) has spoken out vehemently in favor of compulsory insurance against natural hazards for homeowners in view of the recent flood events in Bavaria. The risk of flooding is likely to increase in the future and without compulsory insurance, all taxpayers would have to be called upon in case of doubt, Soder said on Deutschlandfunk radio on Thursday.

Soder described the proposal by Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP), which relies on voluntary solutions, as a "typical flop". A mere offer to homeowners would not change anything and would not lead to a higher level of insurance cover. Compulsory insurance would affect the common good. The FDP must realize that it cannot just be a lobbyist for a certain clientele.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) wanted to discuss compulsory insurance with the heads of the federal states this Thursday./dm/DP/tih