FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Adidas shares emerged from trading on Thursday as the Dax leader. The mood among investors apparently continues to be upbeat: Still weaker in the morning, the securities turned up in the afternoon and reached the highest level in a month. By the end of trading, they had risen by almost three percent to 151.86 euros, continuing their recent good run. Since the interim low at the end of February, they have gained more than twelve percent.

Already on the previous day, the 2022 balance sheet had not sustainably dampened the apparently newly emerged buying enthusiasm for the sporting goods manufacturer: Investors had already made a determined grab during the course of the day, even though the Group reported a slump in profits and a massive dividend cut. On Thursday, individual analysts now expressed positive views.

Stifel expert Cedric Lecasble, for example, raised his assumptions because of the recent stronger sales momentum, and he also emphasized the confident tone of the new company leader Björn Gulden at his first public appearance. Analyst Olivia Townsend of US bank JPMorgan expressed a similar view, believing that the share could rise further to 162 euros - she wrote in this context of "Gulden Days"./tav/tih/jha/