FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - After a recent strong run, SAP shares lost a little momentum on Thursday. On the Tradegate trading platform, they fell by 0.4 percent to 140.56 euros in relation to the Xetra close on the previous day. Following a price rally of a good 11% in November, they had risen to their highest level since the record high in September 2020 - and only just missed it.

The shares of the heavyweight in the leading Dax index benefited from a new regulation by Deutsche Borse. In spring, the so-called cap for the Dax indices is to be raised from the current 10 percent to 15 percent. Previously, higher index weights were capped at 10 percent. This in turn slowed down the development of the leading index and also that of the stock in question when the share prices of heavyweights rose.

SAP currently has a market value of a good 173 billion euros and a correspondingly high weighting in the leading index. Raising the cap from 10 to 15 percent would therefore give the share more leeway in terms of weighting. Equity funds that track the Dax would then have to buy additional SAP shares in order to reflect the company proportionately again. This should create additional demand on the market for the software developer's shares./bek/la/men