FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - A possible second term in office for US President Donald Trump continued to unsettle investors on the Frankfurt stock exchange on Tuesday. The Dax fell by 0.56 percent to 18,487 points in early Xetra trading, continuing the previous day's weakness.

The MDax lost 0.69 percent to 25,510 points. At eurozone level, the leading EuroStoxx 50 index lost 0.7 percent.

The so-called Trump trade is being mentioned by investors in New York these days, according to which the fact that the chances of ex-President Donald Trump being re-elected are considered to have increased following the assassination attempt at the weekend. Elsewhere, this is being priced in rather negatively, as according to market observer Thomas Altmann from QC Partners, higher tariffs could have a massive negative impact on the exchange of goods with Europe and China.

However, Altmann also sees the DAX in the "usual summer slump", which was reflected in particularly low trading volumes the previous day. A further setback means that the recent attempt to break out of the correction trend that has been in place since mid-May will be a false breakout for the time being. On Friday, the leading index had risen to its highest level since the beginning of June, which is why some Borsians already saw it on the way to the all-time high of 18,892 points./tih/mis