March 30 (Reuters) -

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Today in Washington ------------------------------------------------------------- This Diary is filed daily. ** Indicates new events ------------------------------------------------------------- THURSDAY, MARCH 30

ST. PAUL, Minnesota - Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari participates in moderated town-hall event before a Minnesota Housing Partnership Investment Council luncheon. – 1700 GMT

STOCKHOLM - Sweden Riksbank publishes the report, "Account of Monetary Policy in 2022" – 0730 GMT

WASHINGTON DC - Federal Reserve Bank of Boston President Susan Collins speaks on the economy and participates in fireside chat before the National Association for Business Economics 39th Annual Economic Policy Conference – 1645 GMT

RICHMOND - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Thomas Barkin speaks in person before the Virginia Council of CEOs quarterly meeting – 1645 GMT KRISTIANSUND, Norway - Deputy Governor of the Central bank of Norway Pal Longva gives a lecture for the regional network northwest – 0930 GMT STOCKHOLM - Riksbank Deputy Governor Aino Bunge will participate in a panel discussion on what can and should be done to ensure that the financial sector maintains the necessary stability. Henrik Braconier, chief economist at the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and Lars Heikensten, chairman of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council and former governor of the Riksbank, will also participate in the panel discussion – 1240 GMT ZURICH, Switzerland - Swiss National Bank Member of the Governing Board, Andrea Maechler, and Alternate Member of the Governing Board, Thomas Moser, deliver Speech on Money Market Event – 1600 GMT. BERLIN - General Council meeting of the ECB in Frankfurt - 0700 GMT. FRIDAY, MARCH 31

STOCKHOLM - Riksbank Deputy Governor Aino Bunge will participate in a seminar on Sweden’s future ecosystem for payments, based on the conclusions of the payments Inquiry. Anna Kinberg Batra Inquiry Chair and Governor Elect of Stockholm County, Bjorn Segendorff, adviser, BIS Innovation Hub Nordic Centre, and Paula da Silva, CEO of P27 Nordic Payments, will also participate. The seminar will be led by Pehr Wissén, Professor Emeritus of Practice, Swedish House of Finance and forms, part of the SNS/SHoF Finance panel – 1045 GMT

SAN FRANCISCO - Federal Reserve Board Governor Christopher Waller speaks on "The Unstable Phillips Curve" before the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy Conference - 0200 GMT. CLEVELAND - Federal Reserve Board Governor Lisa Cook speaks on the U.S. economic outlook and monetary policy before the 2023 Midwest Economics Association's 87th Annual Meeting – 2145 GMT

FLORENCE, Italy - Participation by ECB President Christine Lagarde in a Q&A session with students at "Nuovi incontri per il Futuro - Future-oriented meetings" organised by Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori in Florence - 1500 GMT BRIDGEPORT, Connecticut - Federal Reserve Bank of New York President John Williams speaks and participates in a moderated discussion covering the economic outlook and monetary policy at event hosted by Housatonic Community College - 1905 GMT


FRANKFURT - Participation by ECB Board member Luis de Guindos in a panel at the event, "The outlook for the economy and finance", organised by Ambrosetti – 0630 GMT


GENEVA, Switzerland - Bank of England Chief Economist Huw Pill delivers a speech at the International Centre for Monetary and Banking Studies Public Lecture 'Inflation, persistence & Monetary policy'. – 1630 GMT NEW YORK - Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland President Loretta Mester speaks before the Money Marketeers of New York University Inc – 2245 GMT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 WELLINGTON - Reserve Bank of New Zealand holds Monetary Policy Review - 0200 GMT STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 1100 GMT


LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard gives presentation on the U.S. economy and monetary policy before the Arkansas State Bank Department's Day with the Commissioner event. – 1400 GMT


BOZEMAN, Montana - Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari participates in moderated town-hall event before the Montana State University College of Business and Entrepreneurship Town Hall. – 2330 GMT

CHICAGO - Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Austan Goolsbee speaks before hybrid Economic Club of Chicago Forum Luncheon – 1730 GMT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 ROANOKE, United States - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Thomas Barkin makes opening remarks at Investing in Rural America 2023 in Roanoke, Virginia - 1310 GMT OTTAWA - Canada's central bank Governor Tiff Macklem and Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Rogers hold a press conference to discuss the contents of the Report – 1500 GMT STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0700 GMT WASHINGTON, D.C. - Federal Open Market Committee issues minutes from its meeting of March 21-22 - 1800 GMT OTTAWA - Bank of Canada key policy interest rate announcement and Monetary Policy Report - 1400 GMT. THURSDAY, APRIL 13 NEW YORK - Bank of England Chief Economist Huw Pill speaks on monetary policy at an event organised by MNI Market News in New York - 1300 GMT MONDAY, APRIL 17 RICHMOND - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Thomas Barkin speaks in person before the Richmond Association for Business Economics – 1600 GMT TUESDAY, APRIL 18 OSLO - Deputy Governor of Central bank of Norway Pal Longva will speak at a breakfast meeting on central bank digital currency organised by the Polytechnic Association – 0630 GMT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 WASHINGTON DC - Federal Reserve issues the Beige Book – 1800 GMT STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0700 GMT FRIDAY, APRIL 21 STOCKHOLM - Riksbank general council meeting - 1100 GMT TUESDAY, APRIL 25 PHILADELPHIA - Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia issues Non-manufacturing Business Outlook Survey for April – 1230 GMT STOCKHOLM - Riksbank holds monetary policy meeting 2 - 0700 GMT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 OTTAWA - The Bank of Canada releases its monetary policy deliberations held before its April 12 rate decision - 1730 GMT STOCKHOLM - Swedish Central Bank announces interest rate decision. April 2023 monetary policy report will be published - 0730 GMT THURSDAY, APRIL 27 TOKYO - Bank of Japan holds monetary policy meeting (to Apr. 28) FRIDAY, APRIL 28 BERN, Switzerland - Speeches by President of the Bank Council Barbara, Janom Steiner, and Swiss National Bank Chairman, Thomas Jordan, at Swiss National Bank general meeting of shareholders – 0800 GMT. STOCKHOLM - EU finance ministers and heads of central banks meet in Stockholm during the Swedish presidency of the Council of the European Union (to Apr. 29) TUESDAY, MAY 2 WELLINGTON - Reserve Bank of New Zealand holds Financial Stability Report - 2100 GMT WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) starts its two-day meeting on interest rates (to May 3) WEDNESDAY, MAY 3 WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) announces its decision on interest rates followed by a statement - 1800 GMT WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Federal Reserve chairperson holds a news conference THURSDAY, MAY 4

OSLO - Norway Central Bank holds press conference following the announcement of the policy rate decision - 0830 GMT. FRANKFURT - European Central Bank (ECB) president Christine Lagarde speaks to reporters following the Governing Council's monetary policy meeting – 1245 GMT OSLO - Norway Central Bank announces interest rate decision - 0800 GMT BERLIN - Press conference following the Governing Council meeting of the ECB in Frankfurt - 1230 GMT BERLIN - Governing Council of the ECB holds monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt SUNDAY, MAY 7 TOKYO - Bank of Japan releases minutes of monetary policy meeting held on Mar. 9 and 10 - 2350 GMT MONDAY, MAY 8 BERLIN - German Finance Minister Christian Lindner gives a keynote address at a conference for German tax advisers. – 1315 GMT TUESDAY, MAY 9 STOCKHOLM - Swedish Central Bank minutes from the executive board's monetary policy discussion will be published - 0730 GMT WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0700 GMT TOKYO - Bank of Japan to release summary of opinions from board members at its Apr. 27-28 policy meeting - 2350 GMT THURSDAY, MAY 11

NIIGATA, Japan - G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting in Niigata (to May 13) LONDON - Bank of England to publishes Monetary Policy Report - 1100 GMT LONDON - Bank of England announces rate decision and publishes the minutes of the meeting, after the rate decision - 1100 GMT TUESDAY, MAY 16 DUBLIN, Ireland - Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland President Loretta Mester speaks in person before the Global Interdependence Center "Central Banking Series: Dublin" event. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting – 0700 GMT THURSDAY, MAY 18 OTTAWA - Canada's central bank Governor Tiff Macklem and Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Rogers hold a press conference to discuss a detailed review of developments in the financial system and an analysis of policy directions in the financial sector - 1500 GMT WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 WELLINGTON - Reserve Bank of New Zealand holds Monetary Policy Statement - 0200 GMT WASHINGTON, D.C. - Federal Open Market Committee issues minutes from its meeting of May 2-3, 2023 - 1800 GMT BERLIN - Governing Council of the ECB holds non-monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt FRIDAY, MAY 26 STOCKHOLM - Riksbank general council meeting - 1100 GMT WEDNESDAY, MAY 31 WASHINGTON DC - Federal Reserve issues the Beige Book - 1800 GMT STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0700 GMT ---------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The inclusion of items in this diary does not necessarily mean that Reuters will file a story based on the event. For technical issues, please contact Thomson Reuters Customer Support (TRCS) at