FRANKFURT/PARIS (dpa-AFX) - Good business and an optimistic outlook have pushed Ströer shares to the top of the MDax. The advertising marketer performed significantly better than the overall outdoor advertising market in Germany in the first eleven months of last year and, despite recessionary trends, also expects positive corporate development in the new year. Ströer shares subsequently rose by 3.4 percent to EUR 48.24, making them one of the best performers in the mid-cap index.

A study by the British investment bank Barclays on Ströer's competitor JCDecaux provided additional tailwind. According to the report, the French company is confident that sales in the fourth quarter should increase by three percent and thus reach the forecast. In addition, the worst is over in the China business. JCDecaux shares climbed about five percent in Paris, creating a generally upbeat mood in the industry./niw/la/he


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