Stellantis N.V. announced the establishment of Mobilisights, an independent business unit, fully dedicated to growing the Company's data as a service (DaaS) business and developing and licensing innovative B2B products, applications and services. Mobilisights products will be available to a diverse set of entities, including private enterprises, public-sector utilities, education and research institutions, fostering data-driven decision making and enabling a wide-ranging portfolio of applications and services. As one of the seven accretive business units announced in the DareForward2030 strategic plan, Mobilisights represents an important step in Stellantis' efforts to grow and accelerate its software and data business.

Fully leveraging the data from 34 million connected vehicles the Company plans to reach by the end of the decade, Mobilisights has exclusive access and rights to license vehicle and related data from all Stellantis brands to external customers. Such data density will give Mobilisights a greater level of autonomy when it comes to its reliance on other data suppliers to power applications. Stellantis' software strategy deploys next-generation tech platforms, building on existing connected vehicle capabilities to transform how customers interact with their vehicles.

This strategy, detailed during Stellantis' Software Day in December 2021, is expected to generate approximately €20 billion in incremental annual revenues by 2030. Mobilisights will be a key contributor to those revenues. Mobilisights and its partners will operate within a very strict data governance and privacy policy.

This includes using anonymized and aggregated data, and only sharing personal data of customers with their consent and only for the specific services of their choosing. Customers also can opt out of information being collected, used or shared, even after they have given their consent.