Sony Corp. unveiled a wristband-style mobile device at a press conference ahead of opening of the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The SmartBand can log users' daily activities, such as the number of steps walked and travel distances.

The wearable device can interact with smartphones through wireless networks. With a new application, users can check their ordinary behavioral patterns comprehensively. Since the device can show the differences in travel distances depending on season or weather, it is possible to use it for health maintenance.

Sony plans to launch the device in the United States in the spring 2014 but has yet to decide whether to roll it out in Japan. The company also announced its new lineup of 4K high-resolution televisions, which have four times the resolution of the current full high-definition TVs. Its new technology achieved a much wider dynamic range of brightness.

Sony aims to offer nine models with the screen sizes of 49-85 inches by the end of 2014 to make 4K TVs the linchpin of its efforts to reconstruct its TV business.