34f7bb0a-795d-4994-afd8-23191f528106.pdf To: ASX Company Announcements Page 1 of 5 2016-01-06 04:42:58 (GMT) 61294754768 From: TOM Asset Management


TO ASX Company Announcements COMPANY

FAX NUMBER 611300135638

FROM TOM Asset Management

DATE 2016-01-06 04:42:29GMT

RE Announcement


TOM Notice in Substantial Shareholding


To: ASX Company Announcement$


asset management

Company: TDM AssetManagement

Fax No: 1300 135 638

From: HamishCorlett

Pages: 3

Attention: TheManager, ASXCompany


Dote:6January 2016Emoil:ifil;On , a ndler(i,)td1J1a rn.Con1.a o

Subject:Form 603, Noticeof Initial Substantial Shareholder

  • Urgent OFor Review OPlease CommentOPleaseReply

Dear Madam ISir,

In accordance with section 6716 of theCorporations Act2001, please find attached a Notice of Initial Substantial Shareholder (Form 603)and annexure concerning Somnomed Limited.

Yours Sincerely,

Hamish Corlett


Sydoey Office

L.c-vI 101GG Hur1tcr Street,

Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: +612 8999 8801 Fax: +612 9475 4768


N•w York Office

Le1,,1el 26, Seagrat"fl Building, 37S P;;i di:. Ave-ruJe1

New York, NY 10152

P hone: +12.12 634 6882 Fax: +1212 634 7474


AFSL No 331087

Form 603

Corporat.101'11 Act Z001

Set:tlon 171B

Notice of Initial substantial holder

ToCompany Name/Scheme


1. D1ata11s of :i.ubstlrlntlilhoh:Jo-r (1) Name

Somnomed Limiled

003 255 221

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ACN/Af.:'SN {If .apµucabJt}133 2.46

The- holder be(',ame- substantial holder on 211'121201

2. Dot.111• otvotlng power

Tha total nl.ltnbar ot votai'i auaroed to all the v-0tln9 i:;hi;1re$in Iha con1pr1,1y or vo1!ng interest:i:, In the wherne that the i:;1bslanUslholder or an t:tsso

re1Qv n1 lnwe.i (3)i,on the dilhe sub,tantlal hokier l:>ec;!me a si,os1antlal holder am as follows:

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3. D•1•11• Of tolYOOl hllorooW

Tho rHturaof the role11n1 intf:lri:mt tho al,lbs.tantial holder Qr an 1Ja15ociale had in tha fuHowir1g voting 11:lacuriliee. Qn th data lhe aubtantial holder bacama a

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aub:a.tantial holder are aa rollows:

4. Detail!J orpretiant reglaltl!red holder5

The per.sons re9lstered as holdem of the securitJe$ referred toIn paragraph 3 l'.:lbove r s follows:

J toldercf rl!llevar,l



5. C¢n(llder•Uo1,

became a 1,1bst·anti:a:l::h:olde:r,;is::i:l·:i;i,f;ol·h:;;i:w,a::::: 3:

;;d;ra l(S? •h :

The oonideration paidfor each relevant inteni;:t referred to Jn paragraph3 above, alid 1:1cquiradin the four mo,1ths priorto the day thal t $Ubsta11t1al holder

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S, AHOtlat.t

lh.o rudsons the parS.ons narned ln psu1graph 3 rit>ov-e ::1r ::1ssuc.iates- of lhe subsldht'8r hc,!det ateas. follows.:

Nohio andACNIARSN [ifooolicoblo) Now ,of os$otiation

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7. Addr tt101i!:

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ptint name Ha1nish Collett cap.:u;:ityOiroctor

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sign hor0 0610112016


  1. If there are a number of !.ubstantial holders wilh !!.imi!ar or rell)tcd tcle'i.'ant Jnlcresls ( Q..a roq)oni, tlonand Its relatttd corpottio11s. or the lliBni:lger at1d trustel'.'!l or en uily trust), th nar'ii-Ois could blll: inc.!udcd ir'll:"111 111,rhxur"Oto tht, totrrl. If lh re-1e,viJnt interest:;. of group or perwl1i;i are essentially imilar,

    !hoy may bereferred to throughoul 1hE;J fofni a a specltii;;.ally named gfoupif th m mbfrhlpof e.;:H,1·1 uroup, with the naines anorn-ie,ntiers

    i&nlearl}I 5e1 out in p;l::l1agraph7 of !he fmrn.

  2. Seelhe dfl!itllon of1'a.$soclae··1n l;!ectlon9 of lhecorporations Act 2001,

  3. Seelht;i definition of "televnt lnfefe!iil" in $ecli(H1 608 nd6718(7) Of the COfPOfation kt2001,

(5) l'he total nvn,bor of votes attached 10 all the voling share, in tho oorrwaov or voting intara•1(ifany) that I.ho pen.on oran as$OCiato hau rolavf.mt inh reslin.

  1. Include details ot

  2. any rele¥ant agreeimenl ot olher circumstances by which lhetelevnnt inteteiit wns acquired.If subs-ectlo116718(4) applles1a copy of .a,1y

    documeni setting out the 1ermsof any relevant agreement. and a sl.aternent by the person oivinc full and accurate details of any contract.

    scheme or rrangement. must accompany this form, together with a written stateml'j:1,t c.0rttfyltlg thls contract. ttOOme or arrangement: and

  3. any qualiflcat.lon of tho powmr ot· upei,;on to l;!Xorcis , control the exercise of, or Influence the exercise of, thevoting power!'; or d!sposal of. the

  4. seCi.1Fitie to whichme H;!evi;,int lntereM relates ll'ldk:.a.Ung clethequi:l.lifk'.;ationapplies).

    See the definition of "re!n,vant aorecmont"in !i.e

    (A) If ll'ln suhfiinliAIhn!dP.r i1.meb!r:! illdetermine 1he iderit.ity of tta p0r$Cin(eg, ifth& re!avnt intaresIarise:s b@l".'ause ofan or,tion) Yd'ite •unknown.'"

    (9) 0t3tai!so'f tile c.:oniderstion 1n 1at inc::t1da any .and all benefrts. monaya and other, ttial any person from whom a relevant interest wa!ii acquired has-, Qrmay, become entitled to-receive i11rel,;1lionto that acqu!.sition. Detalls mustbe Included even If the benefit Is conditional on the happening or not of aco110ngency. DetilsmLIS'I oo included of any benll!lfil pa!a on behalf of t110 .s.ubstiinlli.l!holt.ltit er Itsl:ii:ii$.OClata 1£1 111!1.atlon tott10.acquis.iUot1!.:I, t!Vll!li1d ttleyare not paid directly to the person from whom to relevant Interest wasaimct,

Somnomed Limited issued this content on 2016-01-06 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 2016-01-18 15:05:03 UTC

Original Document: http://aus.somnomed.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2014/05/becoming-a-substantial-holder-ATT09120.pdf