In a ceremony presided by the Spanish Minister for Employment and Social Security, Fátima Báñez, and Repsol Chairman and CEO, Antonio Brufau Repsol presents its White Paper on Telework
  • In line with its diversity and balance policy, Repsol has presented its White Paper on Telework, bringing together experiences and opinions of all involved parties. With this publication, the company makes its own experiences available to all organisations.
  • Repsol launched its Telework Program in 2008 and it is now fully integrated into its organisation, with over 1,000 teleworkers worldwide, 900 of whom are based in Spain.
  • The diversity and balance culture has gained ground in the company's new corporate headquarters, the Repsol Campus, built following the principles of responsibility, transparency, flexibility and innovation.
  • The most notable advantages of this include saving time on displacement to and from the workplace, a greater balance between personal and professional needs, as well as higher levels of concentration, productivity and motivation.
  • Repsol is a benchmark in Spain in managing the diversity and balance of its employees, and is continuously working to become an even more modern and flexible company that can adapt to society's ever changing needs and lifestyles.
  • Today, the Spanish Minister of Employment and Social Security, Fátima Báñez, referred to telework as the best model for combining "balance with diversity and flexibility making it possible to adapt our work to our personal lives" and also pointed out that with the labour reform, it is the first time a Government regulates this work formula in Spain.
  • Repsol Chairman and CEO, Antonio Brufau, highlighted that with this initiative "the company wants to become a model for managing diversity in Spain and be on a par with those countries that are more advanced in business culture".   

Press Release

Repsol presented its White Paper on Telework, at an event presided by the Spanish Minister for Employment and Social Security, Fátima Báñez, and Repsol Chairman and CEO, Antonio Brufau, which took place at Repsol's new corporate headquarters in Madrid.

With the publication of this white paper, Repsol seeks to spread information on a project that has helped to improve balance within the company and encourage other organisations to promote a cultural change at work. Thanks to initiatives like this, promoted by senior management, Repsol is a benchmark in the business world in managing diversity and balance.

Telework is one of the diversity and balance programmes that are part of the new Repsol culture. This culture has materialized at the company's new corporate headquarters, the Repsol Campus, created under the principles of responsibility, transparency, flexibility and innovation.

The Repsol White Paper on Telework gathers experiences, opinions and conclusions of the various stakeholders involved in the implementation of this initiative that today, benefits more than 900 people in Spain and over 1,000 worldwide.

Today, the Spanish Minister for Employment and Social Security, Fátima Báñez, referred to telework as the best model for combining "balance with diversity and flexibility making it possible to adapt our work to our personal lives" and also pointed out that with the labour reform, it is the first time a Government regulates this work formula in Spain.

The Repsol Chairman and CEO, Antonio Brufau, highlighted that with this initiative "the company needs to become a model for managing diversity in Spain and be on a par with those countries that are more advanced in business culture".

The Telework Programme has stood as an important milestone for Repsol since it was first launched in 2008 and has been a step forward in the evolution from an attendance-based culture to a style of work based on commitment, efficiency and achieving targets.

In addition to publishing this white paper, Repsol has launched a telework blog where it will post the latest news on this measure in Spain and across the world, the company's experience and personal cases, as well as advances and good practices in this field.

Teleworking at Repsol

Repsol's conception of Telework derives from a clear corporate commitment to increase employee motivation, offering them better job quality and more flexibility. Teleworkers are given the opportunity to manage their own time, which helps them to meet their needs in a much more effective and efficient manner.

This measure is based on commitment and mutual trust. To access this programme, the employee must meet a series of organizational and technical requirements; no explanation is needed for requesting this programme.

In terms of its benefits, telework contributes to an improvement in the organisation of responsibilities and increased work planning. In addition, it saves time on displacement to and from the workplace, it makes it easier to balance work and personal life, as well as increasing concentration, productivity and motivation.

The telework programme began in 2008, as a pilot in which 131 employees from a broad range of profiles volunteered to take part. A satisfaction study was conducted in order to measure the impact of the pilot programme and nine out of every ten people rated the initiative very positively.

In view of these excellent results, it was decided that the programme would be introduced gradually, incorporating it into the company's everyday processes. Any job can be partially performed through telework, with the exception of those positions whose activity is directly related to the physical workplace.

Given the varying work-life balance needs of a team as diverse as Repsol's, employees can use one of four methods available to them for working from home: one day a week, two days a week, two afternoons a week plus Fridays, and 20% of the working day.

The company is responsible for providing the teleworkers with the required preventive and technical measures to enable them to carry out their work in the correct manner. In addition, a risk assessment visit is carried out to verify the fulfilment of basic safety conditions. 

The last telework satisfaction survey at Repsol, carried out in 2011, between teleworkers, bosses, colleagues, managers and the rest of the company pitched a score of 8,27 out of 10, implying that the telework programme is considered a success by the organization as a whole.

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