Regulatory News :

A year and a half after its creation, the PSA Peugeot Citroën (Paris:UG) Foundation "A World on the Move" has published its first Annual Report, which presents an initial review of its activities over the period. It illustrates the wealth and diversity of projects it supports to encourage sustainable, socially responsible mobility.

The PSA Peugeot Citroën Foundation was created in June 2011, as part of the Group's commitment to taking an active role in the development of socially responsible mobility. Today, it is a key component in the Group's corporate social responsibility strategy, which provides support for often innovative local initiatives. These projects demonstrate the involvement of the Group in local communities around the world.

For Foundation Chairman Philippe Varin, "it is not a case of pitting financial performance on the one hand against social responsibility on the other, or business against the greater good. By strengthening one, we nurture the other. In these particularly challenging times, I think that it is even more urgent for us to take firm action to support the development of local projects for the good of all."

The Foundation is working to develop socially responsible mobility projects, with a focus on:

  • Mobility as a critical enabler in integrating people into society and the workplace.
  • Mobility to support educational and cultural initiatives.
  • Mobility to support disabled people.
  • Environmentally friendly mobility.

In the 18 months it has been up and running, the Foundation has supported 138 projects implemented by associations, NGOs or local authorities. Compelling examples include initiatives designed to network driving schools, social car rental companies or community garages. It mainly operates in France, reflecting the strong national presence of PSA Peugeot Citroën, but it also has a role in other host countries. Currently around 20% of supported projects are being deployed outside France, notably in Spain and Portugal but also in China and Argentina.

Alongside many local projects, of which more than two-thirds are sponsored by employees, the Foundation is now involved in large-scale, multi-year projects and is building innovative partnerships with leading associations and NGOs such as Samusocial in Paris, the French Red Cross and A.N.D.E.S, a French network of social and solidarity food stores.

The Foundation's Annual Report will be distributed to all of the associations involved, as well as to the philanthropy community in France. It may be viewed online at and

About the PSA Peugeot Citroën Foundation
The PSA Peugeot Citroën Foundation supports social, educational, cultural and environmental projects in the field of mobility, an area in which the Group has been active for more than 100 years. As expressed in its "A World on the Move" baseline, the Foundation helps to develop projects implemented by associations or international NGOs. Operating globally, it relies in particular on Group facilities in each host community to tailor its initiatives to local needs and practices. It is actively deploying a five-year action plan backed by a ?10 million budget. The Board of Directors is chaired by Philippe Varin, the Chairman of the Group's Managing Board, with Marie-Hélène Roncoroni, a member of the Supervisory Board, as Vice-Chairman.

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PSA Peugeot Citroën