Our CEO, Maria das Graças Silva Foster, CFO and Investor Relations Officer, Almir Guilherme Barbassa, and our director for Gas and Energy, José Alcides Santoro, will attend, from January 22 to 25, the World Economic Forum, in Davos, Switzerland.

On this first day of the event, Graça Foster will be among the debaters in the "The New Energy Context" panel. Besides the CEO, the panel will also comprise the chief economist of the International Energy Agency, Fatih Birol, the CEOs of Trina Solar (Switzerland), ABB (Switzerland), and RWE (Germany), in addition to the Minister of Science and Technology of Japan, Ichita Yamamoto.

In the afternoon, the CEO will take part, as an observer, in the Winter Meeting of the International Business Council (IBC), part of the Forum's official program. Established in 2001, the IBC comprises 100 leaders from all global industry sectors and acts as an advisory body to the World Economic Forum.

On Thursday (Jan. 23), Graça Foster will take part in the meeting of the leaders of the Oil and Gas Industry, which brings together senior executives (CEOs and chairs) of the world's leading energy companies. On that day, the CEO will also participate in the debate of the IGWEL (Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders) power section, themed "Redesigning the competitive global energy map." Accessible only by exclusive invitation, the meeting brings together business leaders, government officials, and academics.

During the World Economic Forum, our executives will monitor debates on Energy and take part in working meetings with business leaders and representatives of organizations and governments.

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