Vectura Group plc has announced that its partner, Sandoz, has launched AirFluSal Forspiro, formerly known as VR315, a new inhaler for patients with asthma and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, in Denmark. AirFluSal Forspiro offers the proven combination of salmeterol (a long-acting inhaled â2-agonist) and fluticasone (an inhaled corticosteroid) in an innovative new inhalation device. Denmark has approved the 50-250 µg and 50-500 µg dosage forms for the continuous treatment of patients above 12 years of age with persistent asthma or for symptomatic treatment of COPD in the same patient group.

The product's safety, efficacy and equivalence have been proven in multiple clinical trials. The device features an innovative, patient-friendly design, including multiple feedback mechanisms: Visual control features which help reassure the patient about dosing; simple lever arm to load the dose; clear and accurate dose counter.