The New Hope Group will hold public information sessions in local communities to answer  questions about the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the revised New Acland Coal Mine Stage 3 Project.

The information sessions will be held in Jondaryan, Goombungee, Acland and Oakey from February 5 to February 8.

The new EIS was required to assess the revised Project which compromises on a number of key elements associated with the original proposal, including a reduction in the overall size and scale of the Mine.

New Hope's Chief Operating Officer Bruce Denney said the EIS was completed by specialist consultants who assessed the environmental, social and economic implications of the revised Project as required by the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments.

Mr Denney said the EIS had also been informed by community feedback. 

"New Hope will continue to work with residents, community members and stakeholders through all stages of the approvals process," he said.

"All stakeholders and residents are welcome to attend these information sessions to speak with New Hope representatives about the EIS and the operation's proposed future plans."

The EIS public notification period will extend over six weeks from 20 January to 3 March.

The New Acland Mine has played a key role in the Darling Downs region as a major employer and economic contributor since it began operations in 2002.

The revised Project plan seeks to continue the existing operations at New Acland before the coal reserves within the mine's current lease area are depleted in 2017. 

Mr Denney said the revised Project would boost the current level of jobs and economic flow-on benefits to the community.

"The revised New Acland Project is a very significant project for this whole region, especially during the current economic climate," he said.

"The revised Project will boost current employment from 300 local jobs to about 435, plus indirect jobs will also grow from 2,300 to about 3,000.

"Around 260 jobs will also be available during the construction phase of the revised Project.

"The revised Project will provide a boost of $18.7 billion to the local, state and national economies over the life of the mine."

Details of the public information sessions, which will be held in February, will be released and advertised shortly.


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