Nestlé India Limited received an Order-in-Original passed by the Assistant Commissioner, Office of the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, Dinhata Customs Division, Kachari More, Sunity Road, Coochbehar - 736101. Nature and details of the action(s) taken, initiated or order(s) passed: Order Under Section 28(4) of Customs Act, 1962. Date of receipt of direction or order, including any ad-interim or interim orders, or any other communication from the authority: 27th June 2024.

Details of the violation(s)/contravention(s) committed or alleged to be committed: The Company has received the Order-in-Original confirming demand of (i) INR 137,991/- as short payment of Customs duty on account of IGST on freight charge, insurance charge and landing charges in terms of Section 28(4) of Customs Act, 1962 (ii) applicable interest thereon under Section 28AA of Customs Act, 1962 and (iii) imposing penalty amounting to INR 137,991/- under Section 114A of Customs Act, 1962. Impact on financial, operation or other activities of the listed entity, quantifiable in monetary terms to the extent possible: There is no material impact on financial, operation or other activities of the Company due to the intimation of tax demanded vide said Order. The Company will explore various options to challenge the said Order.