Gordano Ltd. announced a partnership with NEC Corporation. Backed by new integration capabilities for Gordano GMS messaging software, this partnership represents a substantial step towards leveraging the CSP cloud market. Gordano understands that the messaging market is changing -- businesses expect to reduce not only their overheads, but the complexity of their software usage.

There is a growing trend for companies to outsource their needs and look for SaaS solutions. Partnering with NEC has enabled an evolving engagement with cloud markets for Gordano - yet Gordano are not simply offering a cloud solution. They have created a comprehensive platform for white labeling and integration with systems already in place within the telecoms and carrier sectors.

The web interface has been made into a RESTful service this means backend functionality has been exposed through APIs. This has permitted the implementation of a more standardized scripting language, making the software more customizable which allows for more bespoke deployments. One such environment is the NEC Cloud Marketplace.