Milan, June 14, 2012 - Milano Assicurazioni S.p.A. communicates that Mr. Gioacchino Paolo Ligresti announced his resignation from the offices of Vice Chairman and Director (non executive) of the Company. Mr. Ligresti emphasises that this decision was extremely difficult for him given his connection with the Company and was taken as he believes that such a step can improve the flexibility of all those involved in making the decisions that affect the future of Milano Assicurazioni.

This step, stated Mr. Ligresti, was taken after extensive reflection, solely in the interest of the Company, in order to guarantee a total separation in the management of Fondiaria-SAI and Milano Assicurazioni, which both reported strong 2012 Q1 Results, confirming the improved performance.
The resignation from his roles with Milano Assicurazioni - concluded Mr. Ligresti - is exclusively intended to remove all possible conflict of interest and create the best possible conditions for the future success of the companies of the Fondiaria-SAI, Group, in the interest of all the shareholders, the agents, the employees, the policyholders and the market in general.
The resignation from the office of Director will be effective from the date of the appointment of the Board of Directors by the Shareholders' Meeting already called for July 10/11, 2012.

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MILANO ASSICURAZIONI S.p.A. Sede Legale e Direzione

20161 Milano - Via Senigallia, 18/2

Tel. (+39) 02.6402.1 - Fax (+39) 02.6402.2331

Capitale Sociale € 373.682.600,42 int. vers. - Numero di iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Milano, Codice

Fiscale e Partita I.V.A. 00957670151 - Impresa autorizzata all'esercizio delle assicurazioni (art. 65 R.D.L. 29-4-

1923 n. 966) - Iscritta alla Sez. I dell'Albo Imprese presso l'Isvap al numero 1.00010

Società appartenente al gruppo assicurativo Fondiaria-SAI, iscritto all'Albo dei gruppi assicurativi al n. 030

Direzione e coordinamento FONDIARIA-SAI S.p.A.

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