The Kroger Co., Dallas division, now offers the opioid overdose reversal medication NARCAN® (naloxone HCl) Nasal Spray 4mg at its 101 pharmacies in the region. NARCAN® (naloxone HCl) Nasal Spray delivers a 4mg concentrated dose of naloxone, which is simple, ready-to-use, and needle free. NARCAN® can be easily administered to someone who is actively overdosing on an opioid. Kroger partnered with the Texas Pharmacy Association, as a part of the Saving Lives Initiative, which created a physician-signed standing order that allows pharmacists to provide naloxone to patients or third-parties with connections to patients who may have a medical need. In 2016, Texas SB 1462 took effect, which allows authorized medical professionals to prescribe naloxone through a standing order.