Know Labs, Inc. announced the appointment of Chris Somogyi as President, International. With over 40 years of experience in commercializing innovation across related industries, Somogyi brings a wealth of expertise to lead the Company's ?Skunkworks? Program and global patent licensing efforts.

In his role, Somogyi will focus on identifying new applications of Know Labs? extensive intellectual property (IP) portfolio consisting of over 300 patents issued, pending and in-process and covering more than 100 medical and non-medical applications. As part of his responsibilities, he will work with potential strategic partners and customers on a Rest of the World (RoW) product that exploits Know Labs?

continuous glucose monitor, the KnowU for use as a screening device to support diagnosis in large, diverse populations across Asia, Africa, South America and the Middle East where diabetes incidence is at near pandemic levels. Somogyi has an extensive background in biomedical engineering and product innovation, with over 20 issued patents to his name. His experience includes managing intellectual property at Stanford University, leading innovation grant funds for the New Zealand government and holding product development and incubation roles at esteemed organizations such as SRI International and Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center).

He has served as a partner in medical and agricultural technology funds in the United States and Japan. His experience in technology monetization has an expansive global reach. His practical experience is built upon a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Purdue, an M.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Tulane and an MBA from the University of Washington.

Somogyi's appointment as President, International, allows the Company to maintain its core focus on bringing the first non-invasive continuous glucose monitor to the marketplace. While the Company moves toward FDA clearance of its technology, Somogyi will work to drive revenue from non-core fields of use of the Know Labs platform technology.