HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) - Hauck Aufhäuser Investment Banking left its rating for Kion at "buy" with a price target of 40 euros. The forklift maker was heavily impacted by high input costs and global supply chain constraints in the previous year, analyst Jorge Gonzalez Sadornil wrote in a research note presented on Monday. He said he expects profitability (adjusted EBIT margin) to increase by 4.7 percentage points in 2023. From 2024, profitability should return to normal. Kion is a "champion" that can be had at a reasonable price, the expert summed up./edh/ck

Publication of the original study: 02.01.2023 / 08:18 / CET First disclosure of the original study: 02.01.2023 / 08:18 / CET


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