Nigeria's digital economyfrom EMEKA OKONKWO in Abuja, NigeriaABUJA, (CAJ News) AFRICA'S biggest economy, Nigeria, is empowering its youths with digital literacy skills as part of government's Digital Economy strategy.This follows a partnership signed by government and International Business Machines (IBM), the technology firm.

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) between them will see IBM, through its Digital Nation Africa initiative, provide free training to Nigerians for a period of 12 to 16 weeks, in diverse areas of information technology.It is anticipated the MoU would create a pool of Nigerians with digital skills validated by globally recognized certifications, bridge the gap between the academia and the IT industry and lower the access barrier to digital tools for citizens.

The programme is scheduled to take off in February.Dr Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami, Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, said the importance of digital skills was captured in the second pillar of the Digital Economy Strategy Policy Document as approved and launched by President Muhammadu Buhari in November 2019".

"The importance of broadband penetration in achieving a digital economy has given rise to the National Broadband Committee to ensure that we thoroughly address the impediments to broadband penetration and achieving a Digital Economy," the minister stated.Dipo Faulkner, IBM Country General Manager, said the company worked with governments and key Ministries to address the societal impact of digital technology, leveraging investment in education with platforms such as the Digital Nation Africa.

"This new collaboration furthers our aims of scaling digital job skills across Africa," Faulkner said. CAJ News

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