IBM announced that Proginov has chosen IBM PureSystems to upgrade its IT infrastructure and enhance its growing "Software as a Service" (SaaS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) activities. In a market dominated by many of the world's biggest cloud providers, Proginov is differentiating itself by being one of the first MSPs in France to use IBM Flex System technology to provide a high range of cloud services to help clients drive their strategic activities. As a result of steady business growth, Proginov needed to extend their infrastructure, without increasing the associated risk costs or complexity of the systems and their management.

To meet these requirements, Proginov chose to deploy an IBM Flex System Enterprise system. The system was acquired with a flexible finance arrangement from IBM Global Financing, which allowed them align payments with the ramp-up of revenues generated by their SaaS offerings. The new system will enable the organization to offer their clients - especially in the retailing and industry sectors - an efficient infrastructure that is secure and continuously available.

The integrated IBM Flex System Manager appliance node offers clients such as Proginov a unique, single management view for their entire IT infrastructure, including the servers, storage and networking. Dynamic allocation of resources, adapted to the different types of workload, allows this software to optimize the resources used. It frees IT administrators from recurring tasks, enabling them to focus on improving the quality of services and efficiency of the IT infrastructure.

This capability allows Proginov to continually adapt to significant workload changes while offering a high availability service 24 hours a day. The IBM Flex System goes beyond competitor's blade configurations and provides the building-block elements for IBM PureSystems. IBM Flex Systems are built-to-order offerings for clients who want to custom build and tune configurations to their specific requirements. This allows them to select the specific compute, systems networking and optional storage and management required to support their specific workloads.

The IBM PureSystems family offers clients an alternative to current enterprise computing models, where multiple and disparate systems require significant resources to set up and maintain.