E2E Networks has partnered with KTech CoE Data Science & AI Government of Karnataka (GoK) - powered by NASSCOM, a pivotal initiative by GoK to foster disruptive innovation by creating an entrepreneurial ecosystem and create quality human capital to meet the AI talent requirements. NASSCOM, a not-for-profit industry association in India, is the apex body for the 180 billion dollar Indian IT BPM industry. The partnership comes at a time when the world is fighting a pandemic, and cloud-based technology is taking massive leaps to help the economy. KTech CoE DS & AI has a great role to play as an evangelist and driver of AI enabled growth; Its vision is "to harness the potential of AI for augmenting the state's and so the country's innovation ecosystem and create multiplier impact on economy, industry and society." The symbiotic partnership will entail benefits for both the parties. E2E Networks will get access to KTech CoE DS&AI accelerated companies, and this will help them accelerate AI Innovation in India. It will also reap the direct benefits of the joint activities conducted by KTech CoE DS&AI For KTech CoE DS&AI accelerated MSMEs and Innovators, there will be an exclusive discount, which will also gain access to latest NVIDIA GPUs via cloud servers from E2E at highly affordable prices to run their artificial intelligence loads, which includes high-performance computing, machine learning, deep learning and data science workloads. The tie-up shall provide a leg up to enable deep research benefiting various industries as well as the Government so that everyone can benefit. KTech CoE DS&AI, since its inception, has been driving the acceleration of the adoption of AI solutions by user enterprises and the public sector by creating toolkits, processes and frameworks. It enables convergence of technological advancements and industry developments with deployable Data Science and AI Innovations. Also develop skills to ensure a talent pipeline to meet the growing requirements for AI professionals.