FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - The state-owned development bank KfW sold 50 million shares in Deutsche Post AG on Tuesday. The price was 43.45 euros per share, the bank announced late Tuesday evening. The German state will thus receive a good two billion euros gross. The Xetra closing price was 44.41 euros.

The placement in an accelerated procedure was aimed at institutional investors. The sale reduces the state's stake to 16.5 percent. KfW remains a major shareholder in Swiss Post. The logistics and postal company has been operating under the name DHL Group since mid-2023.

The placement weighed on the company's share price. In after-hours trading on Tradegate, the shares lost 0.98 percent compared to the Xetra closing price to 43.55 euros at the close of trading. At the daily low, the share price even fell by 3.2 percent./he