FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - A 53-year-old former Borsen employee has been on trial at Frankfurt Regional Court since Thursday for illegal insider trading on the stock exchange. The prosecution accuses the businessman, who worked on the stock exchange between 2006 and 2022, of having exploited data that he had received as an insider via so-called ad hoc announcements on price developments for private transactions over several years. The public prosecutor's office calculated a turnover of more than 1.25 million euros. In 2022, the prohibited transactions came to light due to a Bafin inspection.

On the first day of the trial, the indictment containing 154 individual transactions was read out before the court's Economic Criminal Chamber. The defendant did not initially comment on the charges. The public prosecutor's office is assuming violations of the Securities Trading Act. The trial is due to continue next week. It is possible that numerous witnesses will be heard, according to non-public discussions between the parties to the trial. The court has initially scheduled three trial days until the end of February. (AZ 7561 Js 235565/22)/grh/DP/men