FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - The Commerzbank Board of Managing Directors < has promised an increase in profits - this Thursday (7:00 a.m.) the bank will present its balance sheet for 2023. The latest target was a surplus of around 2.2 billion euros after a good 1.4 billion euros in 2022.

Analysts expect a precision landing. It is very likely that the target was achieved: boosted by the turnaround in interest rates, the bank, which returned to the DAX in February 2023, already earned a good 1.8 billion euros from January to September inclusive, significantly more than in the entire previous year.

In the coming years, more business with wealthy private customers and additional digital offerings for corporate customers should bring Commerzbank even higher profits. The Board of Managing Directors led by Group CEO Manfred Knof aims to increase net profit to around 3.4 billion euros by 2027./ben/DP/zb