Completion of the Proposed Joint Venture Between Alliance Print Technologies Co., Ltd. (APTV), A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of New Toyo Investments Pte. Ltd. (NTIV), Which Is in Turn Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of the Company and Cat Loi Joint Stock Company (CLC). Reference is made to the Company's announcement dated 15 January 2024 (Reference No.

GA1-07112023-00060) in relation to the Proposed Joint Venture entered into between APTV, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NTIV, which is in turn a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company with CLC. The Board of Directors of Tien Wah Press Holdings Berhad announced that all the terms and conditions as stipulated in the Agreement have been fulfilled and the Proposed Joint Venture has been completed on 21 March 2024.