Banzai International, Inc. announced an expansion of Reach, its event marketing solution. This expansion includes the creation of an operating business unit, investment in new technology systems to support customers more efficiently, and an expanded strategic focus within Banzai to serve additional customers. This expansion is in response to an increase in pipeline for the Reach audience acquisition solution that Banzai has seen in First Quarter 2024.

Events have become a critical component of effective marketing strategies, providing a unique opportunity to engage with target audiences in a face-to-face setting. However, it's often a challenge for marketers to attract the right individuals to their events, with many resorting to broad, untargeted promotional tactics like large email campaigns or organic social media blasts. Events have become a critical component of effective marketing strategies, providing a unique opportunity to engage with target audiences in a face-to-face setting.

However, it's often a challenge for marketers to attract the right individuals to their events, with many resorting to broad, untargeted promotional tactics like large email campaigns or organic social media blasts. This ?spray and pray? approach often fails to reach the most relevant and interested prospects.

Reach helps marketers drive event registration by inviting a company's ideal audience through personalized multi-channel campaigns. Leveraging Banzai?s Audience AI feature, Reach targets potential attendees from a database of over 379 million professionals by geographic region, industry, job title and more to fill rooms and sales pipelines. ThoughtSpot, an AI analytics company, saw a 75% increase in registration rates and generated approximately $1 million in new sales pipeline after utilizing Reach.