AXA US has announced that it is extending the no-lapse guarantee on its BrightLife Protect, protection Indexed Universal Life policy. With a no-math guarantee to age 90 for level annual premium payments, there’s no guesswork or calculation, just a simple number clients can rely on. The powerful combination of this new, simple no-lapse guarantee and AXA’s competitive long-term care option, lets clients live more today, keep more of what they earn with tax-deferred growth and potentially build more cash value that they can actually use. Other important features of BrightLife Protect: a competitive long-term care rider. By applying for added flexibility and protection under the Long-Term Care Services Rider, clients can help prepare for the unexpected. Clients can help build more wealth with a growth component to their protection. Potential growth is tied to a market index up to a cap, with a downside protection and the advantages of tax deferral. Plus, they can actually use that wealth by taking cash value withdrawals, if their circumstances change. Provides one of the most cost-effective protection policies available, with a death benefit for one of the lowest projected costs in the industry.