
Level 11

33 Alfred Street

Sydney NSW 2000

T 1800 445 767

F (02) 9257 7981

E info@hillross.com.au
W www.hillross.com.au

MEDIA RELEASE 14 January 2013 Hillross Experts' Choice attracts over $1bn in FUM

Hillross Financial Services (Hillross) has attracted over $1 billion in funds under
management (FUM) to its Experts' Choice Funds range reflecting strong adviser interest and ongoing outperformance across the range of funds.
Experts' Choice is a range of wholesale managed funds employing a multi-manager approach to investment management.
Hillross Managing Director Hugh Humphrey said the $1 billion milestone was a great result in a tough market.
"It's a significant achievement to reach $1 billion in FUM for the Experts' Choice Funds range which has proven to be a very attractive investment option for advisers to offer their clients," Mr Humphrey said.
"The Experts' Choice Funds have grown from $500 million at the end of 2008 to more than double its size over a challenging period that included the global financial crisis and continued volatility in investment markets.
"Despite the volatility, efficient portfolio construction has delivered clients reduced risk and more consistent returns. While the funds have a primary focus on maximising longer term return outcomes, the portfolio construction approach also has a strong focus on capital preservation," said Mr Humphrey.
Launched in 1996, the flagship Experts' Choice Balanced Fund has outperformed its benchmark over one, three, five, 10 and 15 year periods. All other 8 Experts' Choice Funds have also delivered excellent relative performance outcomes.

The Experts' Choice approach blends investment strategies and styles to produce an investment outcome that performs well in most market conditions. It offers clients balanced, conservative and growth investment options and access to a range of asset classes
including Australian equities, international equities, emerging market, fixed interest, property, infrastructure and cash.


Level 11

33 Alfred Street

Sydney NSW 2000

T 1800 445 767

F (02) 9257 7981

E info@hillross.com.au
W www.hillross.com.au
The Experts' Choice Funds are open to all investors via a range of administration platforms including North, PortfolioCare, Personalised Portfolio and Macquarie Definitive Wrap.

About Hillross

Hillross is a wealth management company providing wealth creation and protection for affluent Australians. Hillross has over 300 skilled and experienced wealth management advisers working in more than 120 firms across Australia. Hillross is wholly owned by AMP Limited.

Media enquiries Renae McGregor Phone: 02 9257 6160

Mobile: 0422 159 787

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