Business description: Adobe Inc.

Adobe Inc. specializes in the development of software for content design, publication and visual distribution. Net sales break down by product family as follows:

- digital media software (73.8%): primarily creation, illustration, viewing, conversion and digital contents broadcasting;

- online marketing and business process management software (24.9%): web publishing, information security, business resources planning, document production management, application automation software, etc.;

- other (1.3%): software for high-definition printing, online training, etc.

Net sales break down by source of income between sales of subscriptions (95.4%), sales of services (2.8%; consulting, training, maintenance and technical support services) and sales of products (1.8%).

Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: the United States (53.5%), Americas (6.5%), Europe/Middle East/Africa (25.8%) and Asia/Pacific (14.2%).

Number of employees: 30,709

Sales by Activity: Adobe Inc.

Fiscal Period: November20202021202220232024

Digital Media

923.3Cr 1.15TCr 1.28TCr 1.42TCr 1.59TCr

Digital Experience

312.5Cr 386.7Cr 442.2Cr 489.3Cr 536.6Cr

Publishing and Advertising

51Cr 40Cr 34Cr 30Cr 28Cr
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: Adobe Inc.

Fiscal Period: November20202021202220232024

United States

674.6Cr 810.4Cr 921.7Cr 1.05TCr 1.15TCr

Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)

- 425.2Cr 459.3Cr 488.1Cr 555.4Cr

Asia-Pacific (APAC)

- 253.7Cr 276.2Cr 287.4Cr 306Cr

Other Americas

71Cr 89Cr 103.4Cr 119.4Cr 139.2Cr

Other EMEA

252Cr - - - -

United Kingdom

88Cr - - - -

Other APAC

112.1Cr - - - -


89Cr - - - -
See all geographic segments

Managers: Adobe Inc.

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 61 01/12/2007
Director of Finance/CFO 58 18/10/2021
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - 13/06/2016
Corporate Officer/Principal 49 01/12/2019
Corporate Officer/Principal - 01/09/2022
See ADOBE INC. governance

Members of the board: Adobe Inc.

Manager TitleAgeSince
Chairman 61 01/01/2017
Director/Board Member 63 12/01/2009
Director/Board Member 65 14/05/2012
Director/Board Member 67 14/05/2012
Director/Board Member 60 14/05/2012
Director/Board Member 57 12/04/2018
Director/Board Member 49 22/01/2019
Director/Board Member 64 22/01/2019
Director/Board Member 52 05/10/2020
Director/Board Member 56 07/01/2022
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: Adobe Inc.

Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Co.
9.412 %
40,972,288 9.412 % 17 923 M $
BlackRock Advisors LLC
6.885 %
29,969,859 6.885 % 13 110 M $
20,270,287 4.657 % 8 867 M $
Geode Capital Management LLC
2.454 %
10,680,375 2.454 % 4 672 M $
BlackRock Life Ltd.
2.2 %
9,575,814 2.2 % 4 189 M $
Western Asset Management Company DTVM Ltda.
0.002187 %
475,931 0.002187 % 4 M $
0.001384 %
301,332 0.001384 % 3 M $
Safra Asset Management Ltda.
0.000234 %
50,900 0.000234 % 444 999 $
BRAM - Bradesco Asset Management SA DTVM
0.000221 %
48,037 0.000221 % 419 969 $
XP Allocation Asset Management Ltda.
0.000093 %
20,198 0.000093 % 176 583 $
List of ADOBE INC. shareholders

Company details: Adobe Inc.

Adobe, Inc.

345 Park Avenue

95110-2704, San Jose

+408 536 6000
address Adobe Inc.(ADBE)

Group companies: Adobe Inc.

NameCategory and Sector
Adobe Systems India Pvt Ltd.
Adobe Software Trading Co. Ltd.
Adobe Systems Benelux BV
Packaged Software
Packaged Software
See all subsidiaries

Application Software

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
+0.20%+5.69%-23.55%-2.91% 20TCr
+8.15%+34.02%+1,013.09%+625.54% 16TCr
-0.80%-7.12%-13.04%+10.86% 6.92TCr
-0.25%-1.62%+17.90%+33.28% 6.52TCr
+0.03%-1.69%+7.13%+31.01% 6.15TCr
-3.59%-9.55%-0.51%-21.74% 4.62TCr
-0.32%-1.97%-6.91%-3.50% 3.38TCr
-0.07%-2.22%+3.48%+6.24% 2.97TCr
+1.89%-0.30%-3.77%+49.89% 2.02TCr
-1.21%+4.93%+48.48%-16.81% 2TCr
Average +0.38%+0.26%+104.23%+71.19% 7.06TCr
Weighted average by Cap. +0.23%+5.35%+225.52%+147.75%
See all sector performances
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Quarterly revenue - Rate of surprise