Wednesday, 06 March 2013

The Board of Directors of Abdullah Al-Othaim Markets Company is pleased to invite its shareholders who owns (20) shares or more to attend the fifth Ordinary General Assembly Meeting which will be held on Monday 05/06/1434H, corresponding to 15/04/2013G, at 4 PM in Al-Othaim Training Academy, located in Eastern Ring Road between exits 14 and 15, Riyadh. to discuss the following agenda:

1) Approval of the annual consolidated financial statements & the Auditors' Report for the fiscal Year 2012.
2) Approval of the Board of Directors' Annual Report for the fiscal year 2012.
3) The acquittal of the directors for the fiscal year 2012.
4) Approval of the Board Of Directors Recommendation to the distribution cash dividends of SR (67.5) Million for the year 2012, at SR (3) per share, which represents 30% of the Company's capital as per the share value. The maturity date for the dividends will be for shareholders registered in the company books at the close of trading on the date of the OGM, mentioned above
5) Approval of the Rental & lease Contracts between the company and Al Othaim Holding Company with a total amount of SR 745,050 and Abdullah Al Othaim Company for Investment and real estate development with a total amount of SR 48,333,207, as related parties to the Chairman of the Board Mr. Abdullah Saleh Al-Othaim and the Board Member Mr. Fahad Abdullah Al-Othaim and give permission for the next year.
6) Approval of the appointment of the Auditor among the candidates nominated by the Companys audit committee to audit the company's accounts for the financial year 2013 and determine their fees.
7) Approval to pay a remunerations to the members of the Board of Directors of SR (1,164,500) for the fiscal year that ended on 31/12/2012 at SR 150,000 for each member and SR 170,000 for the Chairman of the Board, plus transportation allowance of SR 3,000 for each meeting attended. In addition to bonus for committees attended by the Board members of SR 25,000 for each member plus transportation allowance of SR 1,500 for each meeting attended.

Each Shareholder has the right to appoint another shareholder to attend the meeting on behalf of him at the meeting, provided that the proxy is neither board members, company employee nor permanently assigned to perform technical or administrative work for its own account. The proxy or the power of attorney must be endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce or any local bank and should be sent to the Company head office in Riyadh at least three days before the date of the said meeting to company address: (Abdullah Al Othaim Markets Company, P.O. Box 41700 Riyadh 11531, Fax (014453498).
The shareholders who attend the meeting in person or by proxy should prove their identity / or commercial register for the companies and proof of shares ownership at least half an hour before the meeting. The legal quorum for the AGM will be the presence of shareholders representing at least 51% of the company's capital.
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