XCPCNL Business Services Corporation announced that a Joint Venture Agreement has been successfully executed between the Company and Securetsys LLC. Under this joint venture, both parties will be equal partners in establishing "Mindshare Entertainment Africa," an entity to create, distribute, and market the Metaverse, NFTs and music in East Africa. Securetsys LLC will work to leverage teams in Uganda and Kenya to market and develop sales channels for consumer products created by XCPCNL.

They will also be working on fostering East African partnerships to gain market penetration within 150,000,000 consumers. The Company's goal is to expand its reach to all of Africa, with over 1 billion consumers. While the NFT market has seen tremendous growth in the states and abroad, the East African markets remain relatively untapped.

Studies in Nigeria have shown that the country is expected to have the most significant growth in NFT adoption within lower- and upper-income households. According to new research from Finder.com, 13.7% of Nigerian Internet users currently own a non-fungible token (NFT). Finder polled over 28,000 people in an online survey across 20 countries to compare NFT ownership, which also revealed that an additional 21.7% of users said they plan to acquire some.