BRAUNSCHWEIG (dpa-AFX) - In a climate protection lawsuit against Volkswagen, the Braunschweig Regional Court has given little hope to the three plaintiffs backed by Greenpeace. According to a preliminary legal assessment, the lawsuit is admissible but is unlikely to have much chance of success, the presiding judge made clear on Tuesday. In the civil case, the three plaintiffs are seeking, among other things, to have the automaker banned from selling internal combustion engines from 2030.

According to a court spokesman, the plaintiffs are arguing on the basis of their fundamental rights. However, these apply directly in the relationship between citizens and the state, as the spokesman explained. "The special feature here, however, is that private individuals on the plaintiff's side and a privately acting company on the defendant's side are facing each other," the spokesman said. In this relationship, fundamental rights have precisely no direct effect, he said.

Volkswagen was essentially confirmed in its view. The attorney for the three plaintiffs announced that they would appeal in the event of a corresponding ruling. The court will announce a decision on January 31./bch/DP/jha