Paris, 11 January 2016 - 8:00 CET
Regulated Information


Initiated by NW CGR 4 S.à r.l. and NW CGR 5 S.à r.l., acting in concert with the other members of the Northwood Concert


OFFER PRICE: 35.65 euros per share CeGeREAL SA

OFFER PERIOD: 10 trading days

This release has been issued by CeGeREAL and is published pursuant to articles 231-27 3° and 231-28 of the AMF's General Regulations (French financial market authority, Autorité des Marchés Financiers, the « AMF »).

  • Simplified Tender Offer

Pursuant to L621-8 of the Monetary and Financial code and of article 231-6 of the general regulations, the AMF has, pursuant to its decision dated 7 January 2016 on the simplified tender offer, approved under visa number 16-006 dated 7 January 2016] the information note in response prepared by the company CeGeREAL S.A. (the "Information Note").

Information related to the legal, accounting and financial characteristics CeGeREAL have been filed on 8 Janauary 2016 and disclosed to the public today, in accordance with provisions of article 231-28 of the AMF's General Regulations.

This information and the Information Note in response are available on CegeREAL's ( and the AMF's ( websites and can be obtained free of charge with:


42 rue de Bassano - 75 008 PARIS
  • Preliminary Financial Statements as of 31 December 2015

CeGeREAL has prepared, on a preliminary basis as at the date of the document "Additional information related to the  file with the AMF on 8 January 2016 and for the sole purpose of informing the shareholders in the context of the proposed offer, certain preliminary financial statement of the Company as of 31 December 2015, comprising the IFRS consolidated P&L, the consolidated IFRS balance sheet, the IFRs consolidated cash flows and the corporate P&L and balance sheet of the Company (French GAAP).

These draft and non-audited financial statements have been prepared by the Company under the same form as the annual financial statements (except for the exhibits).

It is specified that the final financial statements as of 31 December 2015 will be submitted to the Board of the Company in the course of February 2016 and will be subject to an audit from the Company's statutory auditors.

For further information, please contact:

Media Relations
Aliénor Miens / +33(0)1 53 32 84 77
Investor Relations 
Raphaël Tréguier / +33(0)1 42 25 76 36

This press release has been prepared for information purposes only. It does not constitute a public offering, nor an offer to purchase, nor solicitation for an offer to sell CeGeREAL shares or an offer to sell, in any country, including France.
The disclosure, publication or marketing of this release in certain countries may constitue a breach of legal or regulatory provisions. Conseuqnelty, the persons located in those countries where this release may be disclosed, published or marketed must seek information and comply with those legal and regulatory provisions. The company CeGeREAL will not be liable in case of breach by any person of the local regulations.

About Cegereal
Created in 2006, CeGeREAL is a commercial property company that invests in prime office properties in Greater Paris. The portfolio's appraisal value is estimated by the independent valuation firm DTZ Eurexi at €984 million as of September 30, 2015 (replacement value).
To date, CeGeREAL is the first French property company with a fully certified portfolio from an environmental point of view (HQE and BREEAM "Very Good", Management "Excellent") and benefits from the Green Star rating in the international benchmark GRESB.
CeGeREAL is a REIT listed on Euronext Paris since 2006, in compartment B (ISIN: FR0010309096). The Company had a market capitalization of €476 million on January 6, 2016.

Consolidated IFRS P&L

In thousands of euros, except per share data      
  31/12/2015 (1) 31/12/2014 (2) Notes
  12 months 12 months 
Rental income 44 310  44 746   
Income from other services 11 349  13 173  Note 1
Building-related costs (17 156)  (16 341)  Note 2
Net rental income 38 504  41 579   
Sale of building    
Administrative costs (4 976)  (3 057)  Note 3
Other operating expenses (5)   
Other operating income 65    
Increase in fair value of investment property 62 736  42 637   
Decrease in fair value of investment property (0)  (23 933)   
Total change in fair value of investment property 62 736  18 704  Note 4
Net operating income   96 323   57 226  
Financial income 15  17   
Financial expenses (14 719)  (14 533)   
Net financial expense (14 705)  (14 515)   
Corporate income tax (662)  (312)   
CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME   80 957   42 398  
of which attributable to owners of the Company80 957  42 398   
of which attributable to non-controlling interests 
Other comprehensive income   
of which attributable to owners of the Company  80 957   42 398  
of which attributable to non-controlling interests 
Basic and diluted earnings per share (in euros)   6,06   3,18  
(1) Preliminary and non audited accounts as at December 31, 2015    
(2) Audited accounts ast at December 31, 2015 and published in the 2014 Annual report of Cegereal    
Note 1 - Indemnities of departure paid in 2014 by Stora Enzo and by Cap Gemini    
Note 2 - Mainly: marketing of Europlaza and real estate taxes    
Note 3 - Mainly: fees linked to the change of shareholder and to the increase of payroll    
Note 4 - Fair value adjustments to investment property    

Balance sheet IFRS (consolidated)

In thousands of euros      
  31/12/2015 (1) 31/12/2014 (2) Notes
Non-current assets   
Property, plant and equipment 61     
Investment property 942 000  871 000  Note 4
Non-current loans and receivables 28 928  30 941  Note 5
Total non-current assets 970 989  901 941   
Current assets   
Trade accounts receivable 13 132  6 469  Note 6
Other operating receivables 6 899  6 276   
Prepaid expenses 96  107   
Total receivables 20 127  12 852   
Cash and cash equivalents 8 723  23 499   
Total cash and cash equivalents 8 723  23 499   
Total current assets 28 850  36 351   
  TOTAL ASSETS   999 839    938 292   
Shareholders' equity   
Share capital 160 470  160 470   
Legal reserve and additional paid-in capital 21 436  21 436   
Consolidated reserves and retained earnings 305 447  284 831   
Net attributable income 80 955  42 398   
Total shareholders' equity 568 308  509 135   
Non-current liabilities   
Non-current borrowings 402 664  401 889   
Other non-current borrowings and debt 3 951  4 166   
Non-current corporate income tax liability    
Total non-current liabilities 406 615  406 055   
Current liabilities   
Current borrowings 1 626  1 716   
Trade accounts payable 3 150  2 148   
Corporate income tax liability 295   
Other operating liabilities 4 573  5 045   
Prepaid revenue 15 566  13 898  Note 7
Total current liabilities 24 915  23 102   
Total liabilities 431 530  429 157   

(1) Preliminary and non audited accounts as at December 31, 2015
(2) Audited accounts ast at December 31, 2015 and published in the 2014 Annual report of Cegereal
Note 4 -  Fair value adjustments to investment property
Note 5 - Amortization of incentives granted to tenants
Note 6 - Rents to be paid for the first quarter of 2016
Note 7 - Rents paid in advance for the first quarter of 2016

Cash Flow - IFRS (consolidated)

In thousands of euros      
  31/12/2015 (1) 31/12/2014 (2) Notes
Consolidated net income   80 957  42 398   
Elimination of items related to the valuation of buildings:      
Fair value adjustments to investment property (62 736)  (18 704)  Note 8
Indemnity received from lessees for the replacement of components      
Elimination of other income/expense items with no cash impact:      
Amortization of property, plant and equipment (excluding Investment property)   5     
Adjustments for loans at amortized cost 775  1 091   
  Cash flows from operations before tax and changes in working capital requirements    19 001   24 785 Note 9
Other changes in working capital requirements (2 975)  (629)   
 Change in working capital requirements   (2 975)   (629) 
 Net cash flows from operating activities   16 026   24 156  
Acquisition of fixed assets (8 331)  (3 296)  Note 10
Net decrease in amounts due to fixed asset suppliers (384)  874   
 Net cash flows used in investing activities   (8 715)   (2 422) 
Increase in share capital      
Change in bank debt   5 000  Note 11
Refinancing transaction costs      
Net increase in current borrowings (90)  (60)   
Net increase in other non-current borrowings and debt (215)  697   
Net decrease in other non-current borrowings and debt      
Purchases and sales of treasury shares 252  134   
Dividends paid (22 034)  (20 025)   
 Net cash flows used in financing activities   (22 087)   (14 254) 
 Change in cash and cash equivalents   (14 776)   7 480  
  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year* 23 499  16 018   

* There were no cash liabilities for any of the periods presented above.

(1) Preliminary and non audited accounts as at December 31, 2015
(2) Audited accounts ast at December 31, 2015 and published in the 2014 Annual report of Cegereal
Note 8 - Fair value adjustments to investment property
Note 9 - Mainly: confer notes 1,2,3
Note 10 - Mainly: works on Europlaza
Note 11 - Financing of works on Europlaza

P&L - French GAAP

In euros      
  France Exportation 31/12/2015 (1) 31/12/2014 (2)
  12 months 12 months
  Total Total
  Sales of goods for resale       
  Sales of manufactured products       
  Sales of services    47  
NET REVENUE 0 0 47 0
  Change in finished goods and in-progress inventory     
  In-house production     
  Operating subsidies     
  Reversal of depreciation and amortization charges, provisions for impairment and expense transfers    27 21
  Other revenue     0
Total operating revenue      74 21
  Purchases of goods     
  Change in inventories of goods held for resale     
  Purchases of raw materials and other supplies     
  Change in inventories (raw materials and other supplies)     
  Other purchases and external charges    1 745 1 489
  Taxes, duties and other levies    129 51
  Wages and salaries    649 259
  Social security charges    266 121
  Fixed assets: depreciation and amortization     
  Fixed assets: provisions for impairment     
  Current assets: provisions for impairment     
  Loss and contingency provisions     
  Other expenses    123 128
Total operating expenses     2 913 2 048
OPERATING LOSS     -2 839 -2 026
  Allocated income or transferred loss     
  Loss incurred or transferred income     
  Financial income from controlled entities     68 300
  Income from other securities and receivables     0
  Other interest income    0 5
  Reversal of provisions for impairment, other provisions and expense transfers    6  
  Foreign exchange gains     
  Net income on sale of short-term investment securities     
Total financial income     6 68 305
  Depreciation, amortization, provisions for impairment and other provisions     6
  Interest expenses    16 499
  Foreign exchange losses     
  Net expenses on sales of short-term investment securities     
Total financial expenses     16 505
(1) Preliminary and non audited accounts as at December 31, 2015     
(2) Audited accounts ast at December 31, 2015 and published in the 2014 Annual report of Cegereal     

In euros   
    31/12/2015 (1) 31/12/2014 (2)
    12 months 12 mois
  Non-recurring income on management transactions    
  Non-recurring income on capital transactions   53 78
  Reversal of provisions for impairment, other provisions and expense transfers    
Total non-recurring income   53 78
  Non-recurring expenses on management transactions    
  Non-recurring expenses on capital transactions   5  
  Depreciation, amortization and provisions for impairment    
Total non-recurring expenses   5 0
  Employee profit sharing    
  Corporate income tax   662 312
TOTAL INCOME    133 68 404
TOTAL EXPENSES    3 596 2 865
NET INCOME/(LOSS)   -3 463 65 539
(1) Preliminary and non audited accounts as at December 31, 2015    
(2) Audited accounts ast at December 31, 2015 and published in the 2014 Annual report of Cegereal    

Balance sheet - French GAAP

In euros    
 ASSETS Brut Amort./Dépr. 31/12/2015 (1) 31/12/2014 (2)
Uncalled subscribed capital    
Intangible fixed assets    
  Start-up costs     
  Research and development costs     
  Licenses, patents and similar concessions     
  Other intangible fixed assets     
  Advances/down payments on intangible assets     
Property, plant and equipment    
  Plant, machinery and equipment     
  Other property, plant and equipment     
  Property, plant and equipment in progress     
  Advances and down payments     
Financial fixed assets    
  Receivables from controlled entities 361 230   361 230 387 710
  Other long-term investments     
  Other financial fixed assets 643   643 789
FIXED ASSETS 361 873 0 361 873 388 499
Inventories and work in progress    
  Raw materials and other supplies     
  Manufactured products in progress     
  Services in progress     
  Semi-finished and finished goods     
  Goods held for resale     
Advances/down payments on orders    
  Trade accounts receivable     
  Other receivables 266   266 21
  Subscribed capital, called up but not paid     
Short-term investment securities    
Cash and cash equivalents 109   109 460
CURRENT ASSETS 375 0 375 481
Prepaid expenses 59   59 88
Adjustment accounts    
 TOTAL ASSETS 362 307 0 362 307 389 067
(1) Preliminary and non audited accounts as at December 31, 2015     
(2) Audited accounts ast at December 31, 2015 and published in the 2014 Annual report of Cegereal     

In euros        
 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES     31/12/2015 (1) 31/12/2014 (2) Notes
  Share capital (including paid-up capital:  160,470,000)    160 470 160 470  
  Additional paid-in capital     5 389 5 389  
  Revaluation reserve     152 342 152 342  
  Legal reserve     16 047 16 047  
  Statutory or contractual reserves       
  Regulated reserves       
  Other reserves     30 188 0 Note 1
  Retained earnings     30 -3 257  
  Net income/(loss) for the year     -3 463 65 539  
  Interim dividend     0 -10 029  
Investment subsidies      
Regulated provisions      
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY     361 003 386 501  
Income from the issue of equity instruments      
Contingent advances      
OTHER EQUITY     0 0  
Contingency provisions      
Loss provisions      
Non-current borrowings and debt      
  Convertible bonds      
  Other bonds      
  Bank borrowings      
  Miscellaneous borrowings and debt    0 1 807  
Trade accounts payable and other current liabilities    
  Advances/down payments received on orders in progress    0 0  
  Trade accounts payable    823 358  
  Tax and social liabilities    480 402  
  Amounts owed to fixed asset suppliers      
  Other liabilities      
  Prepaid revenue      
LIABILITIES     1 304 2 567  
Adjustment accounts      
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES     362 307 389 067  
(1) Preliminary and non audited accounts as at December 31, 2015  
(2) Audited accounts ast at December 31, 2015 and published in the 2014 Annual report of Cegereal  
Note 1 - Not distributed 2014 net income  


In thousands of euros, except per share data   
  31/12/2015 (1) 30/06/2015 (2) 31/12/2014 (3)
Shareholders' equity under IFRS 568 308 519 257 509 135
Portion of rent-free periods -34 673 -35 211 -36 532
EPRA NAV   533 635   484 046   472 603
Market value of the loan -413 074 -408 901 -410 274
Carrying amount of the loan 402 664 402 442 401 888
EPRA NNNAV   523 225   477 587   464 218
Number of shares 13 372 500 13 372 500 13 372 500
Treasury shares -13 538 -20 660 -21 955
NAV per share   39,17   35,77   34,77
(1) Estimated and non audited figures as at December 31, 2015   
(2) 2015 Interim Financial Report of Cegereal    
(3) 2014 Annual report of Cegereal    
Pdf press release:

This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Cegereal SA via Globenewswire
