Veritone, Inc. and OPEXUS, announced that a major national bank in Canada is leveraging the OPEXUS ATIPXpress® AI Assist Module, which now includes Veritone?s award-winning Redact solution. Veritone Redact uses pre-processing and machine learning to support the AI Assist Module by finding, flagging and redacting sensitive information in audio and video data, which may include audio calls between customer service representatives and customers, internal company video conversations or on-premise surveillance footage. Redaction plays an important role in the bank?s efforts to maintain data security, regulatory compliance and trust in financial services.

Redacting multimedia files is a time-intensive process, and Veritone Redact is able to help ATIP teams reduce redaction times by up to 90%, helping speed the ATIP request process and meet public demands more quickly. Built on Veritone?s proven aiWARE? enterprise platform, Veritone Redact enables users to manually define sensitive imagery and objects, including heads and personally identifiable information, and then automatically redacts this information from audio and video documents.

It also enables searches for keywords and phrases captured within the recorded audio and quick redaction of those items. The news follows OPEXUS? recent contract renewal with the federal financial institution, whereby the bank will utilize OPEXUS? expanded performance ATIP modules including AI Assist, Collaboration Portal, Public Access Link and Electronic Document Review.

Given the increase in ATIP requests over the last several years, banks across Canada are seeing the need to modernize their ATIP process. OPEXUS? expanded performance modules give them and other public agencies the tools they need to fully mature their ATIP programs while modernizing, streamlining and managing complex requests at scale.