For the year ended 30 September 2015

    The Directors of TwentyFour Select Monthly Income Fund Limited announce the
    results for the year ended 30 September 2015. The Report will shortly be
    available via the Company's Portfolio Manager's website
    and will shortly be available for inspection online at


    The Company

    TwentyFour Select Monthly Income Fund Limited (the "Company") was incorporated
    with limited liability in Guernsey, as a closed-ended investment company on 12
    February 2014. The Company's shares were listed with a Premium Listing on the
    Official List of the UK Listing Authority and admitted to trading on the Main
    Market of the London Stock Exchange on 10 March 2014.

    Investment Objective and Investment Policy

    The Company's investment objective is to generate attractive risk adjusted
    returns, principally through income distributions.

    The Company's investment policy is to invest in a diversified portfolio of
    credit securities.

    The portfolio may be comprised of any category of credit security, including,
    without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, bank capital, corporate
    bonds, high yield bonds, leveraged loans, payment-in kind notes and asset
    backed securities. The portfolio will include securities of a less liquid
    nature. The portfolio will be dynamically managed by TwentyFour Asset
    Management LLP (the "Portfolio Manager") and, in particular, will not be
    subject to any geographical restrictions.

    The Company maintains a portfolio diversified by issuer; the portfolio
    comprises at least 50 Credit Securities. No more than 5% of the portfolio value
    will be invested in any single Credit Security or issuer of Credit Securities,
    tested at the time of making or adding to an investment in the relevant Credit
    Security. Uninvested cash, surplus capital or assets may be invested on a
    temporary basis in:

      * Cash or cash equivalents, money market instruments, bonds, commercial paper
        or other debt obligations with banks or other counterparties having a
        ''single A'' or higher credit rating as determined by any internationally
        recognised rating agency which, may or may not be registered in the EU; and

      * Any ''government and public securities'' as defined for the purposes of the
        Financial Conduct Authority (the "FCA") Rules.

    Efficient portfolio management techniques are employed by the Company, such as
    currency hedging, interest rate hedging and the use of derivatives to manage
    key risks such as interest rate sensitivity and to mitigate market volatility.
    The Company's currency hedging policy will only be used for efficient portfolio
    management and not to attempt to enhance investment returns.

    The Company will not employ gearing or derivatives for investment purposes. The
    Company may use borrowing for short-term liquidity purposes, which could be
    achieved through a loan facility or other types of collateralised borrowing
    instruments including repurchase transactions and stock lending. The Articles
    restrict the borrowings of the Company to 10% of the Company's Net Asset Value
    ("NAV") at the time of drawdown.

    The Company has a target net total return on the original issue price of
    between 8 and 10% per annum. This comprises a target dividend payment of 6p and
    a target capital return of 2p-4p both based on the original issue amount of
    100p. There is no guarantee that this can or will be achieved.

    Shareholder Information

    Phoenix Fund Services (UK) Limited ("Phoenix") is responsible for calculating
    the NAV per share of the Company. Phoenix delegate this responsibility to
    Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited
    (the "Administrator") however Phoenix still performs an oversight function. The
    unaudited NAV per Ordinary Share will be calculated as at the close of business
    on every Wednesday that is also a business day and the last business day of
    every month and will be announced by a Regulatory Information Service the
    following business day.

    Financial Highlights

                                                        Year ended    For the period
                                                          30.09.15     from 12.02.14
                                                                            (date of
                                                                         to 30.09.14
    Total Net Assets                                  £134,560,344      £123,194,466
    Net Asset Value per share                              92.59p*            98.41p
    Share price at 30 September 2015                        96.63p           102.75p
    Premium to Net Asset Value                               4.36%             4.41%
    Dividends declared in respect of the profit              6.53p             3.07p
    for the year                                                                    

    *Including dividends, the NAV per share total return was 0.7%, for further
    detail refers to the Chair's Statement on page 5.

    As at 14 January 2016, the premium had moved to 3.0%. The estimated NAV per
    share and share price stood at 89.81p and 92.50p respectively.

    Ongoing Charges

    Ongoing charges for the year ended 30 September 2015 have been calculated in
    accordance with the Association of Investment Companies (the "AIC") recommended
    methodology. The ongoing charges for the year ended 30 September 2015 were
    1.19% (30 September 2014: 1.16%).


    for the year ended 30 September 2015

    The market environment that prevailed in the 12 months to 30 September 2015 was
    difficult. Spreads on the European High Yield sector widened by over 1.5%,
    giving a total market return of just over 0.2% and a negative price performance
    of almost 5%. Given this backdrop the Company's portfolio also struggled in
    price terms, although a consistent level of income was generated. The NAV per
    share fell by 5.9% during the year. Total dividends for the year were 6.53p,
    ahead of the 6p target, which created a NAV per share total return of 0.7%.

    The Company's shares continued to trade at a premium to NAV and approximately
    20 million new shares were issued during the twelve months, with no shares
    having to be redeemed under the quarterly realisation mechanism.           

    The investment portfolio continues to meet an acceptable level of diversity and
    yield. The focus continues to be on Euro denominated credit (swapped back to
    Sterling) as the Portfolio Manager anticipates that European Central Bank (ECB)
    support through quantitative easing and low interest rates is likely to tighten
    spreads on high yield bonds, which should in turn outperform government bonds
    where rates are unlikely to go lower.      

    While bond prices are currently depressed and there are further potential
    negative global headwinds to navigate in 2016, the Portfolio Manager is
    confident that, over the medium to long term, the negative price performance
    will be reversed. The Portfolio Manager expects low interest rates and low
    default rates to remain over the medium term. Volatility is however expected to
    increase, as US interest rates rise and geopolitical risks remain high. The
    Portfolio Manager anticipates that these periods of enhanced volatility will
    represent opportunities to source suitable new investments. Additionally the
    uncertainty surrounding the position of the UK in Europe is likely to be a risk
    but also a source of opportunity.

    The Board will continue to work closely with TwentyFour Asset Management LLP on
    monitoring developments in the fixed income market and ensuring that the
    Company's portfolio is appropriately positioned to maximise Shareholder returns
    over the long term.

    Claire Whittet


    14 January 2016


    for the year ended 30 September 2015

    The Company increased the capital issuance over the 12-month period by
    approximately £20m, averaging just under £1,700,000 per month. This included a
    one-off £10m tap issue at the end of January 2015 as a result of investor
    demand and favourable opportunities to invest the proceeds in the market.

    The Company is an unconstrained fixed income vehicle, able to take advantage of
    any illiquidity premium associated with 'off-the-run' bonds and aged legacy
    issues. These portfolio components primarily consist of Asset Backed Securities
    (ABS), Bank Capital and High Yield corporate bonds, which remain unchanged from
    the initial marketing information and initial allocation of the Company at the
    end of the ramp-up period. There are no constraints in terms of geographical
    diversity but the asset allocation bias of the Company remains European.

    Given the nature of the products being sourced for the Company (less-liquid
    assets with relatively robust credit-metrics) the Portfolio Manager needs a
    degree of secondary market activity in order to dis-lodge the positions from
    investors; periods of low market activity are not conducive for this.

    The early part of this 12-month period did see some pick up in volatility
    premium, with US equities undergoing a 10% fall followed by a quick recovery.
    The Bank of Japan took the market by surprise with a significant increase in
    its domestic Quantitative Easing (QE) programme, swiftly followed by the ECB
    who announced its own asset purchase programme which was initially focused on
    bank covered bonds and ABS. However, adding to investor concerns was the
    continued decline in commodity prices (particularly crude oil) and a spike in
    geopolitical risks as Russia and the Ukraine squabbled over separatist rights
    in the border region. In Europe, sentiment was weakened yet again by Greece as
    a surprise election in Greece brought in the anti-austerity Syriza party, who
    won on a promise of anti-austerity measures in complete defiance of the
    European Union (EU) leadership; thereby rekindling the talk of a fracture in
    the Eurozone harmony and membership. In the credit markets, the ECB released
    their Asset Quality Review tests for the EU domiciled banks, which showed
    growing resilience of the banks due to improved capital buffers. The end of
    2014 brought about a spate of skittish market behavior with traditional
    correlations breaking down as US equities hit all-time highs, commodities were
    sold off and US Treasury yields rallied. This was primarily due to expectations
    that the first Fed Funds rate hike would be pushed back into mid-2015. The
    start of 2015 was no less dramatic as the Swiss National Bank shocked markets
    by announcing it was to abandon the CHF1.20 floor against the EURO which
    resulted in an immediate 30% appreciation of the Swiss Franc. Then,  to help
    settle markets, Mario Draghi surpassed all expectations by announcing an
    expansion in the ECB purchase programme to €60bn per month (until September
    2016 at the earliest) to include Euro area sovereign bonds and Euro agencies;
    resulting in an obvious impact on government bonds across the Eurozone
    (exception being Greece with their new Syriza government).

    As feared, the Greek government pledged that they were no longer going to
    adhere to the terms of the EU/IMF bailout and would endeavour to renegotiate
    them. Naturally the Eurozone finance ministers rejected this and a classic
    stand-off resulted which didn't help market sentiment. Counter-balancing this
    was the ECB's announcement of outright QE that helped stock indices rally to
    new highs and government bond yields fall to new lows. In Germany the 30 year
    Bunds dipped below 1% yield and over 50% of the Euro sovereign bond market
    moved to negative yields, which was clearly untenable in the long run. Across
    the other side of the Atlantic the US Fed continued with its measured rhetoric
    but omitted 'patience' from its Federal Open Markets Committee (FOMC) minutes
    and focus began to shift towards the strength of the USD against its basket of
    traded currencies, with many market participants suggesting that this USD
    rally, together with relatively benign economic data, would force the Fed to
    push back any rate rise into late 2015. The uncertainty became embedded in the
    market forcing many investors to the side-lines.

    Market activity continued to be muted throughout the summer months with
    investors retreating to cash as Greece flirted precariously close to
    non-payment of an ECB loan and Euro exit, which in turn led to increased
    rhetoric regarding contagion across the wider Eurozone region and dealers
    pulled bids back as a consequence. With the Greek impasse only being resolved
    on 20 July 2015 deadline day (of an ECB loan repayment), market activity had
    little time to recover being so close to the traditional summer break with a
    very limited time opportunity to launch new bond deals.

    Through late July and August 2015 attention began to focus on China and the
    growing expectations of a slowdown in growth. As a result commodity prices
    depreciated further, which fuelled the concerns about deflationary pressures
    elsewhere. This also had the knock-on effect of lowering the likelihood of the
    FOMC hiking Fed Funds in September 2015 (which indeed were kept on hold).
    Concerns of a Chinese slowdown were then amplified by the announcement that the
    Chinese authorities  had ordered the state run fund to initiate domestic equity
    buying whilst suspending large investors from selling hundreds of stocks, to
    try and stabilise the market. This ultimately had the opposite effect as
    investors interpreted the actions as being a panic policy and confirming the
    view that growth outlook was weak as some pessimists had claimed. A reduction
    in the Chinese reserve requirement by the People's Bank of China swiftly
    followed which weakened the currency and slowed the extent of the sell-off, but
    conditions across all markets remain cautious with volumes remaining poor.
    Equity markets sold off sharply and there was obvious contagion in fixed income
    assets (albeit not as bad as feared) with credit bid-offer spreads widening and
    trading volumes deteriorating substantially - hence the ability to source cheap
    assets remained a frustrating challenge. The Jackson Hole Symposium, held at
    the end of the summer shed little light on the Fed's stance and the FOMC on 17
    September 2015 left rates unchanged coupled with a rather dovish comment which
    left the market in a continued state of flux.

    In summary, the credit markets have been hampered by acute market uncertainty
    which has severely impaired trading activity. Since the summer there has been
    an improvement in primary market activity in the High Yield (HY) and financial
    sectors, which has created opportunities in the instruments we follow.

    In terms of the current portfolio themes, the Portfolio Manager continues to
    have high conviction on Euro convergence and remain confident that European
    credit will outperform the USA or emerging markets (EM) regions as the ECB
    purchase programme continues to support the local regional market. The current
    portfolio is likely to be affected by the medium term swings in sentiment,
    driving the mark-to-market levels, but credit conditions for the underlying
    components remains supportive. In terms of cash flow and income generation the
    Company looks set to perform as expected and hence the Portfolio Manager has no
    significant concerns about meeting the minimum dividend performance as
    determined in the prospectus.   

    TwentyFour Asset Management LLP

    14 January 2016


    As at 30 September 2015

                           Nominal/    Credit Security       Fair Value     Percentage of
                             Shares    Sector                        £     Net Asset     
    NWIDE 10 1/4 06/29/49    39,000    Banks                  5,012,126              3.72
    COVBS 6 3/8 12/29/49  4,240,000    Banks                  4,030,979              3.00
    SOCGEN 7 ? 12/29/49   5,870,000    Banks                  3,875,227              2.88
    BACR 7 7/8 12/29/49   3,500,000    Banks                  3,522,505              2.62
    HPARK 1X E            4,600,000    Asset Backed           3,122,194              2.32
    NEWLOK 8 07/01/23     3,200,000    High Yield             2,991,000              2.22
    ABBEY 10 ? 12/31/49   2,000,000    Banks                  2,968,648              2.21
    LVFRSC 6 1/2 05/22/43 2,750,000    Insurance              2,733,913              2.03
    CGMSE 2015-2X E       4,000,000    Asset Backed           2,690,349              2.00
    ACAFP 7 1/2 04/49     2,700,000    Banks                  2,674,280              1.99
    AVOCA 11X F           4,000,000    Asset Backed           2,608,698              1.94
    BUTSAS 7 3/8 09/15/19 3,500,000    High Yield             2,611,179              1.94
    JUBIL 2014-12X F      3,950,000    Asset Backed           2,586,322              1.92
    BLIR 7 3/8 12/29/49   3,400,000    Banks                  2,525,939              1.88
    ARGID 8 3/8 06/15/19  3,258,691    High Yield             2,503,455              1.86
    GALAGB 11.5 06/01/19  2,300,000    High Yield             2,456,166              1.83
    AARB 7 5/8 11/29/49   3,400,000    Banks                  2,463,311              1.83
    TMFG 9 7/8 12/01/19   3,100,000    High Yield             2,438,980              1.81
    VOYCAR 11 02/01/19    2,250,000    High Yield             2,365,313              1.76
    AQUIL 2006-1X E       3,500,000    Asset Backed           2,346,144              1.74

    * Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to
    transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at
    the measurement date. For further information refer to note 2(e).

    The full portfolio listing can be obtained from the Administrator on request.


    Biographical details of the Directors are as follows:

    Claire Whittet - (Chair) (age 60)

    Ms Whittet is a resident of Guernsey and has over 38 years' experience in the
    banking industry and since 2003 has been a Director and, more recently,
    Managing Director and Co-Head of Rothschild Bank International Ltd and a
    Director of Rothschild Bank (CI) Ltd. Ms Whittet is also a non-executive
    director of a number of listed funds. Ms Whittet began her career at the Bank
    of Scotland where she was for 19 years in a variety of personal and corporate
    finance roles. Subsequently, Ms Whittet joined Bank of Bermuda and was Global
    Head of Private Client Credit before taking up her current position at

    Ms Whittet holds an MA from Edinburgh University, is a member of the Chartered
    Institute of Bankers in Scotland, a member of the Chartered Insurance
    Institute, a Chartered Banker, a member of the Institute of Directors and holds
    the Institute of Directors Diploma in Company Direction. Ms Whittet was
    appointed to the Board on 12 February 2014.

    Christopher F. L. Legge - (Non-executive Director) (age 60)

    Mr Legge is a Guernsey resident and worked for Ernst & Young in Guernsey from
    1983 to 2003. Having joined the firm as an audit manager in 1983, he was
    appointed a partner in 1986 and managing partner in 1998. From 1990 to 1998, he
    was head of Audit and Accountancy and was responsible for the audits of a
    number of banking, insurance, investment fund, property fund and other
    financial services clients. He also had responsibility for the firm's training,
    quality control and compliance functions. He was appointed managing partner for
    the Channel Islands region in 2000 and merged the business with Ernst & Young
    LLP in the United Kingdom. He retired from Ernst & Young in 2003.

    Mr Legge currently holds a number of non-executive directorships in the
    financial services sector including BH Macro Limited (FTSE 250) where he is
    Senior Independent Director. He also chairs the Audit Committees of several UK
    listed companies. He is an FCA and holds a BA (Hons) in Economics from the
    University of Manchester. Mr Legge was appointed to the Board on 12 February

    Thomas H. Emch - (Non-executive Director) (age 72)

    Mr Emch is an independent Board member and consultant. He graduated from the
    University of Zurich (lic.oec.publ.) and IMD (PED) in Lausanne. During his
    professional career he successively was European Treasurer of Litton
    International, SVP of Banque Paribas Suisse, EVP of Lombard Odier & Co. and CEO
    of Royal Bank of Canada (Suisse), a position he held for 11 years until his
    retirement in 1999. Throughout his banking career, he served on the Boards of
    numerous companies and professional associations in Switzerland and abroad. Mr
    Emch was appointed to the Board on 12 February 2014.

    Ian Martin - (Non-executive Director) (age 52)

    Ian Martin has over 30 years' experience in finance gathered in a variety of
    multi asset investment focused roles in the UK, Hong Kong, Switzerland and
    Uruguay. More recently he was the CIO and Head of Asset Management and Research
    at Lloyds Bank in Geneva and then Head of Bespoke Portfolio Management and
    Advisory for key clients in UBP Bank in Geneva. Previous roles have included
    senior roles in equity derivatives and trading as well as CIO and Managing
    Director of a Fund of Hedge fund company in the UK. Currently he is also a
    Director of Avenue Capital Credit Opportunities Limited and Bedlam Family

    The following summarises the Directors' directorships in other public listed

    Company Name                                            Stock Exchange         
    Claire Whittet (Chair)                                                         
    BH Macro Limited                                        London, Bermuda and    
    International Public Partnerships                       London                 
    Riverstone Energy Limited                               London                 
    Ashmore Global Opportunities Limited                    London                 
    Baring Vostock Investments PCC                          Channel Island         
    BH Macro Limited                                        London, Bermuda and    
    John Laing Environmental Assets Group Limited           London                 
    Schroder Global Real Estate Securities Limited          London                 
    Sherborne Investors (Guernsey) B                        London                 
    Third Point Offshore Investors                          London                 


    The Directors present their Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for
    the year ended 30 September 2015.

    Business Review

    The Company

    TwentyFour Select Monthly Income Fund Limited (the "Company") was incorporated
    with limited liability in Guernsey, as a closed-ended investment company on 12
    February 2014. The Company's Shares were listed with a Premium Listing on the
    Official List of the UK Listing Authority and admitted to trading on the Main
    Market of the London Stock Exchange on 10 March 2014.

    Investment Objective and Policy

    The investment objective and policy is set out in the Summary Information.

    Discount/Premium to Net Asset Value

    The Board monitors and manages the level of the share price discount/premium to
    NAV. In managing this, the Company operates a share buyback facility whereby it
    may purchase, subject to various terms as set out in its Articles and in
    accordance with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, up to 14.99% of the
    Company's Ordinary Redeemable Shares in issue immediately following Admission
    for trading in the London Stock Exchange.

    The Company also offers investors a Quarterly Tender, contingent on certain
    factors, to provide Shareholders with a quarterly opportunity to submit
    Ordinary Shares for placing or repurchase by the Company at a price
    representing a discount of no more than 2% to the then prevailing NAV. For
    additional information refer to note 16.

    Shareholder Information

    Shareholder information is set out in the Summary Information.

    Going Concern

    The Directors believe that, having considered the Company's investment
    objective (see Summary Information), financial risk management (see note 16 to
    the Financial Statements) and in view of its holding in cash and cash
    equivalents, the liquidity of investments and the income deriving from those
    investments, the Company has adequate financial resources and suitable
    management arrangements in place to continue as a going concern for at least
    twelve months from the date of approval of the financial statements.

    Long Term Viability Statement

    In accordance with the AIC Code, the Directors have assessed the prospects of
    the Company over a longer period than the 12 months minimum required by the
    'Going Concern' provision. The Board consider that three years is an
    appropriate period to assess the viability of the Company.

    The Board's assessment of the Company over the three year period has been made
    with reference to the Company's current position and prospects, the Company's
    strategy, and the Board's risk appetite having considered each of the Company's
    principal risks and uncertainties summarised below. The Board has also
    considered the Company's cash flows and income flows, its likely ability to pay
    dividends and the portfolio analysis, including but not limited to liquidity
    analysis, foreign exchange analysis, credit analysis and valuation analysis.
    The analysis has taken the form of stress tests on the Company as well as cash
    flow modelling based on a range of different market scenarios. All of the
    foregoing have been considered against the background of the Company's dividend

    Key assumptions considered by the Board in relation to the viability of the
    Company are as follows:

    Continuation of the Company

    The continuation vote requirements are set out in note 16.

    Dividend Target

    The ongoing viability of the Company and the validity of the going concern
    basis depend on the Company meeting its dividend target annually during the
    three-year period. In the event that the Company does not meet the dividend
    target annually during the three-year period as disclosed in note 19, the
    Directors will convene a general meeting in accordance with the continuation
    vote requirements set out in note 16.

    Quarterly Tenders

    The Company has incorporated into its structure a mechanism for a quarterly
    tender to narrow the risk of Ordinary Shares trading at a discount to NAV. It
    is anticipated that the Company will tender on a quarterly basis for up to 20%
    of the Ordinary Shares in issue as at the relevant Quarter Record Date, subject
    to an aggregate limit of 50% of the Ordinary Shares in issue in any twelve
    month period ending on the relevant Quarter Record Date. In the event that
    tender applications, on any tender submission deadline, exceed the 50% limit,
    the Directors will convene a General Meeting in accordance with the
    Continuation Vote requirements set out in Note 16. The quarterly tenders will
    be at the discretion of the Board. Ordinary Shares trading at a discount to NAV
    over a long period of time may impact the viability of the Company.

    The Board having considered the analysis above, have a reasonable expectation
    that the Company will be able to continue in operation and meet its liabilities
    as they fall due over the three year period to 14 January 2019.


    The results for the year are set out in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.
    The Directors paid income distributions of £9,184,405 for the year ended 30
    September 2015, a breakdown of which can be found in note 19. The 30 September
    2015 distribution which was declared on 8 October 2015 was paid on 30 October

    Distributions made with respect to any income period comprise (a) the total
    income of the portfolio for the period, and (b) an additional amount paid out
    of capital to reflect any additional income in the course of any share
    subscriptions that took place during the period. Including additional income in
    this way ensures that the income yield of the shares is not diluted as a
    consequence of the issue of new shares during an income period and (c) any
    income on the foreign exchange contracts caused by the libor differentials
    between each foreign exchange currency pair.

    Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

    At each Board meeting, the Directors consider a number of performance measures
    to assess the Company's success in achieving its objectives. Below are the main
    KPIs which have been identified by the Board for determining the progress of
    the Company:

      * Net Asset Value
      * Share Price
      * Discount/Premium
      * Ongoing Charges
      * Monthly Dividends

    A record of these measures is disclosed in the Summary Information.

    Portfolio Manager

    The portfolio management fee is payable to the Portfolio Manager, TwentyFour
    Asset Management LLP, monthly in arrears at a rate of 0.75% per annum of the
    lower of NAV, which is calculated weekly on each valuation day and on the last
    business day of each month, or market capitalisation of each class of share.
    For additional information refer to note 14.

    The Board considers that the interests of Shareholders, as a whole, are best
    served by the ongoing appointment of the Portfolio Manager to achieve the
    Company's investment objectives.

    During the year the Board visited the Portfolio Manager to gain an increased
    understanding of their systems and valuation methodologies and to meet them in
    their working environment and at the same time took the opportunity to meet
    with the Alternative Investment Fund Manager. Such visits are to be an on-going
    occurrence and the Board meets with the Portfolio Manager on other occasions.

    Alternative Investment Fund Manager ("AIFM")

    Alternative investment fund management services are provided by Phoenix Fund
    Services (UK) Limited ("Phoenix") whose appointment became effective on 22 July
    2014. The AIFM fee is payable quarterly in arrears at a rate of 0.07% of the
    Net Asset Value of the Company below £50 million, 0.05% on Net Assets between £
    50 million and £100 million and 0.03% on Net Assets in excess of £100 million.
    For additional information refer to note 15.

    Custodian and Depositary

    On 1 May 2014, the Custody Agreement was terminated with the Northern Trust
    (Guernsey) Limited and Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited was appointed
    Depositary. The terms of the Depositary agreement dated 17 February 2014 (and
    effective 1 May 2014), allow Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited to receive
    professional fees for services rendered. The Depositary agreement includes
    custodian duties. For additional information refer to note 15.


    The Directors of the Company during the year and at the date of this Report are
    set out on the Corporate Information section.

    Directors' and Other Interests

    The Directors of the Company held the following Ordinary Shares beneficially:

                                                                       Number of Shares 
                                                                       30.09.15 30.09.14
    Claire Whittet                                                       25,000   10,000
    Christopher Legge                                                    50,000   25,000
    Thomas Emch                                                          25,000   25,000
    Ian Martin                                                           25,000        -

    Corporate Governance

    The Board is committed to high standards of corporate governance and has
    implemented a framework for corporate governance which it considers to be
    appropriate for an investment company in order to comply with the principles of
    the UK Corporate Governance Code (the "UK Code"). The Company is also required
    to comply with the Code of Corporate Governance (the "GFSC Code") issued by the
    Guernsey Financial Services Commission.

    The Financial Reporting Council (the "FRC") issued a revised Code in 2014, for
    reporting periods beginning on or after 1 October 2014. The AIC updated the AIC
    Code of Corporate Governance (the "AIC Code") (including the Guernsey edition)
    and its Guide to Corporate Governance (the "AIC Guide") to reflect the relevant
    changes to the FRC document in February 2015. The Board has adopted the revised

    The UK Listing Authority requires all UK premium listing companies to disclose
    how they have complied with the provisions of the UK Code. This Corporate
    Governance Statement, together with the Going Concern Statement, Viability
    Statement and the Statement of Directors' Responsibilities, indicates how the
    Company has complied with the principles of good governance of the UK Code and
    its requirements on Internal Control.

    The Company is a member of the Association of Investment Companies (the "AIC")
    and by complying with the AIC Code is deemed to comply with both the UK Code
    and the GFSC Code.

    The Board has considered the principles and recommendations of the AIC Code, by
    reference to the guidance notes provided by the AIC Guide, and consider that
    reporting against these will provide better information to shareholders. To
    ensure ongoing compliance with these principles the Board reviews a report from
    the Corporate Secretary at each quarterly meeting, identifying how the Company
    is in compliance and identifying any changes that might be necessary.

    The AIC Code and the AIC Guide are available on the AIC's website, The UK Code is available in the Financial Reporting Council's

    Throughout the year ended 30 September 2015, the Company has complied with the
    recommendations of the AIC Code and thus the relevant provisions of the UK
    Code, except as set out below.

    The UK Code includes provisions relating to:

      * the role of the Chief Executive
      * Executive Directors' remuneration
      * the need for an internal audit function
      * the whistle blowing policy
      * Senior Independent Director
      * Remuneration Committee
      * Nomination Committee

    For the reasons set out in the AIC Guide, and as explained in the UK Code, the
    Board considers these provisions are not relevant to the position of the
    Company as it is an externally managed investment company. The Company has
    therefore not reported further in respect of these provisions. The Directors
    are all non-executive and the Company does not have employees, hence no Chief
    Executive or whistle-blowing policy is required for the Company. The key
    service-providers all have whistleblowing policies in place. The Board is
    satisfied that any relevant issues can be properly considered by the Board.

    Details of compliance with the AIC Code are noted below. There have been no
    other instances of non-compliance, other than those noted above.

    Role, Composition and Independence of the Board

    The Board is the Company's governing body and has overall responsibility for
    maximising the Company's success by directing and supervising the affairs of
    the business and meeting the appropriate interests of shareholders and relevant
    stakeholders, while enhancing the value of the Company and also ensuring
    protection of investors. A summary of the Board's responsibilities is as

      * statutory obligations and public disclosure;
      * strategic matters and financial reporting;
      * risk assessment and management including reporting compliance,
        governance,monitoring and control; and
      * other matters having a material effect on the Company.

    The Board's responsibilities for the Annual Report and Audited Financial
    Statements are set out in the Statement of Directors' Responsibilities.

    The Board currently consists of four non-executive Directors, all of whom are
    considered to be independent of the Portfolio Manager and as prescribed by the
    Listing Rules.

    The Board does not consider it appropriate to appoint a Senior Independent
    Director because they are all deemed to be independent by the Company. The
    Board considers it has the appropriate balance of diverse skills and
    experience, independence and knowledge of the Company and the wider sector, to
    enable it to discharge its duties and responsibilities effectively and that no
    individual or group of individuals dominates decision making. The Chair is
    responsible for leadership of the Board and ensuring its effectiveness.


    The Chair is Claire Whittet. The Chair of the Board must be independent for the
    purposes of Chapter 15 of the Listing Rules. Claire Whittet is considered
    independent because she:

      * has no current or historical employment with the Portfolio Manager; and
      * has no current directorships in any other investment funds managed by the
        Portfolio Manager.

    Biographies for all the Directors can be found on the Board Members section.

    The Board needs to ensure that the Annual Report and Audited Financial
    Statements, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides
    the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company's position and
    performance, business model and strategy. In seeking to achieve this, the
    Directors have set out the Company's investment objective and policy and have
    explained how the Board and its delegated Committees operate and how the
    Directors review the risk environment within which the Company operates and set
    appropriate risk controls. Furthermore, throughout the Annual Report and
    Audited Financial Statements the Board has sought to provide further
    information to enable shareholders to have a fair, balanced and understandable

    The Board has contractually delegated responsibility for the management of its
    investment portfolio, the arrangement of custodial and depositary services and
    the provision of accounting and company secretarial services.

    The Board is responsible for the appointment and monitoring of all service
    providers to the Company.

    The Directors are kept fully informed of investment and financial controls and
    other matters by all services providers that are relevant to the business of
    the Company and should be brought to the attention of the Directors.

    The Company has adopted a policy that the composition of the Board of
    Directors, which is required by the Company's Articles to comprise of at least
    two persons, is at all times such that a majority of the Directors are
    independent of the Portfolio Manager and any company in the same group as the
    Portfolio Manager; the Chair of the Board of Directors is free from any
    conflicts of interest and is independent of the Portfolio Manager and of any
    company in the same group as the Portfolio Manager; and that no more than one
    director, partner, employee or professional adviser to the Portfolio Manager or
    any company in the same group as the Portfolio Manager may be a Director of the
    Company at any one time.

    The Board has a breadth of experience relevant to the Company and the Directors
    believe that any changes to the Board's composition can be managed without
    undue disruption. With any new director appointment to the Board, consideration
    will be given as to whether an induction process is appropriate.

    The Board has also given careful consideration to the recommendations of the
    Davies Report. The Board has reviewed its composition and believes that the
    current appointments provide an appropriate range of skills, experience and
    diversity. In order to maintain its diversity, the Board is committed to
    continuing its implementation of the recommendations of the Davies Report as
    part of its succession planning over future years.

    Directors' Attendance at Meetings

    The Board holds quarterly Board meetings, to discuss general management,
    structure, finance, corporate governance, marketing, risk management,
    compliance, asset allocation and gearing, contracts and performance. The
    quarterly Board meetings are the principal source of regular information for
    the Board enabling it to determine policy and to monitor performance,
    compliance and controls but these meetings are also supplemented by
    communication and discussions throughout the year.

    A representative of the Portfolio Manager, AIFM, Administrator, Custodian and
    Depositary and Corporate Broker attends each Board meeting either in person or
    by telephone thus enabling the Board to fully discuss and review the Company's
    operation and performance. Each Director has direct access to the Portfolio
    Manager and Company Secretary and may, at the expense of the Company, seek
    independent professional advice on any matter.

    Both appointment and removal of these parties is to be agreed by the Board as a

    The Audit Committee meets at least twice a year, Management Engagement
    Committee meets at least once a year, a dividend meeting is held monthly and
    there are additional meetings covering the Quarterly Tender as and when
    necessary. In addition, ad hoc meetings of the Board to review specific items
    between the regular scheduled quarterly meetings can be arranged. Between
    formal meetings there is regular contact with the Portfolio Manager, AIFM,
    Administrator, Custodian and Depositary and the Corporate Broker.

    Attendance at the Board, Audit and Management Engagement Committee meetings
    during the year was as follows:

                      Board Meetings  Audit Committee    Management    Ad hoc Committee
                                         Meetings        Engagement        Meetings    
                      Held  Attended   Held  Attended  Held   Attended  Held   Attended
    Claire Whittet        5         5      3        3       1        1      13       12
    Christopher           5         5      3        3       1        1      13       12
    Thomas Emch           5         5      3        3       1        1      13       12
    Ian Martin            5         5      3        3       1        1      13       11

    At the Board meetings the Directors review the management of the Company's
    assets and liabilities and all other significant matters so as to ensure that
    the Directors maintain overall control and supervision of the Company's

    Election of Directors

    The election of Directors is set out in the Directors' Remuneration Report.

    Board Performance and Training

    The Directors consider how the Board functions as a whole taking balance of
    skills, experience and length of service into consideration and also reviews
    the individual performance of its members on an annual basis.

    To enable this evaluation to take place, the Company Secretary will circulate a
    detailed questionnaire plus a separate questionnaire for the evaluation of the
    Chairman. The questionnaires, once completed, are returned to the Company
    Secretary who collates responses, prepares a summary and discusses the Board
    evaluation with the Chairman prior to circulation to the remaining Board
    members. The performance of the Chairman is evaluated by the other Directors.
    On occasions, the Board may seek to employ an independent third party to
    conduct a review of the Board. This evaluation took place on the 14 July 2015.

    These evaluations consider the balance of skills, experience, independence and
    knowledge of the Board, its diversity and how the Board works together as a
    unit as well as other factors relevant to its effectiveness.

    On appointment to the Board, the Directors were offered relevant training and
    induction. Training is an on-going matter as is discussion on the overall
    strategy of the Company and the Board has met with the Portfolio Manager at
    their offices and elsewhere during the year to discuss these matters. Such
    meetings will be an on-going occurrence.

    Retirement by Rotation

    Under the terms of their appointment, each Director is required to retire by
    rotation and be subject to re-election at least every three years. The
    Directors are also required to seek re-election if they have already served for
    more than nine years. The Company may terminate the appointment of a Director
    immediately on serving written notice and no compensation is payable upon
    termination of office as a director of the Company becoming effective. All
    Directors have agreed to stand for re-election annually.

    Board Committees and their Activities

    Terms of Reference

    All Terms of Reference of the Board's Committees are available from the
    Administrator upon request.

    Management Engagement Committee

    The Board has established a Management Engagement Committee with formal duties
    and responsibilities. The Management Engagement Committee commits to meeting at
    least once a year and comprises the entire Board with Thomas Emch appointed as
    Chair. These duties and responsibilities include the regular review of the
    performance of and contractual arrangements with the Portfolio Manager and
    other service providers and the preparation of the Committee's annual opinion
    as to the Portfolio Manager's services. The first Management Engagement
    Committee meeting was held on 14 July 2015.

    The Management Engagement Committee carried out its first review of the
    performance and capabilities of the Portfolio Manager at its first meeting and
    the Board recommended the continued appointment of TwentyFour Asset Management
    LLP as Portfolio Manager as it is in the interest of shareholders.

    Audit Committee

    An Audit Committee has been established consisting of all Directors with
    Christopher Legge appointed as Chair. The terms of reference of the Audit
    Committee provide that the committee shall be responsible, amongst other
    things, for reviewing the Interim and Annual Financial Statements, considering
    the appointment and independence of external auditors, discussing with the
    external auditors the scope of the audit and reviewing the Company's compliance
    with the AIC Code.

    Further details on the Audit Committee can be found in the Audit Committee

    Nomination Committee

    There is no separate Nomination Committee. The Board as a whole fulfils the
    function of a Nomination Committee. Any proposal for a new Director will be
    discussed and approved by all members of the Board.

    Remuneration Committee

    In view of its non-executive and independent nature, the Board considers that
    it is not appropriate for there to be a separate Remuneration Committee as
    anticipated or recommended by the AIC Code. The Board as a whole fulfils the
    functions of the Remuneration Committee, although the Board has included a
    separate Remuneration Report of these Financial Statements.

    Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

    For purposes of the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, the Company
    registered with the US Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") as a Guernsey reporting
    Foreign Financial Institution ("FFI") on 30 June 2014, received a Global
    Intermediary Identification Number, and can be found on the IRS FFI list under
    the link The responsible officer
    is Helen Howell, Deputy Chief Operating Officer at Twenty Four Asset Management

    The Company is subject to Guernsey regulations and guidance based on reciprocal
    information sharing inter-governmental agreements which Guernsey has entered
    into with the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The Board will
    take the necessary actions to ensure that the Company is compliant with
    Guernsey regulations and guidance in this regard.


    The strategy for the Company is to capture the illiquidity premium that is
    associated with 'off the run' bond issues in the secondary markets. As part of
    the general search for high conviction, relative value securities the Portfolio
    Manager continually came across interesting investment opportunities but too
    often these bonds did not offer sufficient liquidity to use in the typical
    daily mark-to-market UCITs funds, however they are suitable for closed ended
    vehicles. By remaining highly selective and without conceding on underlying
    credit quality, the strategy expects to generate a minimum monthly distribution
    of 0.5p per share, with all excess income being distributed to investors at the
    year-end of the Company.

    Internal Controls

    The Board is ultimately responsible for establishing and maintaining the
    Company's system of internal financial and operating control and for
    maintaining and reviewing its effectiveness. The Company's risk matrix
    continues to be the core element of the Company's risk management process in
    establishing the Company's system of internal financial and reporting control.
    The risk matrix is prepared and maintained by the Board which initially
    identifies the risks facing the Company and then collectively assesses the
    likelihood of each risk, the impact of those risks and the strength of the
    controls operating over each risk. The system of internal financial and
    operating control is designed to manage rather than to eliminate the risk of
    failure to achieve business objectives and by their nature can only provide
    reasonable and not absolute assurance against misstatement and loss. These
    controls aim to ensure that assets of the Company are safeguarded, proper
    accounting records are maintained and the financial information for publication
    is reliable. The Board confirms that there is an ongoing process for
    identifying, evaluating and managing the significant risks faced by the

    This process has been in place for the year under review and up to the date of
    approval of this Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements and is reviewed
    by the Board and is in accordance with the AIC Code.

    The AIC Code requires Directors to conduct at least annually a review of the
    Company's system of internal financial and operating control, covering all
    controls, including financial, operational, compliance and risk management. The
    Board has evaluated the systems of internal controls of the Company. In
    particular, it has prepared a process for identifying and evaluating the
    significant risks affecting the Company and the policies by which these risks
    are managed. The Board also considers whether the appointment of an internal
    auditor is required and has determined that there is no requirement for a
    direct internal audit function.

    The Board has delegated the day to day responsibilities for the management of
    the Company's investment portfolio, the provision of depositary services and
    administration, registrar and corporate secretarial functions including the
    independent calculation of the Company's NAV and the production of the Annual
    Report and Financial Statements which are independently audited.

    Formal contractual agreements have been put in place between the Company and
    providers of these services. Even though the Board has delegated responsibility
    for these functions, it retains accountability for these functions and is
    responsible for the systems of internal control. At each quarterly Board
    meeting, compliance reports are provided by the Administrator, Company
    Secretary, Portfolio Manager, AIFM and Depositary. The Board also receives
    confirmation from the Administrator of its accreditation under its Service
    Organisation Controls 1 report.

    The Company's risk exposure and the effectiveness of its risk management and
    internal control systems are reviewed by the Audit Committee at its quarterly
    meetings and annually by the Board. The Board believes that the Company has
    adequate and effective systems in place to identify, mitigate and manage the
    risks to which it is exposed. Principal Risks and Uncertainties are set out

    Principal Risks and Uncertainties

    The Board is responsible for the Company's system of internal financial and
    reporting controls and for reviewing its effectiveness. The Board is satisfied
    that by using the Company's risk matrix as its core element in establishing the
    Company's system, internal financial and reporting controls while monitoring
    the investment limits and restrictions set out in the Company's investment
    objective and policy, that the Board has carried out a robust assessment of the
    principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company.

    The principal risks which have been identified and the steps which are taken by
    the Board to mitigate them are as follows:

    Market Risk

    The underlying investments comprised in the Portfolio are subject to market
    risk. The Company is therefore at risk that market events may affect
    performance and in particular may affect the value of the Company's investments
    which are valued on a marked to market basis. Market risk is risk associated
    with changes in market prices, including spreads, economic uncertainty and
    changes in regulation. While the Company, through its investments in Credit
    Securities, intends to hold a diversified Portfolio of assets, any of these
    factors including specific market events, such as the global financial crisis
    and levels of sovereign debt, may have a material impact which could be
    materially detrimental to the performance of the Company's investments. Under
    extreme market conditions the portfolio may not benefit from diversification.
    For additional information refer to note 16.

    Liquidity Risk

    Investments made by the Company may be relatively illiquid and this may limit
    the ability of the Company to realise its investments and in turn pay dividends
    to Shareholders or buy back Ordinary Shares under the Quarterly Tenders or in
    the market. Substantially all of the assets of the Company are invested in
    Credit Securities. There may be no active market in the Company's interests in
    Credit Securities and the Company may be required to provide liquidity to fund
    Tender Requests or repay borrowings. The Company does not have redemption
    rights in relation to any of its investments. As a consequence, the value of
    the Company's investments may be materially adversely affected. For additional
    information refer to note 16.

    Credit risk

    The Company may not achieve the Dividend Target and investors may not get back
    the full value of their investment because it will invest in Credit Securities
    issued by companies, trusts or other investment vehicles which, compared to
    bonds issued or guaranteed by governments, are generally exposed to greater
    risk of default in the repayment of the capital provided to the issuer or
    interest payments due to the Company. The amount of credit risk is indicated by
    the issuer's credit rating which is assigned by one or more internationally
    recognised rating agencies. This does not amount to a guarantee of the issuer's
    creditworthiness but generally provides a good indicator of the likelihood of
    default. Securities which have a lower credit rating are generally considered
    to have a higher credit risk and a greater possibility of default than more
    highly rated securities. There is a risk that an internationally recognised
    rating agency may assign incorrect or inappropriate credit ratings to issuers.
    Issuers often issue securities which are ranked in order of seniority which, in
    the event of default, would be reflected in the priority in which investors
    might be paid back.

    The level of defaults in the Portfolio and the losses suffered on such defaults
    may increase in the event of adverse financial or credit market conditions.

    In the event of a default of a Credit Security, the Company's right to recover
    will depend on the ability of the Company to exercise any rights that it has
    against the borrower under the insolvency legislation of the jurisdiction in
    which the borrower is incorporated. As a creditor, the Company's level of
    protection and rights of enforcement may therefore vary significantly from one
    country to another, may change over time and may be subject to rights and
    protections which the relevant borrower or its other creditors might be
    entitled to exercise. Refer to Investment Objective and Policy for information
    regarding investment restrictions currently in place in order to manage credit
    risk. For additional information refer to note 16.

    Foreign currency risk

    The Company is exposed to foreign currency risk through its investments
    denominated in currencies other than Sterling. The Company's share capital is
    denominated in Sterling and its expenses are incurred in Sterling. The
    Company's financial statements are maintained and presented in Sterling.
    Approximately 85% of the foreign currency investments at year end are in Euros.
    Amongst other factors affecting the foreign exchange markets, events in the
    Eurozone may have an impact upon the value of the Euro which in turn will
    impact the value of the Company's Euro denominated investments. The Company
    manages its exposure to currency movements by using spot and forward foreign
    exchange contracts, which are rolled forward periodically. For additional
    information refer to note 16.

    Operational Risks

    The Company is exposed to the risk arising from any failures of systems and
    controls in the operations of the Portfolio Manager, Administrator, AIFM and
    the Custodian and Depositary amongst others. The Board and its Audit Committee
    regularly review reports from the Portfolio Manager, the AIFM, Administrator
    and Custodian and Depositary on their internal controls. The Administrator will
    report to the Portfolio Manager any valuation issues which will be brought to
    the Board for final approval as required.

    Accounting, Legal and Regulatory Risks

    The Company is exposed to the risk that it may fail to maintain accurate
    accounting records, fail to comply with requirements of its Admission document
    and fail to meet listing obligations. The accounting records prepared by the
    Administrator are reviewed by the Portfolio Manager. The Portfolio Manager,
    Administrator, AIFM, Custodian and Depositary and Corporate Broker provide
    regular updates to the Board on compliance with the Admission document and
    changes in regulation. Changes in legal or regulatory environment can have a
    major impact of some classes of debt. The Portfolio Manager monitors this and
    takes appropriate action.

    Income Recognition Risk

    The Board considers income recognition to be a principal risk and uncertainty
    of the Company. The Portfolio Manager estimates the remaining life of the
    security, which has an impact on the effective interest rate of the Credit
    Securities which in turn impacts the calculation of interest income. The Board
    asked the Audit Committee to consider this risk with work undertaken by the
    Audit Committee as discussed on the Audit Committee Report. As a result of the
    work undertaken by the Audit Committee, the Board is satisfied that income is
    appropriately stated in all material aspects in the Financial Statements.

    Reinvestment Risk

    A by-product of quantitative easing resulted in lower yields across all fixed
    income products and tightening credit spreads. This could pose a challenge for
    the Portfolio Manager when it comes to reinvest any monies that result from
    portfolio asset redemptions and amortisations. The Portfolio Manager has
    recognised this potential challenge and performed ongoing cashflow analysis on
    the current portfolio; encouragingly the redemptions and expected amortisations
    over the coming 12 months are minimal and pose no significant impact. Trying to
    predict market conditions years ahead is notoriously difficult, however the
    Portfolio Manager recognises there may be a requirement to be more
    opportunistic in terms of timing for new investments i.e. aim to reinvest when
    the market is most volatile and also to remain vigilant to requests for
    issuance of new shares. For further information refer to note 16.

    Cyber security risks

    The Company is exposed to the risk arising from a successful cyber-attack
    through its service providers. The Company's service providers provide regular
    updates to the Board on any cyber security issues and how they are mitigating
    this risk. The Board is satisfied that the Company's service providers have the
    relevant controls in place to mitigate this risk.

    Shareholder Engagement

    The Board welcomes shareholders' views and places great importance on
    communication with its shareholders. Shareholders wishing to meet with the
    Chair and other Board members should contact the Company's Administrator.

    The Portfolio Manager and Listing Sponsor maintain a regular dialogue with
    institutional shareholders, the feedback from which is reported to the Board.

    The Company's Annual General Meeting ("AGM") provides a forum for shareholders
    to meet and discuss issues of the Company and shareholders with the opportunity
    to vote on the resolutions as specified in the Notice of AGM. The Notice of the
    AGM and the results are released to the London Stock Exchange in the form of an

    Shareholders with holdings of more than 3.0% of the Shares of the Company are
    set out below.

    In addition, the Company maintains a website which contains comprehensive
    information, including links to regulatory announcements, share price
    information, financial reports, investment objective and investor contacts.

    Significant Shareholdings

    Shareholders with holdings of more than 3.0% of the Shares of the Company at 6
    January 2016 were as follows:

                                                       Number of     Percentage of
                                                          shares      issued share
    NorTrust Nominees Limited                         20,720,616            13.92%
    State Street Nominees Limited                     20,244,350            13.60%
    The Bank Of New York Nominees                     13,037,605             8.76%
    Platform Securities Nominees                      12,276,177             8.25%
    Pershing Nominees Limited                         12,118,626             8.14%
    Vidacos Nominees Limited                           8,244,471             5.54%
    Ferlim Nominees Limited                            8,179,650             5.50%
    Aurora Nominees Limited                            5,479,247             3.68%
    Halb Nominees Limited                              5,315,380             3.57%
    W B Nominees Limited                               5,224,266             3.51%
    Rock Nominees Limited                              4,721,038             3.17%

    Those invested directly or indirectly in 3.0% or more of the issued share
    capital of the Company will have the same voting rights as other holders of the

    Disclosure of Information to Auditors

    The Directors who held office at the date of approval of these Financial
    Statements confirm that, so far as they are each aware, there is no relevant
    audit information of which the Company's auditor is unaware; and each Director
    has taken all the steps that they ought to have taken as a Director to make
    themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the
    Company's auditor is aware of that information.

    Independent Auditors

    A resolution for the reappointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLP will be
    proposed at the forthcoming AGM.

    Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors on 14 January 2016 by:

    Claire Whittet                                                   Christopher

    Chair                                                               Director


    The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the Audited
    Financial Statements in accordance with applicable Guernsey law and

    Guernsey Company law requires the Directors to prepare Financial Statements for
    each financial year. Under that law they have elected to prepare the Financial
    Statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
    ("IFRS") and applicable law.

    The Financial Statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of
    the state of affairs of the Company and of the profit or loss of the Company
    for that period.

    In preparing these Financial Statements, the Directors are required to:

      * select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;
      * make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;
      * state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject
        to any material departures disclosed and explained in the Financial
        Statements; and
      * prepare the Financial Statements on the going concern basis unless it is
        inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business.

    The Directors confirm that they have complied with these requirements in
    preparing the Financial Statements.

    The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which
    disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the
    Company and to enable them to ensure that the Financial Statements have been
    properly prepared in accordance with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. They
    have general responsibility for taking such steps as are reasonably open to
    them to safeguard the assets of the Company and to prevent and detect fraud and
    other irregularities. They also have the responsibility for the maintenance and
    the integrity of the Company's website.

    The Directors are responsible for the oversight of the maintenance and
    integrity of the corporate and financial information in relation to the Company
    website; the work carried out by the auditors does not involve consideration of
    these matters and, accordingly, the auditors accept no responsibility for any
    changes that may have occurred to the financial statements since they were
    initially presented on the website.

    Legislation in Guernsey governing the preparation and dissemination of
    financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.
    The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge

     a. The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS and
        give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position
        and profit of the Company as at and for the year ended 30 September 2015.

     a. The Annual Report includes information detailed in the Chair's Statement,
        Portfolio Manager's Report, Directors' Report, Directors' Remuneration
        Report, Audit Committee Report, Alternative Investment Fund Manager's
        Report and Depositary Statement provides a fair review of the information
        required by:

     i. DTR 4.1.8 and DTR 4.1.9 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being a
        fair review of the Company business and a description of the principal
        risks and uncertainties facing the Company; and

     i. DTR 4.1.11 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of
        important events that have occurred since the end of the financial year and
        the likely future development of the Company.

    In the opinion of the Board, the Financial Statements taken as a whole, are
    fair, balanced and understandable and provide the information necessary to
    assess the Company's position and performance, business model and strategy.

    By order of the Board,

    Christopher Legge


    14 January 2016


    The Directors' remuneration report has been prepared in accordance with the UK
    Code as issued by the UK Listing Authority. An ordinary resolution for the
    approval of the annual remuneration report was put to the shareholders at the
    AGM held on 14 July 2015.

    Remuneration policy

    The Company's policy in regard to Directors' remuneration is to ensure that the
    Company maintains a competitive fee structure in order to recruit, retain and
    motivate non-executive Directors of excellent quality in the overall interests
    of shareholders.

    The Directors do not consider it necessary for the Company to establish a
    separate Remuneration Committee. All of the matters recommended by the UK Code
    that would be delegated to such a committee are considered by the Board as a

    It is the responsibility of the Board as a whole to determine and approve the
    Directors' remuneration, following a recommendation from the Chair who will
    have given the matter proper consideration, having regard to the level of fees
    payable to non-executive Directors in the industry generally, the role that
    individual Directors fulfil in respect of Board and Committee responsibilities
    and the time committed to the Company's affairs. The Chair's remuneration is
    decided separately and is approved by the Board as a whole.

    No element of the Directors' remuneration is performance related, nor does any
    Director have any entitlement to pensions, share options or any long term
    incentive plans from the Company.


    The Directors of the Company are remunerated for their services at such a rate
    as the Directors determine provided that the aggregate amount of such fees does
    not exceed £150,000 per annum.

    Directors are remunerated in the form of fees, payable quarterly in arrears, to
    the Director personally. No Directors have been paid additional remuneration by
    the Company outside their normal Director's fees and expenses.

    In the year ended 30 September 2015 the Directors received the following annual
    remuneration in the form of Director's fees:

    Claire Whittet (Chair of the Board)                                         £30,000
    Christopher Legge (Audit Committee                                          £27,500
    Thomas Emch                                                                 £25,000
    Ian Martin                                                                  £25,000
    Total                                                                      £107,500

    With effect from 1 October 2015, the Directors' fees increased by £5,000 each.
    The remuneration policy set out above is the one applied for the year ended 30
    September 2015 and is not expected to change in the foreseeable future.

    Appropriate Directors' and Officers' liability insurance cover is maintained by
    the Company on behalf of the Directors.

    The Directors were appointed as non-executive Directors by letters issued in
    February and July 2014. Each Director's appointment letter provides that, upon
    the termination of his/her appointment, that he/she must resign in writing and
    all records remain the property of the Company. The Directors' appointments can
    be terminated in accordance with the Articles and without compensation.

    There is no notice period specified in the Articles for the removal of
    Directors. The Articles provide that the office of Director shall be terminated
    by, among other things: (a) written resignation; (b) unauthorised absences from
    board meetings for six months or more; (c) unanimous written request of the
    other Directors; and (d) an ordinary resolution of the Company.

    Under the terms of their appointment, each Director is required to retire by
    rotation and be subject to re-election at least every three years but have
    opted for annual re-election. The Directors are required to seek re-election if
    they have already served for more than nine years. The Company may terminate
    the appointment of a Director immediately on serving written notice and no
    compensation is payable upon termination of office as a director of the Company
    becoming effective.

    The amounts payable to Directors shown in note 14 are for services as
    non-executive Directors.

    No Director has a service contract with the Company, nor are any such contracts

    Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors on 14 January 2016 by:

    Claire Whittet                                                              
    Christopher Legge



    On the following, we present the Audit Committee's Report, setting out the
    responsibilities of the Audit Committee and its key activities for the year
    ended 30 September 2015.

    The Audit Committee has scrutinised the appropriateness of the Company's system
    of risk management and internal financial and operating controls, the
    robustness and integrity of the Company's financial reporting, along with the
    external audit process. The Audit Committee has devoted time to ensuring that
    controls and processes have been properly established, documented and

    During the course of the year, the information that the Audit Committee has
    received has been timely and clear and has enabled the Committee to discharge
    its duties effectively.

    The Audit Committee is supportive of the latest UK Code recommendations and
    other corporate governance organisations such as the AIC, and believes that the
    revised AIC Code allows the Audit Committee to further strengthen its role as a
    key independent oversight Committee.

    Role and responsibilities

    The primary function of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board in
    fulfilling its oversight responsibilities. This includes reviewing the
    financial reports and other financial information and any significant financial
    judgement contained therein, before publication.

    In addition, the Audit Committee reviews the systems of internal financial and
    operating controls on a continuing basis that the Administrator, Portfolio
    Manager, AIFM, and Custodian and Depositary and the Board have established with
    respect to finance, accounting, risk management, compliance, fraud and audit.
    The Audit Committee also reviews the accounting and financial reporting
    processes, along with reviewing the roles, independence and effectiveness of
    the external auditor. The AIC Code requires the Audit Committee to annually
    consider the need for internal audit function.

    The ultimate responsibility for reviewing and approving the Annual Report and
    other Financial Statements remain with the Board.

    The Audit Committee's full terms of reference can be obtained by contacting the
    Company's Administrator.

    Risk management and internal control

    The Board, as a whole, including the Audit Committee members, consider the
    nature and extent of the Company's risk management framework and the risk
    profile that is acceptable in order to achieve the Company's strategic
    objectives. As a result, it is considered that the Board has fulfilled its
    obligations under the AIC Code.

    The Audit Committee continues to be responsible for reviewing the adequacy and
    effectiveness of the Company's on-going risk management systems and processes.
    Its system of internal controls, along with its design and operating
    effectiveness, is subject to review by the Audit Committee through reports
    received from the Portfolio Manager, AIFM and Custodian and Depositary, along
    with those from the Administrator and external auditor.

    Fraud, Bribery and Corruption

    The Board has relied on the overarching requirement placed on the service
    providers under the relevant agreements to comply with applicable law,
    including anti-bribery laws. A review of the service provider policies took
    place at the Management Engagement Committee Meeting on 14 July 2015. The Board
    receives confirmation from all service providers that there has been no fraud,
    bribery or corruption.

    Financial reporting and significant financial issues

    The Audit Committee assesses whether suitable accounting policies have been
    adopted and whether the Portfolio Manager has made appropriate estimates and
    judgements. The Audit Committee reviews accounting papers prepared by the
    Portfolio Manager and Administrator which provides details on the main
    financial reporting judgements.

    The Audit Committee also reviews reports by the external auditors which
    highlight any issues with respect to the work undertaken on the audit.

    The significant issues considered during the year by the Audit Committee in
    relation to the Financial Statements and how they were addressed are detailed

    (i) Valuation of investments:

    The Company's investments had a fair value of £128,802,069 as at 30 September
    2015 (30 September 2014: £117,308,598) and represent a substantial portion of
    net assets of the Company. As such this is the largest factor in relation to
    the consideration of the Financial Statements. These investments are valued in
    accordance with the Accounting Policies set out in note 2 and note 3 to the
    Financial Statements. The Audit Committee considered the valuation of the
    investments held by the Company as at 30 September 2015 to be reasonable from
    information provided by the Portfolio Manager, AIFM, Administrator, Custodian
    and Depositary on their processes for the valuation of these investments.

    (ii) Income Recognition:

    The Audit Committee considered the calculation of income from investments
    recorded in the Financial Statements as at 30 September 2015. As disclosed in
    note 3(ii)(b) of the Notes to the Financial Statements, the estimated life of
    Credit Securities is determined by the Portfolio Manager, impacting the
    effective interest rate of the Credit Securities which in turn impacts the
    calculation of income from investments. The Audit Committee reviewed the
    Portfolio Manager's process for determining the expected life of the Company's
    investments and found it to be reasonable based on the explanations provided
    and information obtained from the Portfolio Manager. The Audit Committee was
    therefore satisfied that income was appropriately stated in all material
    aspects in the Financial Statements.

    Following a review of the presentations and reports from the Portfolio Manager
    and Administrator and consulting where necessary with the external auditor, the
    Audit Committee is satisfied that the Financial Statements appropriately
    address the critical judgements and key estimates (both in respect to the
    amounts reported and the disclosures). The Audit Committee is also satisfied
    that the significant assumptions used for determining the value of assets and
    liabilities have been appropriately scrutinised, challenged and are
    sufficiently robust.

    The Company's reporting currency is Sterling while a significant proportion of
    the investments owned are denominated in foreign currencies. The Company
    operates a hedging strategy designed to mitigate the impact of foreign currency
    rate changes on the performance of the fund. The Audit Committee has used
    information from the Administrator and Portfolio Manager to satisfy itself
    concerning the effectiveness of the hedging process, as well as to confirm that
    realised and unrealised foreign currency gains and losses have been correctly

    At the request of the Audit Committee, the Administrator confirmed that it was
    not aware of any material misstatements including matters relating to Financial
    Statement presentation. At the Audit Committee meeting to review the Annual
    Report and Audited Financial Statements, the Audit Committee received and
    reviewed a report on the audit from the external auditors. On the basis of its
    review of this report, the Audit Committee is satisfied that the external
    auditor has fulfilled its responsibilities with diligence and professional
    scepticism. The Audit Committee advised the Board that these Annual Financial
    Statements, taken as a whole, are fair, balanced and understandable.

    The Audit Committee is satisfied that the judgements made by the Portfolio
    Manager and Administrator are reasonable, and that appropriate disclosures have
    been included in the Financial Statements.

    External auditors

    The Audit Committee has responsibility for making a recommendation on the
    appointment, re-appointment and removal of the external auditors.
    PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLP ("PwC") were appointed as the first auditors of
    the Company. During the year the Audit Committee received and reviewed audit
    plans and reports from the external auditors. It is standard practice for the
    external auditors to meet privately with the Audit Committee without the
    Portfolio Manager and other service providers being present at each Audit
    Committee meeting.

    To assess the effectiveness of the external audit process, the auditors were
    asked to articulate the steps that they have taken to ensure objectivity and
    independence, including where the auditor provides non-audit services. The
    Audit Committee monitors the auditors' performance, behaviour and effectiveness
    during the exercise of their duties, which informs the decision to recommend
    reappointment on an annual basis.

    The Company generally does not utilise external auditors for internal audit
    purposes, secondments or valuation advice. Services which are in the nature of
    audit, such as tax compliance, private letter rulings, accounting advice and
    disclosure advice are normally permitted but will be pre-approved by the Audit

    The following table summarises the remuneration paid to PwC and to other PwC
    member firms for audit and non-audit services during the year ended 30
    September 2015 and for the period ended 30 September 2014.

                                                          Year ended For the period
                                                            30.09.15  from 12.02.14
                                                                           (date of
                                                                        to 30.09.14
    PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLP                                  £              £
              - Annual                                        45,700         45,000
              - Interim                                       22,500            N/A
              - Listing & Financial Reporting                      -         45,000
              - Tax consulting and compliance                  3,000          3,000

    For any questions on the activities of the Audit Committee not addressed in the
    foregoing, a member of the Audit Committee remains available to attend each AGM
    to respond to such questions.

    The Audit Committee Report was approved by the Audit Committee on 14 January
    2016 and signed on behalf by:

    Christopher Legge

    Chairman, Audit Committee


    Phoenix Fund Services (UK) Limited acts as the Alternative Investment Fund
    Manager ("AIFM") of TwentyFour Select Monthly Income Fund Limited ("the
    Company") providing portfolio management and risk management services to the

    The AIFM has delegated the following of its alternative investment fund
    management functions:

      * It has delegated the portfolio management function for listed investments
        to TwentyFour Asset Management LLP.
      * It has delegated the portfolio management function for unlisted investments
        to TwentyFour Asset Management LLP.

    The AIFM is required by the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
    2011, 61/EU (the "AIFM Directive") and all applicable rules and regulations
    implementing the AIFM Directive in the UK (the "AIFM" Rules):

      * to make the annual report available to investors and to ensure that the
        annual report is prepared in accordance with applicable accounting
        standards, the Company's articles of incorporation and the AIFM Rules and
        that the annual report is audited in accordance with International
        Standards on Auditing;
      * be responsible for the proper valuation of the Company's assets, the
        calculation of the Company's net asset value and the publication of the
        Company's net asset value;
      * to make available to the Company's shareholders, a description of all fees,
        charges and expenses and the amounts thereof, which have been directly or
        indirectly borne by them,
      * ensure that the Company's shareholders have the ability to redeem their
        share in the capital of the Company in a manner consistent with the
        principle of fair treatment of investors under the AIFM Rules and in
        accordance with the Company's redemption policy and its obligations.

    The AIFM is required to ensure that the annual report contains a report that
    shall include a fair and balanced review of the activities and performance of
    the Company, containing also a description of the principal risks and
    investment or economic uncertainties that the Company might face.

    AIFM Remuneration

    Under the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive, acting as the AIFM,
    Phoenix Fund Services (UK) Ltd is required to disclose how those whose actions
    have a material impact on the Company are remunerated.

    Due to the nature of the activities conducted by Phoenix Fund Services (UK)
    Ltd, it has deemed itself as a lower risk firm in accordance with SYSC 19B and
    the Remuneration Code. The only employees at Phoenix Fund Services (UK) Ltd
    permitted to have a material impact on the risk profile of the AIF are the
    Board and the Head of Risk and Compliance.

    The delegated investment manager is subject to regulatory requirements on
    remuneration that TwentyFour Asset Management LLP view as being equal to those
    detailed in the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive, which include
    the Capital Requirements Directive or Markets in Financial Instruments
    Directive.  The discretion of TwentyFour Asset Management LLP is strictly
    controlled within certain pre-defined parameters as determined in the
    prospectus of each Alternative Investment Fund.

         September 15           Number of           Total       Fixed remuneration
                              Beneficiaries   remuneration paid                   
    Total remuneration paid        54             £119,038           £119,038     
    by the AIFM during the                                                        
    Remuneration paid to            5              £22,617           £22,617      
    employees of the AIFM                                                         
    who have a material                                                           
    impact on the risk                                                            
    profile of the AIF                                                            

    In so far as the AIFM is aware:

      * there is no relevant audit information of which the Company's auditors or
        the Company's board of directors are unaware; and
      * the AIFM has taken all steps that it ought to have taken to make itself
        aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the auditors
        are aware of that information.

    We hereby certify that this report is made on behalf of the AIFM, Phoenix Fund
    Services (UK) Limited.

    R.W. Leedham

    D.W. Munting


    Phoenix Fund Services (UK) Limited

    14 January 2016


    for the year ended 30 September 2015

    Report of the Depositary to the Shareholders

    Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited has been appointed as Depositary to
    TwentyFour Select Monthly Income Fund Limited (the "Company") in accordance
    with the requirements of Article 36 and Articles 21(7), (8) and (9) of the
    Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June
    2011 on Alternative Investment Fund Managers and amending Directives 2003/41/EC
    and 2009/65/EC and Regulations (EC) No 1060/2009 and (EU) No 1095/2010 (the
    "AIFM Directive").

    We have enquired into the conduct of Phoenix Fund Services (UK) Limited (the
    "AIFM") and the Company for the year ended 30 September 2015, in our capacity
    as Depositary to the Company.

    This report including the review provided below has been prepared for and
    solely for the Shareholders in the Company. We do not, in giving this report,
    accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person to
    whom this report is shown.

    Our obligations as Depositary are stipulated in the relevant provisions of the
    AIFM Directive and the relevant sections of Commission Delegated Regulation
    (EU) No 231/2013 (collectively the "AIFMD legislation") and The Authorised
    Closed Ended Investment Scheme Rules 2008.
    Amongst these obligations is the requirement to enquire into the conduct of the
    AIFM and the Company and their delegates in each annual accounting period.

    Our report shall state whether, in our view, the Company has been managed in
    that period in accordance with the AIFMD legislation. It is the overall
    responsibility of the AIFM and the Company to comply with these provisions. If
    the AIFM, the Company or their delegates have not so complied, we as the
    Depositary will state why this is the case and outline the steps which we have
    taken to rectify the situation.

    The Depositary and its affiliates is or may be involved in other financial and
    professional activities which may on occasion cause a conflict of interest with
    its roles with respect to the Company. The Depositary will take reasonable care
    to ensure that the performance of its duties will not be impaired by any such
    involvement and that any conflicts which may arise will be resolved fairly and
    any transactions between the Depositary and its affiliates and the Company
    shall be carried out as if effected on normal commercial terms negotiated at
    arm's length and in the best interests of Shareholders.

    Basis of Depositary Review

    The Depositary conducts such reviews as it, in its reasonable discretion,
    considers necessary in order to comply with its obligations and to ensure that,
    in all material respects, the Company has been managed (i) in accordance with
    the limitations imposed on its investment and borrowing powers by the
    provisions of its constitutional documentation and the appropriate regulations
    and (ii) otherwise in accordance with the constitutional documentation and the
    appropriate regulations. Such reviews vary based on the type of Fund, the
    assets in which a Fund invests and the processes used, or experts required, in
    order to value such assets.


    In our view, the Company has been managed during the period, in all material

    (i) in accordance with the limitations imposed on the investment and borrowing
    powers of the

    Company by the constitutional document; and by the AIFMD legislation; and

    (ii) otherwise in accordance with the provisions of the constitutional
    document; and the AIFMD


    For and on behalf of

    Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited

    14 January 2016



    Report on the Financial Statements

    We have audited the accompanying financial statements of TwentyFour Select
    Monthly Income Fund Limited (the "Company") which comprise the Statement of
    Financial Position as of 30 September 2015 and the Statement of Comprehensive
    Income, the Statement of Changes in Equity and the Statement of Cash Flows for
    the year then ended and a summary of significant accounting policies and other
    explanatory information.

    Directors' Responsibility for the Financial Statements

    The Directors are responsible for the preparation of financial statements that
    give a true and fair view in accordance with International Financial Reporting
    Standards and with the requirements of Guernsey law. The Directors are also
    responsible for such internal control as they determine is necessary to enable
    the preparation of financial statements that are free from material
    misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

    Auditors' Responsibility

    Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based
    on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards
    on Auditing. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical requirements
    and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the
    financial statements are free from material misstatement.

    An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the
    amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected
    depend on the auditors' judgement, including the assessment of the risks of
    material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or
    error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control
    relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial
    statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the
    circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the
    effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes
    evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the
    reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the Directors, as well as
    evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

    We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and
    appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.


    In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the
    financial position of the Company as of 30 September 2015, and of its financial
    performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with
    International Financial Reporting Standards and have been properly prepared in
    accordance with the requirements of The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008.

    Report on other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

    We read the other information contained in the Annual Report and consider the
    implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or
    material inconsistencies with the financial statements. The other information
    is as per the table of contents.

    In our opinion the information given in the Directors' Report is consistent
    with the financial statements.

    This report, including the opinion, has been prepared for, and only for, the
    Company's members as a body in accordance with Section 262 of The Companies
    (Guernsey) Law, 2008 and for no other purpose. We do not, in giving this
    opinion, accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any other
    person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands it may come save where
    expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.

    Matters on which we are required to report by exception

    We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters which we are
    required to review under the Listing Rules:

      * the Directors' statement in relation to going concern. As noted in the
        Directors' statement, the Directors have concluded that it is appropriate
        to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements. The
        going concern basis presumes that the Company  has adequate resources to
        remain in operation, and that the Directors intend it to do so, for at
        least one year from the date the financial statements were signed. As part
        of our audit we have concluded that the Directors' use of the going concern
        basis is appropriate. However, because not all future events or conditions
        can be predicted, these statements are not a guarantee as to the Company's
        ability to continue as a going concern;

      * the Directors' statement that they have carried out a robust assessment of
        the principal risks facing the Company and the directors' statement in
        relation to the longer-term viability of the Company. Our review was
        substantially less in scope than an audit and only consisted of making
        inquiries and considering the Directors' process supporting their
        statements; checking that the statements are in alignment with the relevant
        provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code; and considering whether the
        statements are consistent with the knowledge acquired by us in the course
        of performing our audit;

      * the part of the Corporate Governance Statement relating to the Company's
        compliance with the ten further provisions of the UK Corporate Governance
        Code specified for our review; and

      * certain elements of the report to shareholders by the Board on Directors'

    Evelyn Brady

    For and on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLP

    Chartered Accountants and Recognised Auditor

    Guernsey, Channel Islands

    14 January 2016


     a. The maintenance and integrity of the Company's website is the
        responsibility of the Directors; the work carried out by the auditors does
        not involve consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the auditors
        accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the
        financial statements since they were initially presented on the website.

     a. Legislation in Guernsey governing the preparation and dissemination of
        financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.


    for the year ended 30 September 2015

                                                         Year ended    For the period
                                                           30.09.15     from 12.02.14
                                                                             (date of
                                                                          to 30.09.14
                                         Notes                    £                 £
    Interest income                                       9,711,733         4,008,515
    Net foreign currency gains             8              3,544,710         3,470,419
    Net loss on financial assets                                                     
    at fair value through profit           9            (9,914,061)       (5,449,310)
    or loss                                                                          
    Total income                                          3,342,382         2,029,624
    Portfolio management fee               14             (998,154)         (468,360)
    Directors' fees                        14             (112,842)          (46,223)
    Administration fees                    15             (101,544)          (52,314)
    AIFM management fee                    15              (76,175)           (7,119)
    Audit fee                                              (45,700)          (45,000)
    Custody fees                           15              (15,953)           (7,152)
    Broker fees                                            (50,000)          (25,000)
    Depositary fees                        15              (23,183)           (8,244)
    Other expenses                                        (164,751)          (81,172)
    Total expenses                                      (1,588,302)         (740,584)
    Total comprehensive income for the year/              1,754,080         1,289,040
    Earnings per Ordinary Share -                                                    
    Basic & Diluted                        4                  0.013             0.012

    All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.

    The notes form an integral part of the Financial Statements.


    as at 30 September 2015

                                                           30.09.15     30.09.2014
    Assets                                     Notes              £              £
    Current assets                                                                
    Investments                                  9      128,802,069    117,308,598
    Derivative assets                            16         480,209      1,582,673
    Other receivables                            10       4,028,231      2,265,533
    Cash and cash equivalents                             4,532,345      4,912,175
    Total current assets                                137,842,854    126,068,979
    Current liabilities                                                           
    Amounts due to broker                                 1,889,571      2,543,473
    Other payables                               11         245,140        253,043
    Derivative liabilities                       16       1,147,799         77,997
    Total current liabilities                             3,282,510      2,874,513
    Total net assets                                    134,560,344    123,194,466
    Share capital account                        12     142,609,447    123,434,794
    Other reserves                                      (8,049,103)      (240,328)
    Total equity                                        134,560,344    123,194,466
    Ordinary Shares in issue                     12     145,335,881    125,185,881
    Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share           6            92.59          98.41

    The Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 14 January
    2016 and signed on its behalf by:

    Christopher Legge      


    The notes form an integral part of the Financial Statements.


    for the year ended 30 September 2015

                                                  Share        Other                
                                                Account      Reserves          Total
                                                      £             £              £
    Balance at 01 October 2014              123,434,794     (240,328)    123,194,466
    Issue of shares                          16,075,985             -     16,075,985
    Share issue costs                         (339,085)             -      (339,085)
    Shares issued for repurchase             13,451,019             -     13,451,019
    Purchase of own shares to hold in      (13,451,019)                 (13,451,019)
    Reissue of treasury shares                3,551,432             -      3,551,432
    Income equalisation on new issues         (113,679)       113,679              -
    Distributions paid                                -   (9,676,534)    (9,676,534)
    Total comprehensive income for the                -     1,754,080      1,754,080
    Balance at 30 September 2015            142,609,447   (8,049,103)    134,560,344


                                                 Share         Other                
                                               Account       Reserves          Total
                                                     £              £              £
    Balance at 12 February 2014                      -              -              -
    Issue of shares                        125,946,801              -    125,946,801
    Share issue costs                      (2,248,587)              -    (2,248,587)
    Income equalisation on new issues        (263,420)        263,420              -
    Distributions paid                               -    (1,792,788)    (1,792,788)
    Total comprehensive income for the               -      1,289,040      1,289,040
    Balance at 30 September 2014           123,434,794      (240,328)    123,194,466

    The notes form an integral part of the Financial Statements.


    for the year ended 30 September 2015

                                                                     For the period
                                                                      from 12.02.14
                                               Note    Year ended          (date of
                                                         30.09.15    incorporation)
                                                                        to 30.09.14
                                                                £                 £
    Cash flows used in operating activities                                        
    Total comprehensive income for the year/            1,754,080         1,289,040
    Adjustments for:                                                               
    Net loss on investments                      9      9,914,061         5,449,310
    Amortisation adjustment under effective             (639,168)         (217,124)
    interest rate method                                                           
    Increase in receivables                             (529,278)       (2,265,533)
    (Decrease)/increase in payables                       (7,903)           253,043
    Unrealised loss/(gain) on derivatives               2,172,266       (1,504,676)
    Purchase of investments                          (89,423,264)     (143,836,560)
    Sale of investments                                66,767,578        23,839,249
    Net cash used in operating activities             (9,991,628)     (116,993,251)
    Cash flows from financing activities                                           
    Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares             16,075,985       125,946,801
    Proceeds from re-issuance of treasury               3,551,432                 -
    Share issue costs                                   (339,085)       (2,248,587)
    Dividend distribution                             (9,676,534)       (1,792,788)
    Net cash inflow from financing activities           9,611,798       121,905,426
    (Decrease)/increase in cash and cash                (379,830)         4,912,175
    Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of           4,912,175                 -
    Cash and cash equivalents at end of year/           4,532,345         4,912,175

    The notes form an integral part of the Financial Statements.


    for the year ended 30 September 2015

    1.   General Information

    TwentyFour Select Monthly Income Fund Limited (the "Company") was incorporated
    with limited liability in Guernsey, as a closed-ended investment company on 12
    February 2014. The Company's Shares were listed with a Premium Listing on the
    Official List of the UK Listing Authority and admitted to trading on the Main
    Market of the London Stock Exchange on 10 March 2014.

    The investment objective and policy is set out in the Summary Information.

    The Portfolio Manager of the Company is TwentyFour Asset Management.

    2.   Principal Accounting Policies

          a) Basis of preparation and Statement of compliance

    The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued
    by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") and are in compliance
    with the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008.

    b) Changes in presentation

    The comparable period that has been used to show the Statement of Financial
    Positions equity and the Statement of Changes in Equity has been amended to
    reflect income equalisation on new shares. This is a change in presentation and
    not a restatement.

    c) Presentation of information

    The Financial Statements have been prepared on a going concern basis under the
    historical cost convention adjusted to take account of the revaluation of the
    Company's financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or

    d) Standards, amendments and interpretations issued but not yet effective

    At the reporting date of these Financial Statements, the following standards,
    interpretations and amendments, which have not been applied in these Financial
    Statements, were in issue but not yet effective:

    - IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (Effective 1 January 2018)

    - IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Effective 1 January 2018)

    - IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures (Effective 1 January 2016)

    - IAS 1 Disclosure Initiative (Effective 1 January 2016)

    The Directors anticipate that the adoption of these standards effective in a
    future period will not have a material impact on the financial statements of
    the Company, other than IFRS 9. The Company is currently evaluating the
    potential effect of this standard.

    IFRS 9 'Financial Instruments' does not currently have a mandatory effective
    date and amends IAS 39. IFRS 9 specifies how an entity should classify and
    measure financial assets, including some hybrid contracts. They require all
    financial assets to be classified on the basis of the entity's business model
    for managing the financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics
    of the financial asset; this classification includes financial assets initially
    measured at fair value plus, in the case of a financial asset not at fair value
    through profit or loss, particular transaction costs; subsequently measured at
    amortised costs or fair value. These requirements improve and simplify the
    approach for classification and measurement of financial assets compared with
    the requirements of IAS 39. They apply a consistent approach to classifying
    financial assets and replace the numerous categories of financial assets in IAS
    39, each of which had its own classification criteria.

    d) Standards, amendments and interpretations issued but not yet effective

    They also result in one impairment method, replacing the numerous impairment
    methods in IAS 39 that arise from the different classification.

    e) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss


    The Company classifies its investments in credit securities and derivatives as
    financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.

    This category has two sub-categories: financial assets or financial liabilities
    held for trading; and those designated at fair value through profit or loss at

     i. Financial assets and liabilities held for trading:

    A financial asset or financial liability is classified as held for trading if
    it is acquired or incurred principally for the purpose of selling or
    repurchasing in the near term or if on initial recognition is part of a
    portfolio of identifiable financial investments that are managed together and
    for which there is evidence of a recent actual pattern of short-term profit
    taking. Derivatives are categorised as held for trading. The Company does not
    classify any derivatives as hedges in a designated hedging relationship and
    therefore does not apply hedge accounting.

     i. Financial assets and financial liabilities designated at fair value through
        profit or loss:

    Financial assets and financial liabilities designated at fair value through
    profit or loss at inception are financial instruments that are not classified
    as held for trading but are managed, and their performance is evaluated on a
    fair value basis in accordance with the Company's documented investment

    The Company's policy requires the Portfolio Manager and the Board of Directors
    to evaluate the information about these financial assets and liabilities on a
    fair value basis together with other related financial information.

    Recognition, derecognition and measurement

    Regular purchases and sales of investments are recognised on the trade date -
    the date on which the Company commits to purchase or sell the investment.
    Financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
    are initially recognised at fair value. Transaction costs are expensed as
    incurred in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. Financial assets are
    derecognised when the rights to receive cash flows from the investments have
    expired or the Company has transferred substantially all risks and rewards of

    The Company may invest in any category of credit security, including, without
    prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, bank capital, corporate bonds,
    high yield bonds, leveraged loans, payment-in-kind notes and asset backed

    The Company records any principal repayments as they arise and realises a gain
    or loss in the net gains on financial assets at fair value through profit or
    loss in the Statement of Comprehensive Income in the period in which they

    The interest income arising on these Credit Securities is recognised on a
    time-proportionate basis using the effective interest rate method and shown
    within income in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.

    Fair value estimation

    Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to
    transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at
    the measurement date. Investments in Credit Securities are fair valued in
    accordance with either i) or ii) below and the change in fair value, if any, is
    recorded as net gains/(losses) on financial assets/(liabilities) at fair value
    through profit or loss in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.

     i. Credit Securities traded or dealt on an active market or exchange

    Credit Securities that are traded or dealt on an active market or exchange are
    valued by reference to their quoted mid-market price as at the close of trading
    on the reporting date as the Directors deem the mid-market price to be a
    reasonable approximation of an exit price.

     i. Credit Securities not traded or dealt on an active market or exchange

    Credit Securities which are not traded or dealt on active markets or exchanges
    are valued by reference to their mid-price, as at the close of business on the
    reporting date as determined by an independent price vendor. If a price cannot
    be obtained from an independent price vendor, or where the Portfolio Manager
    determines that the provided price is not an accurate representation of the
    fair value of the Credit Security, the Portfolio Manager will source mid-price
    quotes at the close of business on the reporting date from independent third
    party brokers/dealers for the relevant security. If no mid-price is available
    then a bid-price will be used.

    In cases where no third party price is available (either from an independent
    price vendor or independent third party brokers/dealers), or where the
    Portfolio Manager determines that the provided price is not an accurate
    representation of the fair value of the Credit Security, the Portfolio Manager
    will determine the valuation based on the Portfolio Manager's valuation policy.
    This may include the use of a comparable arm's length transaction, reference to
    other securities that are substantially the same, discounted cash flow analysis
    and other valuation techniques commonly used by market participants making the
    maximum use of market inputs and relying as little as possible on
    entity-specific inputs.

    Over-the-counter derivative contracts such as Interest Rate Swaps are valued on
    a weekly basis. This may be done using reference to data supplied from an
    independent data source or an alternative vendor as deemed suitable by the
    Directors. Where data from an independent data source is not available, the
    valuation may be done by using the counterparty's valuation provided that the
    valuation is approved or verified by a party who is approved for the purpose by
    the Directors and who is independent of the counterparty.

    Forward foreign currency contracts

    Forward foreign currency contracts are derivative contracts and as such are
    recognised at fair value on the date on which they are entered into and
    subsequently measured at their fair value. Fair value is determined by rates in
    active currency markets. All forward foreign currency contracts are carried as
    assets when fair value is positive and as liabilities when fair value is
    negative. Gains and losses on forward currency contracts are recognised as part
    of net foreign currency gains in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.

    Interest rate swaps

    Interest rate swaps are derivative contracts and as such are recognised at fair
    value on the date on which they are entered into and subsequently measured at
    their fair value. Fair value is determined by rates provided by brokers. All
    interest rate swaps are carried as assets when fair value is positive and as
    liabilities when fair value is negative. Gains and losses on interest rate
    swaps are recognised as part of net gains and losses on financial assets at
    fair value through profit or loss in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.


    Financial assets that are stated at cost or amortised cost are reviewed at each
    reporting date to determine whether there is objective evidence of impairment.
    If any such indication exists, an impairment loss is recognised in the
    Statement of Comprehensive Income as the difference between the asset's
    carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted
    at the financial asset's effective interest rate.

    f) Offsetting financial instruments

    Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the
    Statement of Financial Position when there is a legally enforceable right to
    offset the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net
    basis or realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. Derivatives
    are not settled on a net basis and therefore derivative assets and liabilities
    are shown gross.

    g) Amounts due from and due to brokers

    Amounts due from and to brokers represent receivables for securities sold and
    payables for securities purchased that have been contracted for but not yet
    settled or delivered on the statement of financial position date respectively.
    These amounts are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently measured
    at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.

    h) Income

    Interest income is recognised on a time-proportionate basis using the effective
    interest rate method. Discounts received or premiums paid in connection with
    the acquisition of Credit Securities are amortised into interest income using
    the effective interest rate method over the expected life of the related

    The effective interest rate method is a method of calculating the amortised
    cost of a financial asset or financial liability and of allocating the interest
    income or interest expense over the relevant period. The effective interest
    rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments or
    receipts throughout the expected life of the financial instrument, or, when
    appropriate, a shorter period, to the net carrying amount of the financial
    asset or financial liability.

    When calculating the effective interest rate, the Portfolio Manager estimates
    cash flows considering the expected life of the financial instrument, including
    future credit losses and deferred interest payments. The calculation includes
    all fees and points paid or received between parties to the contract that are
    an integral part of the effective interest rate and all other premiums or

    i) Cash and cash equivalents

    Cash and cash equivalents comprises cash in hand and deposits held at call with
    banks and other short-term investments in an active market with original
    maturities of three months or less and bank overdrafts. Bank overdrafts are
    included in current liabilities in the Statement of Financial Position.

    j) Share capital

    Ordinary Shares are classified as equity. Incremental costs directly
    attributable to the issue of Ordinary Shares are shown in equity as a
    deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds and disclosed in the Statement of
    Changes in Equity.

    Repurchased Tendered Shares are treated as a distribution of capital and
    deducted from the Share Capital account.

    k) Foreign currency translation

    Functional and presentation currency

    Items included in the financial statements are measured using Sterling, the
    currency of the primary economic environment in which the Company operates (the
    "functional currency"). The Financial Statements are presented in Sterling,
    which is the Company's presentation currency.

    Transactions and balances

    Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using
    the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign
    currency assets and liabilities are translated into the functional currency
    using the exchange rate prevailing at the statement of financial position date.

    Foreign exchange gains and losses relating to the financial assets and
    liabilities carried at fair value through profit or loss are presented in the
    Statement of Comprehensive Income.

    l) Transaction costs

    Transaction costs on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
    include fees and commissions paid to agents, advisers, brokers and dealers.
    Transaction costs, when incurred, are immediately recognised in the Statement
    of Comprehensive Income.

    m) Segment reporting

    Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal
    reporting provided to the chief operating decision-maker. The chief operating
    decision-maker, who is responsible for allocating resources and assessing
    performance of the operating segments, has been identified as the Board. The
    Directors are of the opinion that the Company is engaged in a single segment of
    business, being investments in Credit Securities. The Directors manage the
    business in this way. For additional information refer to note 18.

    n) Expenses

    All expenses are included in the Statement of Comprehensive Income on an
    accruals basis and are recognised through profit or loss in the Statement of
    Comprehensive Income.

    o) Other receivables

    Other receivables are amounts due in the ordinary course of business. If
    collection is expected in one year or less, they are classified as current
    assets. If not, they are presented as non-current assets. Other receivables are
    recognised initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost
    using the effective interest rate method, less provision for impairment.

    p) Other payables

    Other payables are obligations to pay for services that have been acquired in
    the ordinary course of business. Other payables are classified as current
    liabilities if payment is due within one year or less. If not, they are
    presented as non-current liabilities. Other payables are recognised initially
    at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective
    interest rate method.

    q) Dividend distributions

    Dividend distributions to the Company's shareholders are recognised as
    liabilities in the Company's financial statements and disclosed in the
    Statement of Changes in Equity in the period in which the dividends are
    approved by the Board.

    r) Income equalization on new issues

    In order to ensure there are no dilutive effects on earnings per share for
    current shareholders when issuing new shares, a transfer is made between share
    capital and income to reflect that amount of income included in the purchase
    price of the new shares.

    s) Treasury Shares

    The Company has the right to issue and purchase up to 14.99% of the total
    number of its own shares, as disclosed in note 12.

    Shares held in Treasury are excluded from calculations when determining
    Earnings per Ordinary Share or Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share as detailed
    in notes 4 and 6.

    3.    Significant accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions

           The preparation of the Company's Financial Statements requires
    management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the
    reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities and the
    accompanying disclosures. Uncertainty about these assumptions and estimates
    could result in outcomes that require a material adjustment to the carrying
    amount of assets or liabilities affected in future periods.

    (i) Judgements

    In the process of applying the Company's accounting policies, management has
    made the following judgements, which have the most significant effect on the
    amounts recognised in the Financial Statements:

    Functional currency

    As disclosed in note 2(k), the Company's functional currency is Sterling.
    Sterling is the currency in which the Company measures its performance and
    reports its results, as well as the currency in which it receives subscriptions
    from its investors. Dividends are also paid to its investors in Sterling. The
    Directors believe that Sterling best represents the functional currency.

    (ii) Estimates and assumptions

           The key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of
    estimation uncertainty at the reporting date, that have a significant risk of
    causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities
    within the next financial year, are described below. The Company based its
    assumptions and estimates on parameters available when the Financial Statements
    were prepared. Existing circumstances and assumptions about future
    developments, however, may change due to market changes or circumstances
    arising which are beyond the control of the Company. Such changes are reflected
    in the assumptions when they occur.

    (a) Fair value of securities not quoted in active markets

           The Company carries its investments in Credit Securities at fair value,
    with changes in value being recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive
    Income. In cases where prices of Credit Securities are not quoted in an active
    market, the Portfolio Manager will obtain prices determined at the close of
    business on the reporting date from an independent price vendor. The Portfolio
    Manager exercises its judgement on the quality of the independent price vendor
    and information provided. If a price cannot be obtained from an independent
    price vendor or where the Portfolio Manager determines that the provided price
    is not an accurate representation of the fair value of the Credit Security, the
    Portfolio Manager will source prices from independent third party brokers or
    dealers for the relevant security, which may be indicative rather than
    tradable. Where no third party price is available, or where the Portfolio
    Manager determines that the third party quote is not an accurate representation
    of the fair value, the Portfolio Manager will determine the valuation based on
    the Portfolio Manager's valuation policy. This may include the use of a
    comparable arm's length transaction, reference to other securities that are
    substantially the same, discounted cash flow analysis and other valuation
    techniques commonly used by market participants making the maximum use of
    market inputs and relying as little as possible on entity-specific inputs.

    (b) Estimated life of Credit Securities

    In determining the estimated life of the Credit Securities held by the Company,
    the Portfolio Manager estimates the remaining life of the security with respect
    to expected prepayment rates, default rates and loss rates together with other
    information available in the market underlying the security. The estimated life
    of the Credit Securities as determined by the Portfolio Manager, impacts the
    effective interest rate of the Credit Securities which in turn impacts the
    calculation of income as discussed in note 2(h).

    (c) Determination of observable inputs

           In note 17, Fair Value Measurement, when determining the levels of
    investments within the fair value hierarchy, the determination of what
    constitutes 'observable' requires significant judgement by the Company. The
    Company considers observable data to be market data that is readily available,
    regularly distributed or updated, reliable and verifiable, not proprietary, and
    provided by independent sources that are actively involved in the relevant

    4.    Earnings per Ordinary Share - Basic & Diluted

    The earnings per Ordinary Share - Basic and Diluted has been calculated based
    on the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares of 138,712,320 (30 September
    2014: 111,058,808) and a net gain for the year of £1,754,080 (30 September
    2014: £1,289,040).

    5.    Income on equalisation of new issues

           In order to ensure there were no dilutive effects on earnings per share
    for current shareholders when issuing new shares, earnings have been calculated
    in respect of the accrued income at the time of purchase and a transfer has
    been made from share capital to income to reflect this. The transfer for the
    year amounted to £113,679 (30 September 2014: £263,420).

    6.    Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share

    The net asset value of each Share of 92.59p (30 September 2014: £98.41p) is
    determined by dividing the net assets of the Company attributed to the Shares
    of £134,560,344 (30 September 2014: £123,194,466) by the number of Shares in
    issue at 30 September 2015 of 145,335,881 (30 September 2014: 125,185,881).

    7.    Taxation

    The Company has been granted Exempt Status under the terms of The Income Tax
    (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 1989 to income tax in Guernsey. Its
    liability for Guernsey taxation is limited to an annual fee of £1,200 (30
    September 2014: £600).

    8.    Net foreign currency gains

                                                         Year ended     For the period
                                                           30.09.15      from 12.02.14
                                                                              (date of
                                                                           to 30.09.14
                                                                  £                  £
    Movement in net unrealised (loss)/gain on forward   (2,172,265)          1,504,676
    currency contracts and spot currency contracts                                    
    Realised gain on forward currency contracts           5,657,181          2,824,471
    Realised currency loss                                 (17,758)          (821,357)
    Unrealised income exchange gain/(loss)                   77,552           (37,371)
                                                          3,544,710          3,470,419

    9.    Investments

                                                                       Year ended     For the period
                                                                         30.09.15      from 12.02.14
                                                                                            (date of
                                                                                        to 30.09.14 
                                                                                £                  £
    Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss:                                         
    Unlisted Investments:                                                                           
    Opening book cost                                                 122,539,767                  -
    Purchases at cost                                                  88,769,362        146,380,033
    Proceeds on sale/principal repayment                             (68,000,998)       (23,839,249)
    Amortisation adjustment under effective interest rate                 639,168            217,124
    Realised loss on sale/principal repayment                         (4,307,317)          (218,141)
    Closing book cost                                                 139,639,982        122,539,767
    Unrealised loss on investments                                   (10,837,913)        (5,231,169)
    Fair value                                                        128,802,069        117,308,598
    Realised loss on sales/principal repayment                       (4,307,317)           (218,141)
    Increase in unrealised loss                                      (5,606,744)         (5,231,169)
    Net loss on financial assets at fair value through profit or     (9,914,061)         (5,449,310)

    The Company does not experience any seasonality or cyclicality in its investing

    10. Other receivables

                                                              30.09.15      30.09.14
                                                                     £             £
    Amounts due from brokers                                 1,233,420             -
    Interest income receivable and accrued income            2,672,409     2,163,269
    Prepaid expenses                                            15,175         8,889
    Dividends receivable                                       107,227        93,375
                                                             4,028,231     2,265,533

    11.  Other payables

                                                             30.09.15     30.09.14
                                                                    £            £
    Portfolio Management fees payable                          92,094       80,887
    Directors' fee payable                                     26,875       20,625
    Administration fee payable                                 26,050       23,813
    AIFM management fee payable                                18,369        7,119
    Audit fee payable                                          45,700       45,000
    Broker fee payable                                              -       25,000
    General expenses payable                                   32,838       45,211
    Depositary fee payable                                      2,260        3,460
    Custody fee payable                                           954        1,928
                                                              245,140      253,043

    12.  Share Capital

    Authorised Share Capital

    The Directors may issue an unlimited number of Ordinary Shares at no par value
    and an unlimited number of Ordinary Shares with a par value.

    Issued Share Capital

                                                             30.09.15       30.09.14
                                                                    £              £
    Ordinary Shares                                                                 
    Share Capital at the beginning of the year            123,434,794              -
    Issue of shares                                        29,527,004    125,946,801
    Share issue costs                                       (339,085)    (2,248,587)
    Purchase of own shares into                          (13,451,019)              -
    Re-issuance of treasury shares                          3,551,432              -
    Income equalisation on new issues                       (113,679)      (263,420)
    Total Share Capital at the end of the year            142,609,447    123,434,794


                                                          30.09.15      30.09.14
                                                                 £             £
    Treasury Shares                                                             
    Share Capital at the beginning of the year/                  -             -
    Purchased                                           13,451,019             -
    Sold shares                                        (3,551,432)             -
    Total Share Capital at the end of the year/          9,899,587             -

    Reconciliation of number of Shares

                                                              30.09.15       30.09.14
                                                                Shares         Shares
    Ordinary Shares                                                                  
    Shares at the beginning of the year/                   125,185,881              -
    Issue of shares                                         30,723,887    125,185,881
    Purchase of own shares to hold in                     (14,173,887)              -
    Reissue of treasury shares                               3,600,000              -
    Total Shares in issue at the end of the year/          145,335,881    125,185,881

    The Ordinary Shares carry the following rights:

     a. the Ordinary Shares carry the right to receive all income of the Company
        attributable to the Ordinary Shares.

     a. the Shareholders present in person or by proxy or present by a duly
        authoriserepresentative at a general meeting has, on a show of hands, one
        vote and, on a poll, one vote for each Share held.

    Reconciliation of number of Treasury Shares

                                                            30.09.15      30.09.14
                                                              Shares        Shares
    Treasury Shares                                                               
    Shares at the beginning of the year/period                     -             -
    Purchased shares                                      14,173,887             -
    Sold shares                                          (3,600,000)             -
    Total Shares in issue at the end of the year          10,573,887             -

    The Company has the right to issue and purchase up to 14.99% of the total
    number of its own shares at £0.01 each, to be classed as Treasury Shares and
    may cancel those Shares or hold any such Shares as Treasury Shares, provided
    that the number of Shares held as Treasury Shares shall not at any time exceed
    10% of the total number of Shares of that class in issue at that time or such
    amount as provided in the Companies Law.

    On 13 February 2015 the Company purchased 14,173,887 Ordinary Shares of £0.01
    at a price of 94.90p to be held in treasury. The total amount paid to purchase
    these shares was £13,451,019 and has been deducted from the shareholders'
    equity. The Company has the right to re-issue these shares at a later date. All
    shares issued were fully paid. During the year 3,600,000 treasury shares were
    re-issued for a total consideration of £3,551,432.

    Shares held in Treasury are excluded from calculations when determining
    Earnings per Ordinary Share or Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share as detailed
    in notes 4 and 6.

    13.  Analysis of Financial Assets and Liabilities by Measurement Basis

                                                           Assets at fair                            
                                                            value through     Loans and              
                                                          profit and loss   receivables         Total
                                                                        £             £             £
    30 September 2015                                                                                
    Financial Assets as per Statement of Financial                                                   
    Investments at fair value through profit or loss:                                                
     -Bonds                                                    94,262,743             -    94,262,743
     -Asset backed                                             35,378,946             -    35,378,946
     -Interest rate                                             (839,620)             -     (839,620)
    Derivative assets (see note                                   480,209             -       480,209
    Cash and cash                                                       -     4,532,345     4,532,345
    Other receivables                                                   -     4,028,231     4,028,231
                                                              129,282,278     8,560,576   137,842,854
                                                           Liabilities at         Other              
                                                            value through     financial              
                                                          profit and loss   liabilities         Total
                                                                        £             £             £
    30 September 2015                                                                                
    Financial Liabilities as per Statement of Financial                                              
    Amounts due to                                                      -     1,889,571     1,889,571
    Other payables                                                      -       245,140       245,140
    Derivative liabilities (see note                            1,147,799             -     1,147,799
                                                                1,147,799     2,134,711     3,282,510


                                                           Assets at fair                              
                                                            value through      Loans and               
                                                          profit and loss    receivables          Total
                                                                        £              £              £
    30 September 2014                                                                                  
    Financial Assets as per Statement of Financial                                                     
    Investments at fair value through profit or loss:                                                  
     -Preferred stock                                           2,895,000              -      2,895,000
     -Bonds                                                    80,408,167              -     80,408,167
     -Asset backed                                             34,258,005              -     34,258,005
     -Interest rate                                             (252,574)              -      (252,574)
    Derivative assets (see note                                 1,582,673              -      1,582,673
    Cash and cash                                                       -      4,912,175      4,912,175
    Other receivables                                                   -      2,265,533      2,265,533
                                                              118,891,271      7,177,708    126,068,979
                                                           Liabilities at          Other               
                                                            value through      financial               
                                                          profit and loss    liabilities          Total
                                                                        £              £              £
    30 September 2014                                                                                  
    Financial Liabilities as per Statement of Financial                                                
    Amounts due to                                                      -      2,543,473      2,543,473
    Other payables                                                      -        253,043        253,043
    Derivative liabilities (see note                               77,997              -         77,997
                                                                   77,997      2,796,516      2,874,513

    14.  Related Parties

           a) Directors' Remuneration & Expenses

    The Directors of the Company are remunerated for their services at such a rate
    as the Directors determine. The aggregate fees of the Directors will not exceed

    The annual Directors' fees comprise £30,000 payable to Ms Whittet, the Chair, £
    27,500 to Mr Legge as Chair of the Audit Committee and £25,000 each to Mr Emch
    and Mr Martin. During the year, Directors' fees of £112,842 (30 September 2014:
    £46,223) were charged to the Company, of which £26,875 (30 September 2014: £
    20,625) remained payable at the end of the year. Previously unrecognised
    Director fees of Ian Martin amounting to £5,342 was recognised as an expense
    for the year ended 30 September 2015. Directors' expenses for the year were £
    15,639 (30 September 2014: £3,975).

           b) Shares held by related parties

    The Directors of the Company held the following shares beneficially:

                                                                   Number of Shares 
                                                                   30.09.15 30.09.14
    Claire Whittet                                                   25,000   10,000
    Christopher Legge                                                50,000   25,000
    Thomas Emch                                                      25,000   25,000
    Ian Martin                                                       25,000        -

    Directors are entitled to receive a dividend on any shares held by them during
    the year. Dividends declared by the Company are set out in note 19.

    As at 30 September 2015, the Portfolio Manager held no Shares (30 September
    2014: 400,000 Shares), which is 0% (30 September 2014: 0.32%) of the Issued
    Share Capital. Due to changes in the firm's capital approach in connection with
    the majority purchase by Vontobel Group AG, the Portfolio Manager sold its
    holding in the Company in March 2015. Partners and employees of the Portfolio
    Manager increased their holdings during the year, and held 883,227 (30
    September 2014: 548,336), which is 0.61% (30 September 2014: 0.44%) of the
    Issued Share Capital.

    c) Portfolio Manager

    The portfolio management fee is payable to the Portfolio Manager, TwentyFour
    Asset Management LLP, monthly in arrears at a rate of 0.75% per annum of the
    lower of NAV, which is calculated weekly on each valuation day, or market
    capitalisation of each class of shares. Total investment management fees for
    the year amounted to £998,154 (30 September 2014: £468,360) of which £92,094
    (30 September 2014: £80,887) is payable at year end. The Portfolio Management
    Agreement dated 17 February 2014 remains in force until determined by the
    Company or the Portfolio Manager giving the other party not less than twelve
    months' notice in writing. Under certain circumstances, the Company or the
    Portfolio Manager is entitled to immediately terminate the agreement in

    The Portfolio Manager is also entitled to a commission of 0.175% of the
    aggregate gross offering proceeds plus any applicable VAT in relation to any
    issue of new Shares, following admission, in consideration of marketing
    services that it provides to the Company. During the year, the Portfolio
    Manager received £34,348 (30 September 2014: £40,605) in commission.

    On 30 April 2015, the Portfolio Manager entered into a strategic partnership
    with Vontobel Asset Management ("Vontobel"), the multi-boutique asset manager
    and subsidiary of the Vontobel Group. Vontobel acquired a 60 percent stake in
    TwentyFour Asset Management LLP. The strategic partnership has had no impact on
    the Portfolio Manager's activities and fees.

    The transaction strengthens Vontobel's presence in the UK market, extends its
    fixed income product offering and underlines its commitment to broaden its
    asset management business through targeted investments.

    Portfolio Manager's Partners continue to manage Portfolio Manager's day-to-day
    operations, retaining full authority over fund investment decisions. The
    established Portfolio Manager brand remains in place. Portfolio Manager's
    Partners and key employees retains a 40% stake in the business and remains
    fully committed to Portfolio Manager. To further strengthen alignment, the
    Partners have agreed to reinvest a significant share of their consideration
    into existing Portfolio Manager or Vontobel investment funds. In line with
    Vontobel's multi-boutique structure, both firms' investment platforms will
    operate independently of each other to ensure a continuation of their strong
    performance record. The 40% stake held by the Partners will be acquired by
    Vontobel over the longer-term.

    15.  Material Agreements

    a) Alternative Investment Fund Manager

    The Company's AIFM is Phoenix Fund Services (UK) Limited. In consideration for
    the services provided by the AIFM under the AIFM Agreement the AIFM is entitled
    to receive from the Company a minimum fee of £20,000 per annum and fees payable
    quarterly in arrears at a rate of 0.07% of the Net Asset Value of the Company
    below £50 million, 0.05% on Net Assets between £50 million and £100 million and
    0.03% on Net Assets in excess of £100 million. During the year, AIFM fees of £
    76,175 (30 September 2014: £7,119) were charged to the Company, of which £
    18,369 (30 September 2014: £7,119) remained payable at the end of the year.

    b) Administrator and Secretary

    Administration fees are payable to Northern Trust International Fund
    Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited monthly in arrears at a rate of
    0.06% of the Net Asset Value of the Company below £100 million, 0.05% on Net
    Assets between £100 million and £200 million and 0.04% on Net Assets in excess
    of £200 million as at the last business day of the month subject to a minimum £
    50,000 in the first year of admission and £75,000 for each year thereafter. In
    addition, an annual fee of £25,000 will be charged for corporate governance and
    company secretarial services. During the year, administration and secretarial
    fees of £101,544                   (30 September 2014: £52,314) were charged to
    the Company, of which £26,050 (30 September 2014: £23,813) remained payable at
    the end of the year.

    c) Placing Agent

    For its services as the Company's placing agent pursuant to a placing agreement
    dated               17 February 2014 in connection with the initial public
    offering ("IPO") of shares in March 2014, Numis Securites Limited (the "Placing
    Agent") was entitled to receive a fee of 2% of the gross proceeds of the IPO.
    The placing agent received a fee of £1,930,360 under this agreement.

    The Placing Agent is also entitled to receive commission of 1% on all tap
    issues. During the year the Placing Agent received £196,274 (30 September 2014:
    £232,110) in commission.

    d) Depositary

    Depositary's fees are payable to Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited monthly in
    arrears at a rate of 0.0175% of the Net Asset Value of the Company below £100
    million, 0.0150% on Net Assets between £100 million and £200 million and
    0.0125% on Net Assets in excess of £200 million as at the last business day of
    the month subject to a minimum £15,000 in the first year of admission and £
    25,000 for each year thereafter. During the year, depositary fees of £23,183
         (30 September 2014: £8,244) were charged to the Company, of which £2,260
    (30 September 2014: £3,460) remained payable at the end of the year.

    The Depositary is also entitled to a Global Custody fee of a minimum of £8,500
    per annum plus transaction fees. Total Global Custody fees and charges for the
    year amounted to £15,953     (30 September 2014: £7,152) of which £954 (30
    September 2014: £1,928) is due and payable at the end of the year.

    16.  Financial Risk Management

    The Company's objective in managing risk is the creation and protection of
    shareholder value. Risk is inherent in the Company's activities, but it is
    managed through an ongoing process of identification, measurement and

    The Company's financial instruments include investments designated at fair
    value through profit or loss and cash and cash equivalents. The main risks
    arising from the Company's financial instruments are market price risk,
    interest rate risk, credit risk, liquidity risk and currency risk. The
    techniques and instruments utilised for the purposes of efficient portfolio
    management are those which are reasonably believed by the Board to be
    economically appropriate to the efficient management of the Company.

    Market risk

    Market risk embodies the potential for both losses and gains and includes
    currency risk, interest rate risk and price risk. The Company's strategy on the
    management of market risk is driven by the Company's investment objective. The
    Company's investment objective is to generate attractive risk adjusted returns
    principally through investment in Credit Securities.

    (i) Price risk

    The underlying investments comprised in the portfolio are subject to price
    risk. The Company is therefore at risk that market events may affect
    performance and in particular may affect the value of the Company's investments
    which are valued on a mark to market and mark to model basis. Price risk is
    risk associated with changes in market prices or rates, including interest
    rates, availability of credit, inflation rates, economic uncertainty, changes
    in laws, national and international political circumstances. The Company's
    policy is to manage price risk by holding a diversified portfolio of assets,
    through its investments in Credit Securities.

    The Company's policy also stipulates that at purchase no more than 5% of the
    Portfolio value can be exposed to any single Credit Security or issuer of
    Credit Securities.

    The price of a Credit Security can be affected by a number of factors,
    including: (i) changes in the market's perception of the underlying assets
    backing the security; (ii) economic and political factors such as interest
    rates and levels of unemployment and taxation which can have an impact on the
    arrears, foreclosures and losses incurred with respect to the pool of assets
    backing the security; (iii) changes in the market's perception of the adequacy
    of credit support built into the security's structure to protect against losses
    caused by arrears and foreclosures; (iv) changes in the perceived
    creditworthiness of the originator of the security or any other third parties
    to the transaction; (v) the speed at which mortgages or loans within the pool
    are repaid by the underlying borrowers (whether voluntary or due to arrears or

    (ii) Reinvestment risk

    Reinvestment risk is the risk that future coupons from a bond will not be
    reinvested at the prevailing interest rate when the bond was initially

    A key determinant of a bond's yield is the price at which it is purchased and,
    therefore, when the market price of bonds generally increases, the yield of
    bonds purchased generally decreases. As such, the overall yield of the
    portfolio, and therefore the level of dividends payable to Shareholders, would
    fall to the extent that the market prices of Credit Securities generally rise
    and the proceeds of Credit Securities held by the Company that mature or are
    sold are not able to be reinvested in Credit Securities with a yield comparable
    to that of the portfolio as a whole.

    Price sensitivity analysis

    The following details the Company's sensitivity to movement in market prices.
    The analysis is based on a 5% increase or decrease in market prices. This
    represents management's best estimate of a reasonable possible shift in market
    prices, having regard to historical volatility.

    At 30 September 2015, if the market prices had been 5% higher with all other
    variables held constant, the increase in the net assets attributable to equity
    Shareholders would have been £6,440,103 (30 September 2014: £5,865,430). The
    total comprehensive income for the year would have also increased by £87,704
    (30 September 2014: £64,452). An equal change in the opposite direction would
    have decreased the net assets attributable to equity Shareholders and total
    comprehensive income respectively.

    Actual trading results may differ from the above sensitivity analysis and those
    differences may be material.

    Interest rate risk

    Interest rate risk arises from the possibility that changes in interest rates
    will affect the fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit or

           The tables below summarise the Company's exposure to interest rate risk:

                                         Floating    Fixed rate    Non-interest         Total
                                             rate                       bearing              
    As at 30 September 2015                     £             £               £             £
    Financial assets at fair           45,203,982    83,598,087               -   128,802,069
    value through profit or                                                                  
    Receivables                                 -             -       4,028,231     4,028,231
    Cash and cash                       4,532,345             -               -     4,532,345
    Derivative assets                           -             -         480,209       480,209
    Derivative                                  -             -     (1,147,799)              
    liabilities                                                                   (1,147,799)
    Amounts due to broker                       -             -     (1,889,571)              
    Other payables                              -             -       (245,140)     (245,140)
    Net current assets                 49,736,327    83,598,087       1,225,930   134,560,344
                                         Floating    Fixed rate    Non-interest         Total
                                             rate                       bearing              
    As at 30 September 2014                     £             £               £             £
    Financial assets at fair           37,960,377    76,453,221       2,895,000   117,308,598
    value through profit or                                                                  
    Receivables                           599,396     1,563,873         102,264     2,265,533
    Cash and cash                       4,912,175             -               -     4,912,175
    Derivative assets                           -             -       1,582,673     1,582,673
    Derivative                                  -             -        (77,997)      (77,997)
    Amounts due to broker                       -             -     (2,543,473)              
    Other payables                              -             -       (253,043)     (253,043)
    Net current assets                 43,471,948    78,017,094       1,705,424   123,194,466

    The Company holds fixed rate and floating rate financial instruments which,
    based on current portfolio duration, have low exposure to fair value interest
    rate risk as, when the short-term interest rates increase, the interest rate on
    a floating rate note will increase. The maximum time to re-fix interest rates
    is six months and therefore the Company has minimal interest rate risk. The
    value of Credit securities may be affected by interest rate movements. Interest
    receivable on bank deposits or payable on bank overdraft positions will be
    affected by fluctuations in interest rates, however the underlying cash
    positions will not be affected.

    The Company's continuing position in relation to interest rate risk is
    monitored on a weekly basis by the Portfolio Manager as part of its review of
    the weekly Net Asset Value calculations prepared by the Company's

    Credit risk

    Credit risk refers to the risk that a counterparty will default on its
    contractual obligations resulting in financial loss to the Company. The Company
    has a credit policy in place and the exposure to credit risk is monitored on an
    on-going basis.

    The main concentration of credit risk to which the Company is exposed arises
    from the Company's investments in Credit Securities. The Company is also
    exposed to counterparty credit risk on forwards, cash and cash equivalents,
    amounts due from brokers and other receivable balances.

    The Company's policy to manage this risk is by maintaining a portfolio
    diversified by issuer and invests in Credit Securities with at least one
    investment grade rating from an internationally recognised credit agency. The
    Company also manages this credit risk by investing no more than 5% of the
    portfolio value in any single Credit Security or issuer of Credit Securities.

           Portfolio of debt securities by ratings category assigned by Standard
    and Poor's:

    BBB-                                                                    2.12%
    BB+                                                                     8.99%
    BB                                                                      2.22%
    BB-                                                                     2.25%
    B+                                                                      9.99%
    B                                                                      13.10%
    B-                                                                     18.55%
    BE                                                                      2.10%
    B-E                                                                     0.82%
    CCC+                                                                   17.61%
    CCC                                                                     0.74%
    CC                                                                      0.96%
    PB-                                                                     1.15%
    NR                                                                     17.68%
    MULT                                                                    1.72%

    To further understand credit risk, the Portfolio Manager undertakes extensive
    due diligence procedures on investments in Credit Securities and monitors the
    on-going investment in these securities.

    The Company manages its counterparty exposure in respect of cash and cash
    equivalents and forwards by investing with counterparties with a "single A" or
    higher credit rating. The majority of cash is currently placed with The
    Northern Trust Company. The Company is subject to credit risk to the extent
    that this institution may be unable to return this cash. The Northern Trust
    Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Northern Trust Corporation. The
    Northern Trust Corporation is publicly traded and a constituent of S&P 500. The
    Northern Trust Corporation has a credit rating of A+ from Standard & Poor's and
    A2 from Moody's.

    The Company's maximum credit exposure is limited to the carrying amount of
    financial assets recognised as at the statement of financial position date, as
    summarised below:

                                                              30.09.15       30.09.14
                                                                     £              £
    Investments                                            128,802,069    117,308,598
    Cash and cash equivalents                                4,532,345      4,912,175
    Derivative                                                 480,209      1,582,673
    Other                                                    4,028,231      2,265,533
                                                           137,842,854    126,068,979

    Investments in Credit Securities that are not backed by mortgages present
    certain risks that are not presented by mortgage-backed securities ("MBS").
    Primarily, these securities may not have the benefit of the same security
    interest in the related collateral. Therefore, there is a possibility that
    recoveries on defaulted collateral may not, in some cases, be available to
    support payments on these securities. The risk of investing in these types of
    Credit Securities is ultimately dependent upon payment of the underlying debt
    by the debtor.

    Liquidity risk

    Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company may not be able to generate
    sufficient cash resources to settle its obligations in full as they fall due or
    can only do so on terms that are materially disadvantageous.

    Investments made by the Company in Credit Securities may be relatively illiquid
    and this may limit the ability of the Company to realise its investments.
    Investments in Credit Securities may also have no active market and the Company
    also has no redemption rights in respect of these investments. The Company has
    the ability to borrow to ensure sufficient cash flows.

    The Portfolio Manager considers expected cash flows from financial assets in
    assessing and managing liquidity risk, in particular its cash resources and
    trade receivables. Cash flows from trade and other receivables are all
    contractually due within twelve months.

    The Portfolio Manager shall maintain a liquidity management policy to monitor
    the liquidity risk of the Company.

    Shareholders have no right to have their shares redeemed or repurchased by the
    Company, except as detailed under the Capital Risk Management (Quarterly
    Tenders) section of this note. Shareholders wishing to release their investment
    in the Company are therefore required to dispose of their shares on the market.
    Therefore under normal market conditions there is a low risk that the Company
    will not be able to fund redemption requests.

    The table below analyses the Company's liabilities into relevant maturity
    groupings based on the maturities at the statement of financial position date.
    The amounts in the table are the undiscounted net cash flows on the financial

    As at 30 September 2015

                                      Up to 1    1-6 months         6-12        Total 
                                        month                     months              
                                            £             £            £             £
    Amounts due to brokers        (1,889,571)             -            -   (1,889,571)
    Derivative liabilities        (1,147,799)             -            -   (1,147,799)
    Other payables                  (199,440)      (45,700)            -     (245,140)
    Total                         (3,236,810)      (45,700)            -   (3,282,510)

    As at 30 September 2014

                                      Up to 1    1-6 months         6-12        Total 
                                        month                     months              
                                            £             £            £             £
    Amounts due to brokers        (2,543,473)             -            -   (2,543,473)
    Derivative liabilities           (77,997)             -            -      (77,997)
    Other payables                  (208,043)      (45,000)            -     (253,043)
    Total                         (2,829,513)      (45,000)            -   (2,874,513)

    Foreign currency risk

    Foreign currency risk is the risk that the value of a financial instrument will
    fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates. The Company invests
    predominantly in non-Sterling assets while its Shares are denominated in
    Sterling, its expenses are incurred in Sterling and its presentational currency
    is Sterling. Therefore the Statement of Financial Position may be significantly
    affected by movements in the exchange rate between foreign currencies and
    Sterling. The Company manages the exposure to currency movements by using spot
    and forward foreign exchange contracts, rolling forward on a periodic basis.

    At year end, the Company had sixteen (30 September 2014: six) open forward
    currency contracts and five (30 September 2014: Nil) open spot currency

    Open forward currency contracts

                                                         Outstanding         Mark to      Unrealised
                                                           contracts          market          gains/
                                                                          equivalent        (losses)
                                            30.09.15        30.09.15        30.09.15        30.09.15
                                            Currency               £               £               £
    Sixteen Sterling forward foreign currency                                                       
    2 CHF forward foreign currency       (8,550,000)     (5,790,367)     (5,779,563)          10,804
    3 EUR forward foreign currency      (89,400,000)    (66,323,609)    (65,914,740)         408,869
    2 USD forward foreign currency         4,400,000       2,876,274       2,904,770          28,496
    4 EUR forward foreign currency      (96,400,000)    (70,494,957)    (71,038,466)       (543,509)
    2 SEK forward foreign currency      (17,750,000)     (1,376,568)     (1,397,625)        (21,057)
    2 USD forward foreign currency      (31,000,000)    (20,265,914)    (20,466,453)       (200,539)
    1 CHF forward foreign currency         (200,000)       (132,901)       (135,128)         (2,227)
                                                         Outstanding         Mark to      Unrealised
                                                           contracts          market          gains/
                                                                          equivalent        (losses)
                                            30.09.14        30.09.14        30.09.14        30.09.14
                                            Currency               £               £               £
    Six Sterling forward foreign                                                                    
    3 EUR forward foreign currency        77,656,651      62,070,951      60,514,258       1,556,693
    1 CHF forward foreign currency         1,900,000       1,241,074       1,226,632          14,442
    1 SEK forward foreign currency        10,060,000         872,412         860,874          11,538
    1 USD forward foreign currency         8,429,402       5,121,735       5,199,732        (77,997)

    Open spot currency contracts

                                                  Outstanding        Mark to     Unrealised
                                                    contracts         market         gains/
                                                                  equivalent       (losses)
                                       30.09.15      30.09.15       30.09.15       30.09.15
                                       Currency             £              £              £
    Five Sterling spot                                                                     
    1 EUR spot currency             (1,800,000)   (1,328,850)    (1,326,457)          2,393
    1 SEK spot currency               8,800,000       687,022        692,679          5,657
    1 USD spot currency              13,300,000     8,756,337      8,780,327         23,990
    1 EUR spot currency              93,800,000    69,496,420     69,123,125      (373,295)
    1 CHF spot currency               4,400,000     2,980,020      2,972,848        (7,172)

    As at 30 September 2015 and 2014 the Company held the following assets and
    liabilities denominated in currencies other than Pounds Sterling:

                                                                   30.09.15        30.09.14
                                                                          £               £
    Investments                                                  77,667,796      65,827,923
    Cash and cash equivalents                                     2,253,255         669,801
    Other                                                         2,852,506       1,297,879
    Less: Open forward currency contracts                     (161,827,206)    (67,801,496)
    Less: Open spot currency contracts                           80,242,525               -
                                                                  1,188,876         (5,893)

    The table below summarises the sensitivity of the Company's assets and
    liabilities to changes in foreign exchange movements between Euro and Sterling
    as at 30 September 2015 and 2014. The analysis is based on the assumption that
    the relevant foreign exchange rate increased/decreased by the percentage
    disclosed in the table, with all other variables held constant. This represents
    management's best estimate of a reasonable possible shift in the foreign
    exchange rates, having regard to historical volatility of those rates.

                                                                  30.09.15      30.09.14
                                                                         £             £
    Impact on Statement of Comprehensive Income                                         
    and Equity in response to a:                                                        
    - 5% increase in EUR/GBP                                      (41,367)       (4,241)
    - 5% decrease in EUR/GBP                                       115,958         8,493
    Impact on Statement of Changes in Equity in                                         
    response to a:                                                                      
    - 5% increase in EUR/GBP                                      (41,367)       (4,241)
    - 5% decrease in EUR/GBP                                       115,958         8,493

    Capital risk management

    The Company manages its capital to ensure that it is able to continue as a
    going concern while following the Company's stated investment policy. The
    capital structure of the Company consists of Shareholders' equity, which
    comprises share capital and other reserves. To maintain or adjust the capital
    structure, the Company may return capital to Shareholders or issue new Shares.
    There are no regulatory requirements to return capital to Shareholders.

    (i) Quarterly Tenders

    With the objective of minimising the risk of the Ordinary Shares trading at a
    discount to NAV and to assist in the narrowing of any discount at which the
    Ordinary Shares may trade from time to time, the Company has incorporated into
    its structure a mechanism (a ''Quarterly Tender''), contingent on certain
    factors as described below, which can be exercised at the discretion of the
    Directors, to provide Shareholders with a quarterly opportunity to submit
    Ordinary Shares for placing or repurchase by the Company at a price
    representing a discount of no more than 2% to the then prevailing NAV.

    Upon confirmation of the number of Tender Requests made in respect of each
    Quarter Record Date, the Company intends first, through its corporate broker
    acting on a reasonable endeavours basis, to seek to satisfy Tender Requests by
    placing the Tendered Shares with investors in the secondary market.

    Second, subject to the Tender Restrictions, the Company intends to repurchase
    for cancellation any Tendered Shares not placed in the secondary market.

    It is anticipated that the Company will tender on a quarterly basis for up to
    20% of the Ordinary Shares in issue as at the relevant Quarter Record Date,
    subject to an aggregate limit of 50% of the Ordinary Shares in issue in any
    twelve month period ending on the relevant Quarter Record Date.

    (ii)Share buybacks

    The Company has been granted the authority to make market purchases of up to a
    maximum of 14.99% of the aggregate number of Ordinary Redeemable Shares in
    issue immediately following Admission at a price not exceeding the higher of
    (i) 5% above the average of the mid-market values of the Ordinary Redeemable
    Shares for the 5 business days before the purchase is made or, (ii) the higher
    of the price of the last independent trade and the highest current investment
    bid for the Ordinary Redeemable Shares.

    In deciding whether to make any such purchases the Directors will have regard
    to what they believe to be in the best interests of Shareholders as a whole, to
    the applicable legal requirements and any other requirements in its Articles.
    The making and timing of any buybacks will be at the absolute discretion of the
    Board and not at the option of the Shareholders, and is expressly subject to
    the Company having sufficient surplus cash resources available (excluding
    borrowed moneys).

    The Listing Rules prohibit the Company from conducting any share buybacks
    during close periods immediately preceding the publication of annual and
    interim results.

    (iii) Continuation votes

    In the event that:

    (i) the Dividend Target is not met as disclosed in note 19; or

    (ii) on any Tender Submission Deadline, applications for the Company to
    repurchase 50% or more of the Company's issued Ordinary Shares, calculated as
    at the relevant Quarter Record Date, are received by the Company,

    A General Meeting will be convened at which the Directors will propose an
    Ordinary Resolution that the Company should continue as an investment company.
    If any such Ordinary Resolution is not passed, the Directors shall draw up
    proposals for the voluntary liquidation, unitisation, reorganisation or
    reconstruction of the Company for submission to the members of the Company at a
    General Meeting to be convened by the Directors for a date not more than 6
    months after the date of the meeting at which such Ordinary Resolution was not

    17.  Fair Value Measurement

    All assets and liabilities are carried at fair value or at carrying value which
    equates to fair value.

    IFRS 13 requires the Company to classify fair value measurements using a fair
    value hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making the
    measurements. The fair value hierarchy has the following levels:

    (i)   Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or
    liabilities            (level 1).

    (ii) Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are
    observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or
    indirectly (that is, derived from prices including interest rates, yield
    curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, credit risks and default rates) or
    other market corroborated inputs (level 2).

    (iii) Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market
    data (that is, unobservable inputs) (level 3).

    The following table analyses within the fair value hierarchy the Company's
    financial assets and liabilities (by class) measured at fair value as at 30
    September 2015 and 2014.

                                           Level 1       Level 2        Level 3          Total
                                                 £             £              £              £
    Financial assets at fair value                                                            
    through profit and loss:                                                                  
         -Preferred stock                        -             -              -              -
         -Bonds                                  -     2,452,088     91,810,655     94,262,743
         -Interest rate swaps                    -             -      (839,620)      (839,620)
         -Asset backed securities                -     4,024,690     31,354,256     35,378,946
        Derivative assets                        -       480,209              -        480,209
    Total assets as at 30 September              -     6,956,987    122,325,291    129,282,278
        Derivative liabilities                   -     1,147,799              -      1,147,799
    Total liabilities as at 30                                                                
    September 2015                               -     1,147,799              -      1,147,799
                                           Level 1       Level 2        Level 3          Total
                                                 £             £              £              £
    Financial assets at fair value                                                            
    through profit and loss:                                                                  
         -Preferred stock                        -             -      2,895,000      2,895,000
         -Bonds                                  -     3,727,025     76,681,142     80,408,167
         -Interest rate swaps                    -             -      (252,574)      (252,574)
         -Asset backed securities                -    13,814,087     20,443,918     34,258,005
        Derivative assets                        -     1,582,673              -      1,582,673
    Total assets as at 30 September              -    19,123,785     99,767,486    118,891,271
        Derivative liabilities                   -        77,997              -         77,997
    Total liabilities as at 30                                                                
    September 2014                               -        77,997              -         77,997

    Credit Securities which have a value based on quoted market prices in active
    markets are classified in level 1. At the end of the year/period, no Credit
    Securities held by the Company are classified as level 1.

    Credit Securities which are not traded or dealt on organised markets or
    exchanges are classified in level 2. The prices of these Credit Securities are
    obtained from an independent price vendor or where the Portfolio Manager
    determines that the price is not an accurate representation of the fair value
    of the Credit Security, the Portfolio Manager may source prices from third
    party broker or dealer quotes and if the price represents a firm tradable
    price, the Credit Security is classified in level 2.

    Credit Securities where no third party verifiable price is available are
    classified in level 3. The valuation of these Credit Securities will be
    determined based on the Portfolio Manager's valuation policy, which may include
    the use of a comparable arm's length transaction, reference to other securities
    that are substantially the same, discounted cash flow analysis and other
    valuation techniques. Where the Portfolio Manager sources prices from a third
    party broker or dealer quotes and these prices are indicative rather than
    tradable, the Credit Security is classified in level 3. Due to the inputs into
    the valuation of the Credit Securities classified in level 3 not being
    available or visible to the Company, no sensitivity on inputs can be performed.

    There were no transfers between level 1 and 2 during the year/period, however
    transfers between level 2 and 3 occurred based on the Portfolio Manager's
    ability to obtain a firm tradable price as detailed above.

    There were no changes in valuation techniques during the year.

    The following table presents the movement in level 3 instruments for the year
    ended               30 September 2015 by class of financial instrument.

                             Preferred           Bonds     Interest          Asset         Total 
                                 Stock                         Rate         backed               
                                                              Swaps     securities               
                                     £               £            £              £              £
    Opening balance          2,895,000      76,681,142    (252,574)     20,443,918     99,767,486
    Net purchases                           18,279,930                   7,892,798     26,172,728
    Investment             (2,895,000)       2,895,000            -              -              -
    Net realised gain                -     (2,455,922)            -      (728,036)    (3,184,358)
    loss for the year                                                                            
    included in the                                                                              
    Statement of                                                                                 
    Income for level 3                                                                           
    Net unrealised gain              -       (990,085)    (587,046)    (2,032,042)    (3,609,173)
    /(loss) for the                                                                              
    year included in                                                                             
    the Statement of                                                                             
    Income for level 3                                                                           
    Investments held at                                                                          
    30 September 2015                                                                            
    Transfer into Level              -       2,545,025            -      8,637,135     11,182,160
    Transfer out of                  -     (5,144,434)            -    (2,859,518)    (8,003,952)
    Level 3                                                                                      
    Closing balance                  -      91,810,656    (839,620)     31,354,255    122,325,291

    The following table presents the movement in level 3 instruments for the period
    ended 30 September 2014 by class of financial instrument.

                             Preferred          Bonds     Interest          Asset         Total 
                                 Stock                        Rate         backed               
                                                             Swaps     securities               
                                     £              £            £              £              £
    Opening balance                  -              -            -              -              -
    Net purchases            2,733,339     78,583,997            -     21,970,582    103,287,918
    Net unrealised gain        161,661    (1,902,855)    (252,274)    (1,526,664)    (3,520,432)
    /(loss) for the                                                                             
    period included in                                                                          
    the Statement of                                                                            
    Income for level 3                                                                          
    Investments held at                                                                         
    30 September 2014                                                                           
    Closing balance          2,895,000     76,681,142    (252,274)     20,443,918     99,767,486

                    There were no transfers between levels during the period ended
    30 September 2014.

    The following table analyses within the fair value hierarchy the Company's
    assets and liabilities not measured at fair value at 30 September 2015 but for
    which fair value is disclosed.

                                 Level 1         Level 2         Level 3           Total
                                       £               £               £               £
    Cash and cash              4,532,345               -               -       4,532,345
    Other receivables                  -       4,028,231               -       4,028,231
    Total                      4,532,345       4,028,231               -       8,560,576
    Amounts due to brokers             -       1,889,571               -       1,889,571
    Other payables                     -         245,140               -         245,140
    Total                              -       2,134,711               -       2,134,711

    The following table analyses within the fair value hierarchy the Company's
    assets and liabilities not measured at fair value at 30 September 2014 but for
    which fair value is disclosed.

                                 Level 1         Level 2         Level 3           Total
                                       £               £               £               £
    Cash and cash              4,912,175               -               -       4,912,175
    Other receivables                  -       2,265,533               -       2,265,533
    Total                      4,912,175       2,265,533               -       7,177,708
    Amounts due to brokers             -       2,543,473               -       2,543,473
    Other payables                     -         253,043               -         253,043
    Total                              -       2,796,516               -       2,796,516

    The assets and liabilities included in the above tables are carried at
    amortised cost; their carrying values are a reasonable approximation of fair

    Cash and cash equivalents include deposits held with banks.

    Amounts due to brokers and other payables represent the contractual amounts and
    obligations due by the Company for settlement of trades and expenses.

    18.  Segmental Reporting

                 The Board is responsible for reviewing the Company's entire
    portfolio and considers the business to have a single operating segment. The
    Board's asset allocation decisions are based on a single, integrated investment
    strategy, and the Company's performance is evaluated on an overall basis.

                 The Company invests in a diversified portfolio of Credit
    Securities. The fair value of the major financial instruments held by the
    Company and the equivalent percentages of the total value of the Company are
    reported in the Top Twenty Holdings.

                 Revenue earned is reported separately on the face of the Statement
    of Comprehensive Income as investment income being interest income received
    from Credit Securities.

    19.  Dividend Policy

                 The Board intends to distribute an amount at least equal to the
    value of the Company's net income arising each financial year to the holders of
    Ordinary Shares. However, there is no guarantee that the dividend target of 6.0
    pence per Ordinary Share for each financial year will be met or that the
    Company will make any distributions at all.

    Distributions made with respect to any income period comprise (a) the accrued
    income of the portfolio for the period (for these purposes, the Company's
    income will include the interest payable by the Credit Securities in the
    Portfolio and amortisation of any discount or premium to par at which a Credit
    Security is purchased over its remaining expected life), and (b) an additional
    amount to reflect any income purchased in the course of any share subscriptions
    that took place during the period.  Including purchased income in this way
    ensures that the income yield of the shares is not diluted as a consequence of
    the issue of new shares during an income period and (c) any income on the
    foreign exchange contracts caused by the libor differentials between each
    foreign exchange currency pair.

    The Board expects that dividends will constitute the principal element of the
    return to the holders of Ordinary Shares.

    The Company declared the following dividends in respect of the profit for the
    year ended 30 September 2015:

    Period to        Dividend       Net dividend    Ex-dividend date        Record date           Pay date
                     rate per               paid                                                          
                        Share    -Income                                                                  
                      (pence)                (£)                                                          
    31 October 2014      0.50            648,179    13 November 2014        14 November        28 November
                                                                                   2014               2014
    30 November 2014     0.50            650,679    18 December 2014        19 December        31 December
                                                                                   2014               2014
    31 December 2014     0.50            658,679     15 January 2015    16 January 2015    30 January 2015
    31 January 2015      0.50            708,679    19 February 2015        20 February        27 February
                                                                                   2015               2015
    28 February 2015     0.50            708,679       19 March 2015      20 March 2015      31 March 2015
    31 March 2015        0.50            713,681       16 April 2015      17 April 2015      30 April 2015
    30 April 2015        0.50            719,929         21 May 2015        22 May 2015        29 May 2015
    31 May 2015          0.50            719,929        18 June 2015       19 June 2015       30 June 2015
    30 June 2015         0.50            719,929        16 July 2015       17 July 2015       31 July 2015
    31 July 2015         0.50            719,929      20 August 2015     21 August 2015     28 August 2015
    31 August 2015       0.50            723,679        17 September       18 September       30 September
                                                                2015               2015               2015
    30 September         1.03          1,492,434     15 October 2015    16 October 2015    30 October 2015

    Under Guernsey law, companies can pay dividends in excess of accounting profit
    provided they satisfy the solvency test prescribed by The Companies (Guernsey)
    Law, 2008. The solvency test considers whether a company is able to pay its
    debts when they fall due, and whether the value of a company's assets is
    greater than its liabilities. The Board confirms that the Company passed the
    solvency test for each dividend paid.

    20.  Ultimate Controlling Party

           In the opinion of the Directors on the basis of shareholdings advised to
    them, the Company has no ultimate controlling party.

    21.  Subsequent Events

    These Financial Statements were approved for issuance by the Board on 14
    January 2016. Subsequent events have been evaluated until this date.

    Subsequent to the year end and up to the date of the Annual Report and Audited
    Financial Statements, the Company issued the following shares:

    In October 2015, 3,500,000 treasury shares were re-issued for a total
    consideration of £3,326,380.

    As at the date of the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements the
    Company had 148,835,881 shares in use of which 7,073,887 were held in treasury.

    On 8 October 2015, the Company declared a dividend of 1.03p per share.

    On 12 November 2015, the Company declared a dividend of 0.05p per share.

    On 10 December 2015, the Company declared a dividend of 0.05p per share.

    On 14 January 2016, the Company declared a dividend of 0.05p per share.


    Directors                                    Receiving Agent                      
    Claire Whittet (Chair)                       Computershare Investor Services PLC  
    Christopher Legge                            The Pavillions                       
    Thomas Emch                                  Bridgewater Road                     
    Ian Martin                                   Bristol, BS13 8AE                    
    Registered Office                            UK Legal Advisers to the Company     
    PO Box 255                                   Eversheds LLP                        
    Trafalgar Court                              One Wood Street                      
    Les Banques                                  London, EC2V 7WS                     
    St Peter Port                                                                     
    Guernsey, GY1 3QL                                                                 
    Portfolio Manager                            Guernsey Legal Advisers to the       
    TwentyFour Asset Management LLP              Carey Olsen                          
    24 Cornhill                                  Carey House                          
    London, EC3V 3ND                             Les Banques                          
                                                 St Peter Port                        
                                                 Guernsey, GY1 4BZ                    
    Alternative Investment Fund Manager          Independent Auditor                  
    Phoenix Fund Services (UK) Limited           PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLP        
    Springfield Lodge                            PO Box 321                           
    Colchester Road                              Royal Bank Place                     
    Chelmsford, CM2 5PW                          1 Glategny Esplanade                 
                                                 St Peter Port                        
                                                 Guernsey, GY1 4ND                    
    Custodian, Principal Banker and              Registrar                            
    Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited            Computershare Investor Services      
    PO Box 71                                    (Guernsey) Limited                   
    Trafalgar Court                              3rd Floor                            
    Les Banques                                  NatWest House                        
    St Peter Port                                Le Truchot                           
    Guernsey, GY1 3DA                            St Peter Port                        
                                                 Guernsey, GY1 1WD                    
    Administrator and Company Secretary          Broker and Financial Adviser         
    Northern Trust International Fund            Numis Securities Limited             
    Administration                               The London Stock Exchange Building   
    Services (Guernsey) Limited                                                       
    PO Box 255                                   10 Paternoster Square                
    Trafalgar Court                              London, EC4M 7LT                     
    Les Banques                                                                       
    St Peter Port                                                                     
    Guernsey, GY1 3QL